My natural me is silly and irreverent.. I laugh and joke about almost everything.. Sadly I am not able to show that in most of of my life at the moment..
I just seen her on tv giving an interview ...Her hair and face looks amazing and her voice and mannerism was that of a far younger women...I was so taken with how she looked and sp... moreI just seen her on tv giving an interview ...Her hair and face looks amazing and her voice and mannerism was that of a far younger women...I was so taken with how she looked and spoke that I felt I had to google how old egear was....Shes never had plastic surgery, never exersized or eaten special diets...yet looks and seems so amazing....
He said he'd like to be the kind of do-gooder who was CONTAGIOUS. So when folks witnessed his do-gooding they would catch it too and do good too. How about that folks? Would you al... moreHe said he'd like to be the kind of do-gooder who was CONTAGIOUS. So when folks witnessed his do-gooding they would catch it too and do good too. How about that folks? Would you also like to be a communicable disease for good doing ?
Pots and pans and sweaters and books I've let others "borrow" and were never returned. I did not assert myself. What about you? "Neither a borrower or lender be". Is that thee?I&nb... morePots and pans and sweaters and books I've let others "borrow" and were never returned. I did not assert myself. What about you? "Neither a borrower or lender be". Is that thee?I bought some fancy ski clothes and went skiing THE FIRST TIME. I'm not cut out for it so. I loaned the clothes to a gal with whom I worked. She quit and didn't return them or pay me. I gave my favorite sweater ON LOAN to a friend when it was cold and she left my house to go home. I thought we'd see each other again. Never did.I've let people use dishes and pots and pans and never got them back. I have no idea why I'm even thinking about it now decades later. Sheesh. It's my fault of course so how come I'm bit**ing? I ALWAYS return what I borrow. I NEVER have kept anything that didn't belong to me. Just like going to the library and returning books that are due I never didn't NOT do that. Did you? less
Is he a one-way DEAD END street or a two-way give and take reciprocity rocks dude? Whatcha think? It doesn't count when he lavishes praise on someone whom he then later castigates ... moreIs he a one-way DEAD END street or a two-way give and take reciprocity rocks dude? Whatcha think? It doesn't count when he lavishes praise on someone whom he then later castigates berates hammers down. So far he hasn't hammered Putin or the Saudi Royal family. Anyone else you can think of who hasn't seen the hammer side of him? He blows hot and cold as if he can't make up his mind and stick with something. Except for Putin and the Saudis. Oh of course his family too. I mean what kind of husband and father would he be if he were to turn on his own family and lie to them or cheat on them or put them in harms way by involving them in shady deals that could jeopardize their lives? less
You can sometimes get some great deals at Outlet Malls. The defects may be barely noticeable. It's a great place to shop for things. Not a good place to shop for a president.... moreYou can sometimes get some great deals at Outlet Malls. The defects may be barely noticeable. It's a great place to shop for things. Not a good place to shop for a president. Maybe next time we shouldn't settle for what has been rejected and labeled as "seconds"? You see what we got do you not?
Are we the best one to assess ourselves? Are we the best ones to assess others? How do you remove your prejudices preferences partisan views brainwashed mentality to truly and HONE... moreAre we the best one to assess ourselves? Are we the best ones to assess others? How do you remove your prejudices preferences partisan views brainwashed mentality to truly and HONESTLY see? Ever try?How'd it work out for ya?
Does it take one to know one? Do mental midgets flock together in politics in the name of a political hero or religion in the name of a spiritual/fictional/fantasy hero? What is th... moreDoes it take one to know one? Do mental midgets flock together in politics in the name of a political hero or religion in the name of a spiritual/fictional/fantasy hero? What is the best description of mental midget you have ever encountered and what was the source of it? Was the source trustworthy like say The National Enquirer or faux news or the prez or one of his adoring adorable worshippers? Is mental midgetness inherited due genetics or is it a disease one catches by drinking polluted water eating polluted food inhaling polluted air and reading polluted dogmatic ideology? How many mental midgets are there in YOUR country? If you are one would you admit it or is it only always "the other" who exhibits intellectual mediocrity and never you or yours? less
She was played by Margaret Hamilton, warts and all.The light and the dark. Good and Evil. "Ding Dong the witch is dead". And they all lived happily ever after. Dorothy awoke to dis... moreShe was played by Margaret Hamilton, warts and all.The light and the dark. Good and Evil. "Ding Dong the witch is dead". And they all lived happily ever after. Dorothy awoke to discover it was all a dream/nightmare. The Deux ex Machina in the movie. She didn't KNOW she was in a dream/nightmare. She didn't find out until she awoke. Do you wanna wake up or are you having the time of your life in this current dreamscape/nightmarescape? Wanna escape?
