Why do we love to see others fight? Why do we try to egg them on so the fight will get bloodier and meaner? From ancient times we have been observers and encouragers. Anyone have a... moreWhy do we love to see others fight? Why do we try to egg them on so the fight will get bloodier and meaner? From ancient times we have been observers and encouragers. Anyone have a clue why that is?
Lollipop and myself. A truce is the immediate remedy I thought of when I first became aware of this day-long topic thread, I just haven't been available until now. I hav... moreLollipop and myself. A truce is the immediate remedy I thought of when I first became aware of this day-long topic thread, I just haven't been available until now. I have only seen a glimpse of the traffic concerning this row, and that was more than ten hours ago, so I don't know what else has transpired nor which drawbridges have been pulled up around your castle and around my castle. I have not read the depth and breadth of what all has been written, nor will I be able to, but I understand it's a lot. To me, it seems pointless to fight about a comment I made in passing that I had no idea would hit you in this manner. I believe you have the right not only to post the photo, but also to defend it. I also believe I have the right to express my perception of it, and that it's ok if neither you nor I agree with each other. I did not disparage you as a person nor accuse you of any outright wrongdoing, I voiced my opinion about what can or could be construed by the photo. I readily state that because it's ... less
Whaddya think the dippidy doo plans to do? Not serve himself and his cronies first? Ya gotta be kidding! The Nationalist guy who is tone deaf to anything not centered around him wi... moreWhaddya think the dippidy doo plans to do? Not serve himself and his cronies first? Ya gotta be kidding! The Nationalist guy who is tone deaf to anything not centered around him will keep doing whatever serves him best and first and always. Anyone who thinks otherwise is unwise unthinking uninvolved uninterested. All the uns of the universe collected and disbursed!
Didn't dippidy do PROMISE TO REDUCE DEBT? A promise not kept. Where is the 10% tax cut he said was being worked on for the middle class. Another pie-in-the-sky LIE?How come trumpic... moreDidn't dippidy do PROMISE TO REDUCE DEBT? A promise not kept. Where is the 10% tax cut he said was being worked on for the middle class. Another pie-in-the-sky LIE?How come trumpican pols running for re-election are all pledging to cover pre-existing conditions when it is part of the AHCA that they vowed to destroy completely for 9 years and counting?Where is the wall that dippidy doo promised almost two years ago? Is it an invisible wall no one can see?What dippidy doo wants you to focus on only is that massive invasion heading toward you of hundreds of millions of rapists and murderers and terrorists. Don't let their ages fool ya. Little babies can be killers too. He wants you hysterical about it and not able to sleep. Nightmares. Coming for YOU. Still a long way away walking but they are armed and their only goal is to slaughter you or rape you or torture you. Need any more to focus on that and only that? That will make dippidy doo so happy if you do! Dippidy doo says he will Executive Order out of the ... less
A wackadoodle right-wing blogger talked about a wackadoodle right-wing wild-a** conspiracy theorist having PROOF of Robert Mueller assaulting a woman. Hot stuff right?Except the wo... moreA wackadoodle right-wing blogger talked about a wackadoodle right-wing wild-a** conspiracy theorist having PROOF of Robert Mueller assaulting a woman. Hot stuff right?Except the woman who was offered money to say Robert Mueller assaulted her sent that information to Robert Mueller who in turn gave it to the FBI to investigate.These right-wing extreme conspiracy wackadoodles are really desperate aren't they? This is one of the fakiest sleaziest dumb a**iest things to they EVER floated. After intensive investigation it all falls apart. Whether the "conspirators" with the fake theory will be found criminally liable for trying to set up Mueller I do not know. They have never been the sharpest knives in the drawer and they have a lock on tin foil. They have no one to guide them or approve of whatever they think up. The wackier it is the faster it spreads and is embraced and promulgated. Did Fox news cover it yet? Boy what inept doofusses! Sheesh. What will the desperadoes try next? Time is shrinking along with their ... less
*He was asked to DELAY t he visit until they had buried their dead. Why? Because they didn't have the security to protect him and also protect the mourners. He went anyway and so t... more*He was asked to DELAY t he visit until they had buried their dead. Why? Because they didn't have the security to protect him and also protect the mourners. He went anyway and so those who protected him were unable to protect the people who lost loved ones. Selfish bonehead that he is he just didn't care.Members of his own trumpican party whom he had invited too accompany him refused to go.(Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell to name just two) They all had excuses of course. "Other commitments". He is a pariah of his own making. He was not wanted in Pittsburgh so he forced himself on them. He didn't pay any attemtion to the NO! Much like a sexual abuser forces himself on someone who doesn't want him. How can you possibly support defend admire someone like that? less
I'm worn out, I can barely make it, I think I'm developing carpal thumb syndrome, no one knows what I go through. Am I dying? How much more time do I have?  ... more I'm worn out, I can barely make it, I think I'm developing carpal thumb syndrome, no one knows what I go through. Am I dying? How much more time do I have? Who will carry on in my legacy? I have to pass the torch. Medical science has failed me. Look, I couldn't even muster up the gumption to put a tilde here.