With a straight and angrified face filled with belligerent hostile conviction says "You are the murderer". And those who support him believe him despite what they witnessed. Is the... moreWith a straight and angrified face filled with belligerent hostile conviction says "You are the murderer". And those who support him believe him despite what they witnessed. Is there a cure for that?
Vegan News claims that all 458 pounds of ground beef bought for research contained fecal contamination, which can cause ailments such as blood or urinary tract infections. In ... moreVegan News claims that all 458 pounds of ground beef bought for research contained fecal contamination, which can cause ailments such as blood or urinary tract infections. In the past year, Americans bought 4.6 billion pounds of beef, with an estimated 50 percent of it in the ground form.
Lewis Thornton Powell (April 22, 1844 – July 7, 1865), also known as Lewis Payne.He was an American citizen executed for the attempted to assassination of U... more
Lewis Thornton Powell (April 22, 1844 – July 7, 1865), also known as Lewis Payne.He was an American citizen executed for the attempted to assassination of United States Secretary of State William H. Seward on April 14, 1865.
There is an older man from my home town who had a bit of a reputation as a very racist individual. He would go on antisemitic and/or racist tirades down at the local bar and throw ... moreThere is an older man from my home town who had a bit of a reputation as a very racist individual. He would go on antisemitic and/or racist tirades down at the local bar and throw things at the television whenever a non white person was shown. Mostly he was just regarded as a whacko and people ignored it.Flash forward to present times. My sister works at a nurse at the local hospital. According to her, she has just delivered his sixth black grandchild. Apparently his daughter did not share in his racism. I know it is not entirely appropriate but I can't help laugh at the whole situation. I just hope the guy has calmed himself down quite a bit and taken it down from 11 to like 0. less
Of course being a president does require certain things that are not required of TV reality show performers. I don't know why anyone is conflating the duties/responsibilities of a ... moreOf course being a president does require certain things that are not required of TV reality show performers. I don't know why anyone is conflating the duties/responsibilities of a president with those of any average mediocre ordinary standard-issue off-the-shelf nothing special TV reality show celebrity. Not fair to do of course course.
Hearing lovely words (LIES) as the knife goes in your heart or being vilified with ugly insults as the knife goes in? Do kind words ameliorate/mitigate or are they just so much add... moreHearing lovely words (LIES) as the knife goes in your heart or being vilified with ugly insults as the knife goes in? Do kind words ameliorate/mitigate or are they just so much added bullsh** window dressing gibberish?
Why can't you maintain your individuality simulanteously with belonging to a group? Must you submerge yourself and become an unidentifiable part of it to belong to it? Where ... more Why can't you maintain your individuality simulanteously with belonging to a group? Must you submerge yourself and become an unidentifiable part of it to belong to it? Where is it written that must be?
President Reagan spoke out eloquently against Racism and Bigotry. Today's "republicans" are shamefully racist because they will not stand up to the dippidy do and stop him or... morePresident Reagan spoke out eloquently against Racism and Bigotry. Today's "republicans" are shamefully racist because they will not stand up to the dippidy do and stop him or criticize him or challenge him. President Reagan would be not only disappointed with them but disgusted. The Presidency should be a place to look for MORAL LEADERSHIP. That's a joke today. Some may be laughing but I don't see any humor in it. What did all the racists/bigots who suck up to the dippidy doo do when Ronald Reagan was the president? Go back into the slime under the rocks? There was a time when they were unwanted unpopular unnoticed. Will such a time ever come again? Will we survive what we have now? HOW? less
My last apartment might have been haunted.I was living alone, except for the cat, and one afternoon I walked down the hall, turned to the right, took a step, and was hit in the bac... moreMy last apartment might have been haunted.I was living alone, except for the cat, and one afternoon I walked down the hall, turned to the right, took a step, and was hit in the back with a penny.Nothing like that ever happened again though.
Like those "FAMILY FIRST" guys who have a pregnant mistress on the side. Or those who are gay who attack the LGBTQ community mercilessly. The defense is a good offense. ... moreLike those "FAMILY FIRST" guys who have a pregnant mistress on the side. Or those who are gay who attack the LGBTQ community mercilessly. The defense is a good offense. So when you see these folks weaponzied targeting a certain group you will know that some of them belong to that group and are just too chickensh** to admit it! "Methinks he doth protest too much"!
Pandora's curiosity drove her to do it. There was no evil intent. The dippidy doo does it purposely and stokes the flames of hate and makes sure the evils he perpetuates promulgate... morePandora's curiosity drove her to do it. There was no evil intent. The dippidy doo does it purposely and stokes the flames of hate and makes sure the evils he perpetuates promulgates worships target those who don't support him. So that's the difference. Well there is a difference in gender too. I guess.