Well ya see the prez figuratively poops on those he dislikes daily via tweets. He spits up on or at them 24/7.As for the raging rants in which he engages daily they are examples of... moreWell ya see the prez figuratively poops on those he dislikes daily via tweets. He spits up on or at them 24/7.As for the raging rants in which he engages daily they are examples of the "terrible twos". You know those toddlers you see having hissy fit tantrums and screaming in the supermarkets? Well that's where the prez stopped growing up for whatever reason. He combines the least best of infants and the least best of two-year olds. We watch and listen to the daily poops spit ups and tantrums in an old man. Some of us find it to be unbelievably dangerous and evil whilest others admire adore and support the baby infant toddler. Different strokes. Now why didn't he continue on to grow up out of it? I have no idea. less
Best place for tryouts is being on TV since the prez is happiest when watching TV so what better place for an audition? Any of you familiar with and admire the newest feather in th... moreBest place for tryouts is being on TV since the prez is happiest when watching TV so what better place for an audition? Any of you familiar with and admire the newest feather in the flock? What is it about Heather that YOU find of value and how do you think she stacks up to Nikki Haley, a former state Governor with political CHOPS?
Slaves were 3/5 of a person. Women didn't have the right to vote. There was no electricity or autos or computers or phones or indoor plumbing....once upon a time. Which AGAIN do yo... moreSlaves were 3/5 of a person. Women didn't have the right to vote. There was no electricity or autos or computers or phones or indoor plumbing....once upon a time. Which AGAIN do you wish to bring back or to which you wish to return? Which year m'dear? 1900? 1800? 1700? 240 B.C.?
"We are really angry and find it atrocious that some countries dismiss the messages and the consequences that we are facing, by not accepting what is unequivocal and not acting upon it,"
"I don't have to answer any of your questions, Peter Dude! Oh, wait, is that your boss coming over here?"Inspired by another question posted by someone else: http... more "I don't have to answer any of your questions, Peter Dude! Oh, wait, is that your boss coming over here?"Inspired by another question posted by someone else:
I recently learned that someone I know planned to have their dog euthanized when he passed. He thought that was better than having the dog go to a shelter. I can't fathom doing tha... moreI recently learned that someone I know planned to have their dog euthanized when he passed. He thought that was better than having the dog go to a shelter. I can't fathom doing that. It seems very wrong to me. I understand the premise- to ensure the pet doesn't have a bad life, but at the same time, the dog was healthy and very adoptable. What say ye... is it ethical to put your pet to sleep when you die or should you make other arrangements/ allow the dog to go to a shelter?
My mom found a boyfriend at her previous assisted living home and they spent a lot of time together. When he moved out, he left a locked dresser behind in my mother's possession. W... moreMy mom found a boyfriend at her previous assisted living home and they spent a lot of time together. When he moved out, he left a locked dresser behind in my mother's possession. When my mom moved out, I took the dresser along with her belongings- it was either that or the staff would pick it up and throw it away or donate it. All her stuff has been in my living room since the move- I assumed I'd only be housing it for a couple of weeks, but now it's been months. So, I guess the guy moved a second time and then got mad I had his dresser. He demanded I return it to him. I told him he could send someone to get it, but that I wasn't paying to rent a U-Haul to transport it and I couldn't lift it on my own anyway. He threatened to have me arrested for theft. I laughed at that and told him to go ahead. I never heard another word. All that being said, the guy passed away this week and his family isn't returning my mother's calls. I really don't have any way to get in touch with his family beyond her. But... I... less
My daughter informed me last night that she wanted a new doll, but it was expensive, so she said only Santa could get it for her. "What makes it so special?" I inquired. "It's like... moreMy daughter informed me last night that she wanted a new doll, but it was expensive, so she said only Santa could get it for her. "What makes it so special?" I inquired. "It's like a Barbie, but it's fully-articulated," she explained, "And Bigger." I later looked it up. The danged thing is over $500 if you get it from the manufacturer and $800+ if you get it on eBay. Some Japanese craze called the SmartDoll. I don't understand. What happened to the good old days where kids were satisfied with a $10-20 doll? Or a ball and a bat? Or did those days only exist in my mind? O_o Did you or your children ask Santa for pricey gifts too? And what the heck makes this doll worth $500+???Pick a question, any question. :) less
Saw a news story that there's a shortage this year.My parents and I always drive to a tree farm by the coast to cut one down, so we'll be doing that today :)