... moreThe Master Substrate for Heavy Metal Detox
October 20, 2018
Georgiana White
Why is everybody talking about Heavy Metal Detox? Simple – We live in a world where we are being exposed to tens of thousands of harmful compounds classified as human carcinogens (known or probable) according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, from the air, water, soil and food which include pesticides, herbicides, solvents, petrochemicals, heavy metals, and plastics. Those compounds interact with and are absorbed by soils, bodies of water, vegetation, fish and wildlife and are integrated into plant and animal tissues. As we breath, eat, and drink, we accumulate them into our bodies.
Heavy metals that lead to toxicity (or “poisoning”) are mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, uranium, copper, tin, and beryllium. They are very dangerous even in low concentrations.
Maybe on the shoulders or ankles of Ivanna, Marla, Melania all branded TRUMP? Are his kids branded too somewhere? If not visually then certainly psychologically. Tattoos perhaps si... moreMaybe on the shoulders or ankles of Ivanna, Marla, Melania all branded TRUMP? Are his kids branded too somewhere? If not visually then certainly psychologically. Tattoos perhaps since I doubt that even the john of don would be so cruel that he would demand his name be CARVED into their flesh with a real red hot iron brand as they do cattle.
So that particular buncha folks are clearly disloyal to their past because they morph various name-changes like a fickle dame going from guy to guy to guy. Tea Party shows up and d... moreSo that particular buncha folks are clearly disloyal to their past because they morph various name-changes like a fickle dame going from guy to guy to guy. Tea Party shows up and disappears. Republican Party usta be the GOP. GRAND OLD PARTY. It's dead and gone replaced by the trumpican political party. Former Republicans disassociated from any connection with it and are either Independents now or remain undeclared. So when the Nazis gain a huger foothold (encouraged by their main ideological squeeze the john of don) the trumpican party will most likely become the trumpican NAZI party because you know the john of don demands that his namebrand be on everything and even NAZIS aren't gonna get him to give up the trump part of the party. When will that happen legally? I dunno. Stay tuned. less
Do racist bigots make exceptions for the obscenely wealthy people of color? Do they LOVE Kanye West because he is very rich and very loves the john of don? Or are there never... moreDo racist bigots make exceptions for the obscenely wealthy people of color? Do they LOVE Kanye West because he is very rich and very loves the john of don? Or are there never any exceptions or excuses to toleate anyone who isn't bright white? Anyone know?
Yes complexity is intimidating. Yet we used to have NO PROBLEMO with it. Remember what we were taught by our parents and what we were taught to pass along to our kids? Surely... more Yes complexity is intimidating. Yet we used to have NO PROBLEMO with it. Remember what we were taught by our parents and what we were taught to pass along to our kids? Surely you haven't forgotten?Honesty was required and lying was punishedBeing respectful was required, most especially of your elders and those in authority positions Being polite by using the magic words "please" and "thank you"Doing what you were asked to do by parents and teachersPlaying nicely with the other kidsSharing with others and not taking the largest or the last of anything because that was selfishBeing helpful when you couldTrying always to do your bestOf course now it is WINNING. By any means possible. Which develops other things in human beings not the least of which is lying destroying desecrating damaging harming hurting. Yes. Well you can see why most folks much prefer simplicity can't you? Of course you can. Everyone says so. less
In the mid-term elections Dems replaced trumpicans. The trumpicans are quickly changing all the rules in a couple of those states so that when the Dems come in and replace them the... moreIn the mid-term elections Dems replaced trumpicans. The trumpicans are quickly changing all the rules in a couple of those states so that when the Dems come in and replace them they will be PREVENTED from doing what they planned to do. Now we know the trumpican Republicans cheat as often as they can get away with. It is a badge of dogmatic pride. So is their doing this hitting below the belt and going farther lowdown than anyone has gone before or is this simply brilliant? Would you smack down the SOB's for doing it or award them fine prizes for intellectual acuity and revere them permanently and place them in the trumpican hall of fame (or shame depending upon which side you're on)? less
WHO CARES?IT DEPENDS (unless the "it depends"er gives examples the response is useless)MAYBE (massive equivocation for those who are terrified of committing lest they be slammed)MA... moreWHO CARES?IT DEPENDS (unless the "it depends"er gives examples the response is useless)MAYBE (massive equivocation for those who are terrified of committing lest they be slammed)MAYBE HE DID MAYBE HE DIDN'T (doubles down on maybe...doubly terrified of committing)
Whattabout Saudi Arabia.? Chopped liver?Whattabout North Korea?Whattabout Iran?Whattabout all the other whattabouts?Whattabout Israel? Is Netanyahoo yesterday's news cuz he might e... moreWhattabout Saudi Arabia.? Chopped liver?Whattabout North Korea?Whattabout Iran?Whattabout all the other whattabouts?Whattabout Israel? Is Netanyahoo yesterday's news cuz he might end up in prison?Ya gotchure despot dictators like Duterte in the Philippines and Erdogan in Turkey and all the other despot dictators elsewhere that turn on the john of don bigly. How are they going to feel being excluded from his "father son and holy spirit" triumvirate?
