As people continue to peel away from him it is very clear that he will left all alone to answer for what he done wrong. He has been DA BIG CHEESE all his life. But he also has been... moreAs people continue to peel away from him it is very clear that he will left all alone to answer for what he done wrong. He has been DA BIG CHEESE all his life. But he also has been surrounded by "the best people" who protected him from the consequences of what he is. When the protections disappear what happens then? How does an old man develop the muscles he needs to survive when he never spent a day at the gym developing them?
They are attached 24/7 to it. They cannot live without it. They keep it always in hand or very close by and nervously check it every however many minutes they can stand to wait. Ev... moreThey are attached 24/7 to it. They cannot live without it. They keep it always in hand or very close by and nervously check it every however many minutes they can stand to wait. Every 10 minutes? Every 30 minutes? Hoping for what? Someone MUST TALK WITH YOU RIGHT NOW! What? About what? Can't it wait till later? What is so earth-shakingly essential that y'all are now hostages to your cell phones? Sheesh.
I wonder what kind of life awaits the authoritarian dictator despots and their toady sycophants? I wonder if everything they ever dished out to anyone anytime anywhere will come ba... moreI wonder what kind of life awaits the authoritarian dictator despots and their toady sycophants? I wonder if everything they ever dished out to anyone anytime anywhere will come back to haunt them and if they can take it? I wonder how bravely a butcher beheader dismemberer dissolver in acid orderer will face the same consequences? I wonder how brave the don will be or the Saudi Crown Prince or Putin or Kim Jung-un or Duterte or Erdogan or any of the other right-wing Fascists? Will they cry and whine and beg for their lives or will they "take it like a man"? Shoe will be on the other foot. Will they gallop or limp, stumble, fall, dissolve? less
Of course many of y'all blame her parents don't you? What would YOU do for your children if staying in your country meant certain death for them? Would you take them away to a plac... moreOf course many of y'all blame her parents don't you? What would YOU do for your children if staying in your country meant certain death for them? Would you take them away to a place where you believe they would be safe? Isn't that the job of a parent? PROTECT THE CHILDREN? Far too many people don't give a rat's a** about kids who aren't theirs. What I wonder is WHY that is?
Do you give a rat's a** about parents who are trying to protect their children lives who come to America seeking ASYLUM because staying at home means certain death? How humane are YOU?
Is he/she an auteur type, where you always know it's them? Or are they more of a chameleon, just there to serve that specific story in that specific way?Do they write and direct? O... moreIs he/she an auteur type, where you always know it's them? Or are they more of a chameleon, just there to serve that specific story in that specific way?Do they write and direct? Or do they mainly do one or the other?It's hard to choose a favorite, but Charlie Kaufman (who mainly just writes but directed one of his films which happens to be my favorite of his) has had a very large personal impact on my life.
How would they be built physically and what sort of physical system would they need to thrive? What if breathing wasn't necessary for them, would there be an alternative? &nb... moreHow would they be built physically and what sort of physical system would they need to thrive? What if breathing wasn't necessary for them, would there be an alternative? Would their eyes have some sort of a protective lens? (they have to have eyes ) Would they be able to hear or communicate. How would sound travel? For any scientists out there, thanks.
not really sure where to post this!!!my question is,do you or anyone you know have a name that's famous or that was ever used in a song title,book,movie,etc.?
I'm thinking of "Magg... morenot really sure where to post this!!!my question is,do you or anyone you know have a name that's famous or that was ever used in a song title,book,movie,etc.?
I'm thinking of "Maggie May" and curious to know how many ladies have that name!!!any name at all that's used in any form of fiction,etc.
books, music, titles of anything, etc., etc.........I temped at a trucking company years ago and,swear to God,the head of the credit dept.'s name was Marilyn Monroe! I asked was this for real & was assured it was.I was also told that NOWAY would she ever be confused with her namesake!! not very attractive,I take it.......but that poor woman! LOL...... less
Do you adapt easily and painlessly to change? Does it have to make sense for you to do it or can you adapt to anything including nonsense because it's the simplest thing to do?
That guy has been there in the trump organization for decades predating the donald. The guy worked for fred, don's dad. He knows where all the skeletons are buried. How come the do... moreThat guy has been there in the trump organization for decades predating the donald. The guy worked for fred, don's dad. He knows where all the skeletons are buried. How come the donald has not vilified attacked insulted excoriated him, said how weak and unsmart HE is? Or any of the others who have received immunity because they ALL COOPERATED FULLY WITH MUELLER? Why does don attack only one link in the chain he made all by hisself? One wonders.
You wouldn't go out and about and demand all eyes be on you and run for the office of president would you? I mean you KNOW you would be scrutinized 76 ways from Sunday by everyone ... moreYou wouldn't go out and about and demand all eyes be on you and run for the office of president would you? I mean you KNOW you would be scrutinized 76 ways from Sunday by everyone who is not in your corner. Why would you call attention to yourself in such a way as to INSURE investigation of whom you are, what you've done and from that figger out what you would do futurely? Yet the donald did just that. Any sensible reasonable normal person would not have dragged his past and his family into the limelight and done/said things that were so obnoxious and absurd as to call attention to himself like that. Ambition has done in more people much better than him. But to jeopardize his family on the altar of his ego? How does he live with THAT? less