As much as I admire Michael Haneke's 1997 original "Funny Games" film, I realize its powerfully disturbing quality would turn some others away.I recommend the film very highly but ... moreAs much as I admire Michael Haneke's 1997 original "Funny Games" film, I realize its powerfully disturbing quality would turn some others away.I recommend the film very highly but I also know the movie is probably not for everyone.
Last night I dreamed I was climbing down this steep hillside. The ground was lose and dusty, maybe crushed shell. A maze of deep interwoven trails had worn down the who... moreLast night I dreamed I was climbing down this steep hillside. The ground was lose and dusty, maybe crushed shell. A maze of deep interwoven trails had worn down the whole slope. I was in danger of slipping and sliding down. The strangest thing made is even more difficult. I was carrying a scuba tank in a front carrier in the same way that some people carry a baby. What the He11 was that all about?
How's about childbirth? One gal will give you a blow-by-blow description of how bad it was how long it took how painful it was and and and and and. She will have been the one who t... moreHow's about childbirth? One gal will give you a blow-by-blow description of how bad it was how long it took how painful it was and and and and and. She will have been the one who talks to you about the morning sickness and the backaches and the kicking. Another gal having possibly experienced similar or the same degree of pain etcetera will simply tell you how joyful it was when they put the baby on her stomach and she saw her child for the first time and never talked about how she did for 9 months. She kept it to herself or she said it was easy peasy breezy. She didn't kvetch and moan and groan. Those women scare the bejesus out of women who never have been pregnant and make it sound like painful he**. One focuses on the difficulty/pain and the other focuses on the outcome. I don't know why people are like that. Do you? They will look at a scene and only always notice the shadows the dark side the underbelly. OR alternatively they don't notice the shadows because their attention is already captured by the light... less
Mom focused on what she didn't have, What she lacked. What she wanted. What she always longed for but never received/attained/achieved. My dad, on the other hand, always focu... more Mom focused on what she didn't have, What she lacked. What she wanted. What she always longed for but never received/attained/achieved. My dad, on the other hand, always focused on what he had and was perpetually grateful/thankful for it. As a result he was content. As a result she wan't so much. Luckily my baby sis and I take after our dad. After whom do you take or were both your parents on the same page vis a vis appreciation and gratitude?
That was at the Global Citizen 3-hour show from Johannesberg, South Africa! Long trip there from anywhere and tons of folks showed. There were 70,000 or so witnessing the show and ... moreThat was at the Global Citizen 3-hour show from Johannesberg, South Africa! Long trip there from anywhere and tons of folks showed. There were 70,000 or so witnessing the show and you could pay to get in. You had to have done something good for your community. Your ticket in. Nice prize for those who give back. Exclusive club. Obscenely wealthy takers would never be able to BUY THEIR WAY IN! Nice.
$7.3 BILLION! It will positively affect the lives of over 137 million people! It was 3 hours long and had some top performers. It was something to behold. How many of you bothered to watch?
A mate, a pal, friend? After assembly and final inspection in the QA Department the body would go through a magic beam and become 100% human! You'd go off together and it wou... moreA mate, a pal, friend? After assembly and final inspection in the QA Department the body would go through a magic beam and become 100% human! You'd go off together and it would be forever. You start off with your heart's desire/perfection what could possibly go wrong? No divorce. No estrangement. No rift. No arguments. Discussions of course and disagreements on occasion. No wars. No betrayals. No lies. No hurts. Heaven or he**?
Who removes that last chair? THE GREAT I AM? HE whose name should never be uttered? When that happens did anyone win? The last one out who shuts off the lights and closes the door ... moreWho removes that last chair? THE GREAT I AM? HE whose name should never be uttered? When that happens did anyone win? The last one out who shuts off the lights and closes the door and locks it to return nevermore? The end of the world, galaxies, universe?
Impulse buying vs investigative research then buying? Is it always dependent upon how much it costs? Something costing $5 you buy right away. Some costing $50 or $500 you don't. Is... moreImpulse buying vs investigative research then buying? Is it always dependent upon how much it costs? Something costing $5 you buy right away. Some costing $50 or $500 you don't. Is everything you do dependent on what the cost is to you? Financially or any other ially?
Though he has subsequently denied having said it Person Number One has been quoted as saying"The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmul... moreThough he has subsequently denied having said it Person Number One has been quoted as saying"The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day"Now we know devout Jewish men wear yarmulkes. So we know about which group Person Number One was referring.Here's the question. Is that stereotype a COMPLIMENT or an INSULT? I guess those who are of the Jewish faith would be best equipped to answer it but anyone? Whatcha think?
