That's what a spy dame does and has gotta do. Give her body to her country and do whatever it takes with it to serve her country's interests. That Russian Betina dame did that for ... moreThat's what a spy dame does and has gotta do. Give her body to her country and do whatever it takes with it to serve her country's interests. That Russian Betina dame did that for her country. Putin is prolly pleased that his pick is prez. How much did she have to do with it? I dunno. Admirable or?
Last prez election they gave $12.5 million. For the 2016 they gave an alleged $30 million. While also saying they were so broke they might even have to dissolve/fold. Pleading poor... moreLast prez election they gave $12.5 million. For the 2016 they gave an alleged $30 million. While also saying they were so broke they might even have to dissolve/fold. Pleading poor mouth outta one side of the pie hole under their nose and contributing $30 million to a prez campaign does not square. Maybe it's faux and they didn't do so. I don't know. But it sure as he** looks very suspicious and mysterious and deceitful and weird and eye-catching and in line with what they are known to be. Will we find out? I dunno. But I think if true the NRA folks might be in for a very bad time legalwise and elsewise otherwise. Which of course will be well-deserved cuz they did it the old-fashioned way. They EARNED it!. less
He was always the object of ridicule disdain contempt. People avoided him and never socialized with him. That even he could make it big and become prez in the US of A sez a lot abo... moreHe was always the object of ridicule disdain contempt. People avoided him and never socialized with him. That even he could make it big and become prez in the US of A sez a lot about America doesn't it? Equal opportunity is given to the least of us to even out the playing field. From whom less is expected very little is received. Even we could not imagine how little this least of us guy had to give. SIGH.
If the prez truly wanted to keep our nation safe why would he invite into his bed Putin of Russia and the Saudi Crown Prince? Both are well-known murdering evil butchers. One order... moreIf the prez truly wanted to keep our nation safe why would he invite into his bed Putin of Russia and the Saudi Crown Prince? Both are well-known murdering evil butchers. One orders dissidents poisoned and shot to death or causes people to simply disappear while the other ORDERS TORTURES beheading dismembering dissolving in acid. So they are no threat to us (despite the election fixing and meddling and beheading of a resident of the United States)? He really thinks we are ALL that stupid to believe him? Why does he insist upon sleeping with creeps and bad guys and scumbags and letting them have their way with him? How much are they paying him to prostitute himself? Why demonize immigrants who flee certain death to come to a place they used to feel would be safe? To divert attention from the real danger of course. His bedmates. And all of his people buy the lie 24/7. SIGH less
General Kelly showed he was willing to take that job on once upon a time. Maybe he is the only game in town and the end of year is very near. What d'ya think the prez should do? Wh... moreGeneral Kelly showed he was willing to take that job on once upon a time. Maybe he is the only game in town and the end of year is very near. What d'ya think the prez should do? What would YOU do if he were you or you were he in that circumstance?
They fought to get to the truth and justice and some of them DIED doing it. Yep. Well of course the stable genius will tweet and rant and foam at the mouth about the media choosing... moreThey fought to get to the truth and justice and some of them DIED doing it. Yep. Well of course the stable genius will tweet and rant and foam at the mouth about the media choosing its own to honor. Of course he will. That is what he does. Repeatedly! That's why he is the ONLY recipient of the BOTTOMLESS PINOCCHIO!
He is guilty as charged and exposed wearing no clothes. That is what we see very clearly.Yet his true believers honestly see a fully clothed king in breathtaking technicolor. The v... moreHe is guilty as charged and exposed wearing no clothes. That is what we see very clearly.Yet his true believers honestly see a fully clothed king in breathtaking technicolor. The views are mutually exclusive. Naked or clothed. One or the other. Guilty or innocent. Which is it depends on who is doing the looking . One group see what is there or more accurately what isn't there...namely clothing and the other group sees what it has been brainwashed to believe it sees but only dwells inside their heads. A king fully clothed dressed in jewels and fine materials. less
The Southern District of New York has him by the cajones. He has no jurisdiction over it. But federally can he "forgive" his treasons traitorhoodness high crimes and misdemeanors, ... moreThe Southern District of New York has him by the cajones. He has no jurisdiction over it. But federally can he "forgive" his treasons traitorhoodness high crimes and misdemeanors, conspiracies, colluding with foreign governments, money laundering, crimes against humanity? I sure hope not but canny?