He so openly promiscuously wantonly and CONTINUOUSLY engages in all of that under the theory of what? That if he does it out in the open no one will notice? He says he admires Roge... moreHe so openly promiscuously wantonly and CONTINUOUSLY engages in all of that under the theory of what? That if he does it out in the open no one will notice? He says he admires Roger Stone who says he will never testify against the john and the john despises all truthtellers and insults them, attacks them, disparages them. He does all of it all in sight and all in sound all the time. He never stops. He tweets and speaks and tweets and speaks and tweets and speaks all of it all the time. In the in-between he calls media the enemy of the people and brands all truths that terrify him as fake news when it is plain to see the fake is he. He is getting worser faster. The more he talks the less and less sense he makes. Does no one love him enough to prevent the "suicide" walk he is so determinedly engaged upon taking? No one? less
They sit silently by while their adorable john of don separates children from parents, locks them in cages and kennels or makes them live in tent cities. What about those children ... moreThey sit silently by while their adorable john of don separates children from parents, locks them in cages and kennels or makes them live in tent cities. What about those children with special medical needs? Who looks out for them? If any of those children die do you really think your adored john of don would admit it? Do YOU CARE about life or just about a sperm and an egg being alllowed to do its thing inside a woman's belly? Seriously folks. How can that possibly make any sense at all to you? Your cherishing life begins with conception and ends with birth. After that you don't care one whit or one bit about any of it. As long as it is in utero you are pro. Sheesh. And you really think you are pro-life, right? Double Sheesh. What a crock. less
Russia Saudi Arabia collusion conspiracy lying denying attacking accusing doubling down pretending faking reacting beheading dismembering dissolving in acid genocide money mo... moreRussia Saudi Arabia collusion conspiracy lying denying attacking accusing doubling down pretending faking reacting beheading dismembering dissolving in acid genocide money money money money money.Every day in every way nothing changes.Russia Saudi Arabia collusion conspiracy lying denying attacking accusing doubling down pretending faking reacting beheading dismembering dissolving in acid genocide money money money money money.Every day in every way nothing changes.Etcetera and so on and so forth. Eternally. Foreverly. Endlessly. To infinity and beyond.The curious thing is the actors don't mind repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating. Etcetera and so on and so forth. Eternally. Foreverly. Endlessly. To infinity and beyond. SIGH less
Does Free Will exist or is it only an illusion manufactured by humans who need to believe they have control. HOW DO THEY KNOW their strings are not being held by others? How do the... moreDoes Free Will exist or is it only an illusion manufactured by humans who need to believe they have control. HOW DO THEY KNOW their strings are not being held by others? How do they know whatever "decisions" they make are predetermined and decisionmaking is only another illusion?
