Here's the so what? David Jay Pecker (no folks I'm not gonna touch that) is the Chairman and CEO of American Media which includes"The National Enquirer. He has corroborated what Mi... moreHere's the so what? David Jay Pecker (no folks I'm not gonna touch that) is the Chairman and CEO of American Media which includes"The National Enquirer. He has corroborated what Michael Cohen said that one of the women was paid $150,000 to shut up about her affair with da don to cover up something that would affect the election. THAT IS CRIMINAL. David Jay Pecker (I refuse to comment on PECKER) also has a safe or vault in which much damaging information is stored about the deviant actions of his long-time pal the donald! Case after case of hush money paid out to babes. Over decades. So Michael Cohen told Mueller he was DIRECTED by the donald to pay off two dames. Not because knowledge of that would be embarrassing for don with Melania (I'm sure she knows what a toad pig he is) but because he wanted to cover it up so it wouldn't affect the outcome of the election. CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL. The noose getteth tighter and tighter. The dam* is breached and its collapse is imminent and the liars conspirators c... less
WHAT IF he finally can comprehend/grasp what the entire worlds thinks about him? How they laugh at and ridicule him for being what he is? The full realization unvarnished and... moreWHAT IF he finally can comprehend/grasp what the entire worlds thinks about him? How they laugh at and ridicule him for being what he is? The full realization unvarnished and unfiltered would do what? Crush him? WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF?
But still I got I off two recitals. Fur Elise and Tarantella! Everybody clapped big for both but for one black guy who was shaking his head as I walked out the door. Too mechanical I think.
What endings would you have written had YOU been the author of those and other memorable classics? Which endings to which stories have bothered you the most? Why?
When you play any game do you comply with the rules or do you ignore them too? Do you follow instructions carefully to a T or do you override them because well you know "better"?
KLEPTOMANIA is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items you generally don't really need and usually have little value.Da prez lies all the time about ever... moreKLEPTOMANIA is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items you generally don't really need and usually have little value.Da prez lies all the time about everything . Little things, big things, medium-big things. Everything. Many times the lies are about unimportant things. But he lies about them anyway. I think he is evidently suffering from an impulse control disorder. He certainly has intermittent explosive rants rages outbursts. He lies all the time about everything or nothing or something. You name it. He has already lied about it or will. He can't help. He is out of control. Some such folks also suffer from PSYCHOPATHY, antisocial and narcissistic histrionic personality disorder. The prez is a walking talking gesticulating animatronic compendium of all levels of compulsion. He indulges all of them. His adoring worshippers accept all of them. They support defend admire him no matter what.PSYCHOPATHYA mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack ... less
They finally developed a spine and cajones? Even that toady sycophant Lindsay Graham joined in. So is the prez gonna make all of them pay for going against him? They have in effect... moreThey finally developed a spine and cajones? Even that toady sycophant Lindsay Graham joined in. So is the prez gonna make all of them pay for going against him? They have in effect given him the middle finger LOUD AND CLEAR.
I'm not being snotty, that question is, "What makes you SO special." I'm serious. I am exceptional (1 in about 2,000) in that I overcame poverty and a very unhappy chil... moreI'm not being snotty, that question is, "What makes you SO special." I'm serious. I am exceptional (1 in about 2,000) in that I overcame poverty and a very unhappy childhood (7 Adverse Childhood Experiences) to live a normal, average, middle-class American life as an adult. I can provide statistics to strengthen that claim if you're skeptical. I feel pretty good about all this. Yay!
Visit 1, receptionist: Sorry, sir, but the doctor can't see you until you've had lab tests done and the results come in. That takes about two to three days. Patient: Why wasn'... moreVisit 1, receptionist: Sorry, sir, but the doctor can't see you until you've had lab tests done and the results come in. That takes about two to three days. Patient: Why wasn't I told I needed lab work when I made this appointment?Receptionist: I just schedule appointments, I don't know anything about the medical side. That will be $35, please.Patient: Wait, am I still being charged even though the doctor won't be seeing me?Receptionist: Yes, sir. The insurance company requires a co-pay whenever an appointment time is set aside for you. Even if you forget your appointment or are a no-show, the co-pay is still required per the agreement with the medical insurance plan.Patient (reluctantly paying): Grrrrrrrr.Visit 2, nurse: Sir, your lab results arrived on time, the doctor will see you now. What time did you begin fasting last night?Patient: Fasting? No one told me I was supposed to fast.Nurse: It's normal practice for this type of appointment, sir.Patient: Do you think I do this every day? How am I exp... less
A very charming married man you know (but not too well} has two tickets to a concert and dinner in a neighbouring town, that his wife is not interested in (but you would give anyth... moreA very charming married man you know (but not too well} has two tickets to a concert and dinner in a neighbouring town, that his wife is not interested in (but you would give anything to attend), and offers to take you in her place. Would you accept the offer if you were (i) single and unattached, (ii) in a relationship?Please answer for both cases, giving your reasons.
You say the devices makes our lives easier. Is easy always BETTER? You say they allow conversation to occur 24/7 . WHAT? No escape from being plugged in 24/7? Why is it such a... moreYou say the devices makes our lives easier. Is easy always BETTER? You say they allow conversation to occur 24/7 . WHAT? No escape from being plugged in 24/7? Why is it such a good thing to be able to contact anyone anywhere at any hour forever? Why are y'all so TERRIFIED of being out of touch for even a minute? What is going on that makes people uneasy when they are away from their devices? What are they missing out on? Who is connecting and having a good time without them? Seriously? That seems very scary to me. And it's gonna get worser and worser isn't it? Are you up with it down with it with it? less
If you REJECT it whatever it is in the first place you don't have to do all those other things. Reject what you have to rationalize excuse justify trivialize minimize l... moreIf you REJECT it whatever it is in the first place you don't have to do all those other things. Reject what you have to rationalize excuse justify trivialize minimize lie about accept defend support. Make sense?
What if you had no preferences or partisan views? What if everything was OKAY with you? That way you would never be let down or disappointed. You would never have to argue or hate ... moreWhat if you had no preferences or partisan views? What if everything was OKAY with you? That way you would never be let down or disappointed. You would never have to argue or hate or get angry. Would that be YOUR cuppa tea or is anger and hate what you rate as great and you will never give them up willingly?
Should it be cherrypicked and be applied selectively to attack/get back at your enemies? But all your friends skate? Is that YOUR VIEW or the view of your politically partisan "group"?
How many folks testified cooperated were indicted charged convicted. A witch hunt that goes that far? Ya really folks would fake news hoax phony witch hunt lying felony criminal ac... moreHow many folks testified cooperated were indicted charged convicted. A witch hunt that goes that far? Ya really folks would fake news hoax phony witch hunt lying felony criminal activity prison would conspire and sacrifice themselves to set up an "innocent" prez? Are you nuts? They would ruin their lives to take down and evil clown? Would you?