If those massive hordes of people heading for the US border were WEALTHY the john of don would welcome them, embrace them, extol their virtues. He will sleep with anyone literally ... moreIf those massive hordes of people heading for the US border were WEALTHY the john of don would welcome them, embrace them, extol their virtues. He will sleep with anyone literally and figuratively if he/she is rich enough. That is what separates him, sets him apart, from your ordinary average typical standard off-the-shelf mundane rigid boring RACIST. Skin color is everything to them. It is nothing to the john. Why else do you think he is so adamantly defying the anti-Saudi chorus embracing the Saudi Crown Prince beheader orderer and dismemberer orderer? His good looks? His sex appeal? No. His bank account and potential deals the john of don hopes to score for him and his kids. less
You know what tht means right? Some traitors VOTED AGAINST the big cheese desire to stay in bed with The Crown Prince of beheading dismembering. A SMACKDOWN upside and downside let... moreYou know what tht means right? Some traitors VOTED AGAINST the big cheese desire to stay in bed with The Crown Prince of beheading dismembering. A SMACKDOWN upside and downside letting the john of don know that they are saying NO!Now what is he gonna do? Have the traitors to him taken out? Mysteriously disappear? Poisoned? Shot? He will not tolerate this repudiation rebuke attack on him from his own trumpican pols.
Because of the beheading dismembering of the journalist...THE KHASHOGGI BUTCHERING...they want to STOP selling arms to and backing the butcher Saudis in their destruction of ... moreBecause of the beheading dismembering of the journalist...THE KHASHOGGI BUTCHERING...they want to STOP selling arms to and backing the butcher Saudis in their destruction of Yemen. The john of don..."maybe he did and maybe he didn't" equivocating guy keeps trying his best to put lipstick on that pig but people are not only laughing and ridiculing him they are DEFYING HIM! What's he gonna do NOW? Is he gonna destroy all of them? Boy oh boy this is getting real interesting. Of the course the toady sycophants in the House will still roll over whimpering (a la Nunes et al) BUT the Senate? AHA! Some Senators actually have a conscience, integrity and a moral core about something? FINALLY? Meanwhile the john of don defiantly and childishly and embarrassingly talks gibberish nonsense as he is slowly sinking in the west and its environs. Will the Senate cave or will they all put on their BIG BOY pants and do what's right? Stand up, speak out and fight tooth and nail against the monstrous and evil being okayed encou... less
Or does she simply live in a vacuum of ignorance? If she KNEW he did and said he didn't she is a liar.If she said he didn't because that is what she believed how smart can sh... moreOr does she simply live in a vacuum of ignorance? If she KNEW he did and said he didn't she is a liar.If she said he didn't because that is what she believed how smart can she be? Pretty doesn't mean one is anointed with intelligence. Neither does being one of the ubiquitous and numerous "Advisor to the President" folks. She clearly does not watch TV, read newspapers, investigate what's going on in the world. Perhaps she is so busy "advising the president" she simply does not have the time to make herself educated about what he does or what he says. I dunno. It is just another stunning bit of trumpican lore. :( So if she does not know what is going on what does she "advise" the president about? Anyone know? less
Wouldn't a true NOTHING be nameless? It would not exist because you would not of thought of it or invented it or created it or hoped for it or wished for it or dreamed of it? Can o... moreWouldn't a true NOTHING be nameless? It would not exist because you would not of thought of it or invented it or created it or hoped for it or wished for it or dreamed of it? Can one person's nothing be another person's something?
A guy (fellow atheist) related this event that happened recently -he was lying in bed late one evening when he heard sound of shattering glass in his house. He got up to find... moreA guy (fellow atheist) related this event that happened recently -he was lying in bed late one evening when he heard sound of shattering glass in his house. He got up to find out the cause and found a glass plate had come out of a closed cupboard door and smashed on the floor in the kitchen. No explanation how. No intruder, his doors all locked up, totally sure he never left the plate on the edge of his counter. Mystery. My own experiences -years ago i'd seen my doctor to get a form, a statement that would qualify me for disability. I took the paper home and put it in the top drawer of a desk. Later to make the appointment to see my social worker with the document I opened the desk drawer: no paper. I searched the other drawers and around the room; it had totally disappeared. I did find it some time -months later in one of the lower drawers. Mystery. Another time early this year I got my income tax slips in the mail I put put them on top my pile of papers in a chest of dra... less
If so, was it all a complete surprise, or did you already know or suspect that there was a child out there somewhere? Were you prepared for the possibility that one da... more If so, was it all a complete surprise, or did you already know or suspect that there was a child out there somewhere? Were you prepared for the possibility that one day you might be approach you? If none of this has ever happened to you, what do you think you might do if it were to happen one day?
No other game or sport is followed as closely by as many people, written, argued, and debated about year-round, and statistically tracked and quantified more than the grand old gam... moreNo other game or sport is followed as closely by as many people, written, argued, and debated about year-round, and statistically tracked and quantified more than the grand old game, which was played professionally as far back as 1869 by the Cincinnati Red Stockings.You can put basketball, cricket, football, hockey, and soccer all together, and you won't find as much printed or electronic literature about them as you will about baseball. It's not even close.