They want to STOP SUPPLYING THE BUTCHER BAS**RDS in Saudi Arabia with weapons to continue the horrific GENOCIDE in Yemen being waged by the Saudi Royal Family butcher bas**rds and ... moreThey want to STOP SUPPLYING THE BUTCHER BAS**RDS in Saudi Arabia with weapons to continue the horrific GENOCIDE in Yemen being waged by the Saudi Royal Family butcher bas**rds and currently being supported by the john of don. That was a step too far johnny. Egg on your face bigly. Blood on your hands too. Bad mistake. Disgrace. A bridge too far."Maybe he did and maybe he didn't" doesn't cut it johnny. Supporting the Saudi Crown Prince butcher bas**rd who ORDERED the beheading and dismembering and dissolving of remaining body parts in acid is a step too far and a bridge too far EVEN FOR SOME REPUBLICANS. You don't give a rat's a**. So how are ya gonna destroy them for this humiliation? Come on johnny whatcha gonna do to get back at them? How are ya gonna double down at this huge insult to you? The world is waiting and watching to see what you will do because we know you love the money the Saudis give you more than anything. How will you worm your way around this? Give it your best shot. SIGH. less
Knowing you ARE a loser can't make ya feel real good about yourself. Living a life based on lies and deceit may get you where ya wanna go but how can you like yourself in the proce... moreKnowing you ARE a loser can't make ya feel real good about yourself. Living a life based on lies and deceit may get you where ya wanna go but how can you like yourself in the process? Stack the deck when ya play cards. Lie about others to defame them so you can win. I expect some of them take great pride in the bigness of their lies and the bigness of their deceit. No accounting for taste Different strokes.
D'ya keep yer options open so you can slither through the holes you leave behind? To equivocate or not to equivocate. That is the question. Do ya or dontcha?
However he did the RIGHT THING. The debt was becoming enormous and crushing us and the only way to fix things was to RAISE TAXES. As a result by the time Bill Clinton left of... moreHowever he did the RIGHT THING. The debt was becoming enormous and crushing us and the only way to fix things was to RAISE TAXES. As a result by the time Bill Clinton left office we had a surplus. George H.W. Bush made a pledge that he saw was not the right thing to have done and he corrected it which cost him another 4 years. Allegedly.
Everything is completely random and unplanned and just "happened" over billions of years to make us here now as we are OREverything was planned by forces we don't yet completely un... moreEverything is completely random and unplanned and just "happened" over billions of years to make us here now as we are OREverything was planned by forces we don't yet completely understandWhich is more logical and easier to comprehend?
That's also why people lie. Because they are third rate second class wannabes whose only path to "success" is by lying.Why is being successful and being a "winner" so seductively e... moreThat's also why people lie. Because they are third rate second class wannabes whose only path to "success" is by lying.Why is being successful and being a "winner" so seductively essential that it is worth sacrificing one's integrity/ honor?
"GOP Election Fraud Shakes north Carolina's 9th District""Vote Fraud Allegations Leave NC House Race Unresolved With No Clear Path Forward""North Carolina Election Fraud Investigat... more"GOP Election Fraud Shakes north Carolina's 9th District""Vote Fraud Allegations Leave NC House Race Unresolved With No Clear Path Forward""North Carolina Election Fraud Investigation Centers on Operative with Criminal History (Leslie McRae Dowless) who worked for GOP Congressional Candidate( Mark Harris)"Fascinating read. Clever crook. Do what it takes to "win". Everything is fair in love, war and POLITICS. The end justifies the means. Winning isn't everything. IT IS THE ONLY THING.This is how the theft worked allegedly. Absentee ballots that would be normally mailed in were collected at the homes of voters by various very "kind"people who offered to pick the ballots up and take them to the proper place to be counted. Some of these very "kind" folks even told the folks they would fill in the ballots for them. Now you have to understand the voters were very trusting and didn't suspect they were being scammed conned cheated tricked duped. Those ballots mysteriously never made it to the place where they should hav... less
I could see how being in a program would be beneficial if you're a young 'un and are planning on applying to a grad school with lots of competition, but if you're an adult returnin... moreI could see how being in a program would be beneficial if you're a young 'un and are planning on applying to a grad school with lots of competition, but if you're an adult returning and there's virtually no competition, does being part of an honors program matter? Or is it just a fun thing to do so you can say you did it?
I'm strictly talking about the original cast films, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Wrath of Kahn, Search for Spock, Voyage Home, Final Frontier, and Undiscovered Country. You can r... moreI'm strictly talking about the original cast films, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Wrath of Kahn, Search for Spock, Voyage Home, Final Frontier, and Undiscovered Country. You can rate them all if you'd like, my list from favorite to least favorite goes 6, 4 & 2 in a tie, 3, 1, 5. Honestly though, with the exception of 5, I love them all.I'm really bored and I have no one to talk to about this with.