Who's next to be chopped? How about Sallyann? Her hubby is an enemy of the people you know hoo/hoom. Betcha she'll get chopped if she doesn't divorce her hubby. I mean she KN... more Who's next to be chopped? How about Sallyann? Her hubby is an enemy of the people you know hoo/hoom. Betcha she'll get chopped if she doesn't divorce her hubby. I mean she KNOWS you know hoo/hoom DEMANDS loyalty. She is living on borrowed time. It's only a matter of time. How sublime.
How is it that worshipping the devil isn't a dealbreaker? Doesn't worshipping the devil taint everything else your "great friend" is? How not ? I don't get it.
In order to keep Afghanistan afloat must America be its perpetual life raft? If we go does Afghanistan drown? Where does it say we must remain forever there? A forever war? What for?
The downfall began with the hiring of Michael Flynn. You know hoo was warned twice about him. First by President Obama and then by Sally Yates who told the White House that Flynn c... moreThe downfall began with the hiring of Michael Flynn. You know hoo was warned twice about him. First by President Obama and then by Sally Yates who told the White House that Flynn could be compromised and should not be hired for anything. But of course you know hoo knows better than anyone and listens to no one and does what he wants when he wants how he wants as often as he wants. Of course we will never know. He would probably be in the same exact pickle even without a Mike Flynn because he is entangled in so many webs of deceit and corruption. less
Today Mueller will release the results (heavily redacted probably) of the 70 hours of Michael Cohen testimony and some info on why Manafort's plea deal was trashed because he lied ... moreToday Mueller will release the results (heavily redacted probably) of the 70 hours of Michael Cohen testimony and some info on why Manafort's plea deal was trashed because he lied to them and fed the info to you know hoo. That will be heavily redacted too probably. But then all he** will break loose and that son of a gun john of a don will tweet and tweet and tweet and tweet about witch hunt. Oughtta be tons of fun. You know hoo is so darn cute when he goes berserk! SIGH.
I spoke to a lady yesterday who said that she has had to teach her Granddaughter how to tell the time by a clock, since the school no longer teaches this due to the digital age.&nb... moreI spoke to a lady yesterday who said that she has had to teach her Granddaughter how to tell the time by a clock, since the school no longer teaches this due to the digital age. I have also found that many young people cannot read a map nor care to learn, since there reliance is on their smart phones or navigation systems. It appears that people do not have to learn or think for themselves anymore they can just "Google it or ask Alexa." What could be the outcome to this reliance on technology? less