It's a far more powerful way to change things than casting a vote on election day and hoping the politician keeps his/her promises. You can either strengthen or weaken corpora... moreIt's a far more powerful way to change things than casting a vote on election day and hoping the politician keeps his/her promises. You can either strengthen or weaken corporations or small businesses, who ultimately have much more power to change the direction of the world by determining where you will spend your money. Give the farmers more power by buying local produce directly from them. Give companies who support what you believe more power by buying from them, and stay away from the companies you despise. If enough of us do this, we will see a quick shift. less
Being a native New Yorker and having traveled all over the state, mine are Lake George...and the neighboring Finger Lakes...Cayuga Lake...and Seneca Lake...
We recently had a sleepover of eight college girls, all in their mid-forties, and late in the night the conversation drifted to sharing of painful experiences. These ranged from lo... moreWe recently had a sleepover of eight college girls, all in their mid-forties, and late in the night the conversation drifted to sharing of painful experiences. These ranged from loss of a child, to being cheated on, to attempted suicide, etc (mercifully none of us was raped); and we found ourselves weeping and hugging and consoling one another. This sharing of eacb other's pain, which we were not aware of, has brought us very close together, closer than we had ever been. We feel tightly bonded.
All you gals out there too since he has a problem with you. All women intimidate him so he attacks them. How do YOU rationalize being viewed as a sex object and nothing more? If he... moreAll you gals out there too since he has a problem with you. All women intimidate him so he attacks them. How do YOU rationalize being viewed as a sex object and nothing more? If he is attracted to you he'll bed you. If you aren't he will insult you. I don't know what the appeal to women could possibly be from such a one as he! If YOU do couldja enlighten us please and thank you! :)
Every single one of the potential recipients of the wackadoodle dippidy doo adoring worshipper bomber was ATTACKED BY the dippidy do more than once BY NAME. So comparing one ... moreEvery single one of the potential recipients of the wackadoodle dippidy doo adoring worshipper bomber was ATTACKED BY the dippidy do more than once BY NAME. So comparing one with the other is the refuge of desperate people who are incapable of discernment and thought and are driven by fear of their dippidy doo. Not logic. Not truth. Period. Try again folks. You're losing on this one bigly.
Because they know dam* well he will track them down and DESTROY them! He will double down on them insult them attack them crush them. They are terrified of him. No one else is just... moreBecause they know dam* well he will track them down and DESTROY them! He will double down on them insult them attack them crush them. They are terrified of him. No one else is just them. Why are they(pray tell) so certain he will make their lives HE** on earth unless they obey his every command?
Hitler said it in Germany. Is super don the dippidy doo patterning himself after Adolf? I thought Vlad Putin was he soulmate hero. Is VLAD THE BAD a Nationalist too?
They aren't Negroid. They aren't Mongoloid. What's left? Caucasoid! So the masses of people marching toward the US border are Caucasoid mainly. Your own race fer goodness sakes if ... moreThey aren't Negroid. They aren't Mongoloid. What's left? Caucasoid! So the masses of people marching toward the US border are Caucasoid mainly. Your own race fer goodness sakes if you are Caucasoid too. Why are you afraid of your own kind? D'ya think your own kind are unkind?
You're kind of right Don. Being the President you definitely get dragged through the slime and the muck. Katy Tur may be a little too concerned about her appearance and money statu... moreYou're kind of right Don. Being the President you definitely get dragged through the slime and the muck. Katy Tur may be a little too concerned about her appearance and money stature.Still. She cuts to the chase with her earthy, secular, no hold's barred people's language. She said the F and WTF on a nationally syndicated interview with a big mag or TV interview. I like that. Donald Trump kissed her! She said she dud'nt know if she was going to survive after!She is at least as smart as Rachael Maddow from what I have seen of her so far anyways. less
Adorers and abhorers have equal rights to free expression. It's a great country. Right? Until da big cheese makes it illegal to do/say anything negative about him. Until then? Well guess?
A surprise party being planned by you or someone for your mateORA secret someone shared with you that you won't divulge s you promisedOther than that I can't come up with anything else.
Or once a groupie always a groupie? Ever been one or know one? Do they work or panhandle to pay their way day by day? They are uniformly immoral right? Whatever the object of... moreOr once a groupie always a groupie? Ever been one or know one? Do they work or panhandle to pay their way day by day? They are uniformly immoral right? Whatever the object of their devotion wants they give them? Whether it's musician or athlete or politician? Body and soul groupies are there to safisfy sate placate their idols whenever however whomever whyever whatever?
You are ticked off to the max that you cannot control the news cycles. First the pipebomber took your thunder and you kvetched about THAT and now the slaughter of Jews in a synagog... moreYou are ticked off to the max that you cannot control the news cycles. First the pipebomber took your thunder and you kvetched about THAT and now the slaughter of Jews in a synagogue. What inconvenient timing for you and your agenda schedule. You want folks to focus on the hordes of marching asylum seekers from Central America whom you characterize as gang members, rapists and murderers as well as terrorists don't you? AND sending troops/military/militia WITH GUNS to the border to stop them. By any means possible? You want to keep focusing on that to use as a political scare tactic to frighten the folks who believe whatever you say/do because they believe in you(God help them) so they will vote for you and everything associated with you. Too bad so sad! You aren't such a big shot after all. Get over it. less
If you recall when Rapunzel guessed his name Rumpelstiltskin got so infuriated he stomped himself into oblivion and disappeared. Well think dippidy doo could possible do that too i... moreIf you recall when Rapunzel guessed his name Rumpelstiltskin got so infuriated he stomped himself into oblivion and disappeared. Well think dippidy doo could possible do that too if he never is able to make everything everyday all about him? How much would you pay to watch him stomp himself in fury to oblivion? Of course then Pence would take over how much better would THAT be?