ONLY ONE PERSON IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE SPOKEN WORD WHO EARNED IT DESERVES IT! Invented just for him and him alone. The Bottomless Pinocchio! TBP(the bottomless Pinocchi... moreONLY ONE PERSON IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE SPOKEN WORD WHO EARNED IT DESERVES IT! Invented just for him and him alone. The Bottomless Pinocchio! TBP(the bottomless Pinocchio) for DJT(donald john trump). Hip hip hooray! TBP(the bottomless Pinocchio) for the SGP(stable genius prez).
So Jared counseled his buddyboy pal how to get through this "unfortunate" incident and the stable genius does his bidding no kidding. You really think the stable genius will go aga... moreSo Jared counseled his buddyboy pal how to get through this "unfortunate" incident and the stable genius does his bidding no kidding. You really think the stable genius will go against his daughter's hubby for any reason including treason? Of he will comply to any and all demands. He is just that kinda guy. SIGH. Oh my.
Of course the evil clown would have all protesters shot dead, beheaded. dismembered and dissolved in acid. Only he'd do the acid dissolving on Pay TV and charge y'all who have the ... moreOf course the evil clown would have all protesters shot dead, beheaded. dismembered and dissolved in acid. Only he'd do the acid dissolving on Pay TV and charge y'all who have the stomach to watch it a bigly price. You know how he prides himself on being a good businessman don'tcha? You think he'd ever ignore a chance to make more big bucks for him and his family? Seriously?
My Answermug pal provided a link specifically with respect to the definition of SMOCK Urban Dictionary style. Now do not look it up if you can't take the heat. I'm warning you. Do not.
Why do I ask? Because many decades ago in junior college I was accused of that by a classmate. I always had candy or gum or something with me which I offered to my classmates. One ... moreWhy do I ask? Because many decades ago in junior college I was accused of that by a classmate. I always had candy or gum or something with me which I offered to my classmates. One day he asked me why I was always giving things to people? Was I trying to buy them? Well I don't know. Was I? Of course I stopped offering him anything and really never changed how I interacted with others but it got to me to thinking. How do we know WHY we do what we do? Could there be some dark devious deceitful self-serving crass motive beneath it all? Something else to worry about I guess,. :( less
Wonder how many trumpicans there are among the spelling cops and do they just ignore the abject ignorance of their prez or do they smack him upside the head for being so dumb? Brav... moreWonder how many trumpicans there are among the spelling cops and do they just ignore the abject ignorance of their prez or do they smack him upside the head for being so dumb? Brave or cowardly? Fair or un? Do they treat all folks the same or just smack attack the ones they dislike?
I'm in a piss poor mood - - and I'm somehow disappointed in myself and in my R.E.M. music taste -- I'm a big R.E.M. fan but unlike the band, I like this song a lot.
He doesn't smoke...that we know. Maybe he smocks. Intelligence is NOT MEASURED BY OR DEPENDENT UPON OR REMOTELY connected TO THE ABILITY TO SPELL WELL. The stable genius has all he... moreHe doesn't smoke...that we know. Maybe he smocks. Intelligence is NOT MEASURED BY OR DEPENDENT UPON OR REMOTELY connected TO THE ABILITY TO SPELL WELL. The stable genius has all he can handle appointing people to jobs they refuse or replacing people he fires or who quit or tweeting about the witch hunt or supporting the orderer of the butcher beheading dismembering murder. How many balls do ya think he kin juggle simultaneously?. He can't be bothered with spelling. Fer cryin' out loud folks! He's reel reel reel good at what y'all voted him in for rite? Spelling was NOT on YORE list of essentials wuz it ? less