He would create his own press. He would create his own TV station. His name brand would be on everything. Every business would incorporate his name in some way to pay homage ... moreHe would create his own press. He would create his own TV station. His name brand would be on everything. Every business would incorporate his name in some way to pay homage to him . It could be the superdon Brown & Sons. Or the superdon Smith Drugstore. Or the superdon Dolly Parton Hair Salon. Everywhere he looked would be superdon emblazoned thereon. A perfect world. Color-free. No enemies would be allowed. Only joy and happiness would exist there. No enemies no cross words no arguments no battles no troubles no Democrats no immigrants no poor people no welfare or social service program. What perfecter world than that could any of the superdon fans wish for than that? less
Why to California Senator Kamala Harris. Who will be next? Gosh the super don list of designated enemies gets longer each day. Suffice it to say all the copycat extreme-right wing ... moreWhy to California Senator Kamala Harris. Who will be next? Gosh the super don list of designated enemies gets longer each day. Suffice it to say all the copycat extreme-right wing stupid dumbs will hop on board this pro-super don bandwagon and just pick up where the arrested stupid dumb left off. Exciting days ahead. Will your post office be a target? Your business? Your local government? It won't end with 14. Now the stupid dumbs are on a roll so they'll jes keep rolling along like OLD MAN RIVER. Wonder where, when and whom one of those bombs will take out or injure? Placing bets. less
This prez wants to control everything and abhors the independence of the Justice Department. He will o get rid of those who would uphold that independence and hire those who give h... moreThis prez wants to control everything and abhors the independence of the Justice Department. He will o get rid of those who would uphold that independence and hire those who give him complete abject obedience. Which means that violence uncontrolled will be what occurs futurely if it serves him and his agenda. He keeps wanting his cake and eating it too and is getting it.
That's why some of 'em are being sliced and diced and nailed and caught and arreested and charged. The super don mob squad thugs who are all stupid dumbs aren't that bright. ... moreThat's why some of 'em are being sliced and diced and nailed and caught and arreested and charged. The super don mob squad thugs who are all stupid dumbs aren't that bright. Soldiers for super don to defend him. Sigh. I wonder how of many of THEM there are?
If you drown so what? It means you just couldn't hack it. You just didn't have "the right stuff". No one's fault but yours. Tough bananas! If you swim good for you. You get all the... moreIf you drown so what? It means you just couldn't hack it. You just didn't have "the right stuff". No one's fault but yours. Tough bananas! If you swim good for you. You get all the kudos and awards and goodies in life. It's only fair. Correct?
Whether they are SOCIO or PSYCHO all "paths" leads all countries to DOOM. Do they turn on the "charm" to fool some of the people or is it the fact that they are so destructive the ... moreWhether they are SOCIO or PSYCHO all "paths" leads all countries to DOOM. Do they turn on the "charm" to fool some of the people or is it the fact that they are so destructive the very thing that draws supporters to them? It's odd that none of the despot dictators in the entire world have "all their marbles". Is crazy "in" everywhere? A fad that temporarily appeals to people until they get bored and move on like Beanie Babies and Hula Hoops? What is it about a wackadoodle that is so mesmerizing? Uncertainty of what the wackadoodle will do do do do do next? Exciting? Daring? Do gamblers prefer the wackadoodle because he is so unpredictable? KABOOM at any time hangs over us 24/7 under the control of the wacky wackadoodle. Will today be the day the wackadoodle blows up the world? Stay tuned. less
Should we care more do more become more involed with the plight of others or should we opt out nd let everyone sink or swim alone on his/her own? Keep your eyes on your own p... moreShould we care more do more become more involed with the plight of others or should we opt out nd let everyone sink or swim alone on his/her own? Keep your eyes on your own plate? "I've got mine. Get your own" seems to be the way things are. Is that the best we can do? Rule of selfish greedy prevails but should it?
The people can just roll into a collective fetal position and take whatever is dished out to them or they can fight and protest and speak out and gather together as one to take on ... moreThe people can just roll into a collective fetal position and take whatever is dished out to them or they can fight and protest and speak out and gather together as one to take on the oppressor. When the oppressor is the one in charge it can be very dangerous to speak up. Dissidents die of poison, or gun-shot wounds, or mysteriously disappear and are never seen again. They can be tortured murdered and dismembered too. It takes desperation to gamble with one's life like that. Do you gamble?
I let the Trick-or-Treaters choose their own candy.The candy was all in the snack size.* Twix* Peanut M+M's* Payday* Kit Kat* Reese's Pumpkin-shaped peanut butter cups* Snickers
He also has several prior arrests for terroristic threats and domestic violence. By the logic of our most wacko lefty friends, if one Trump supporter is a crazy violent wingnut, th... moreHe also has several prior arrests for terroristic threats and domestic violence. By the logic of our most wacko lefty friends, if one Trump supporter is a crazy violent wingnut, then so is everyone who voted for or supports him, right?
So when will super don cut off all imports and shut down all exports? Self first. Country first. World can go to he**. Isn't that the only route for nazionist? Self-determined self... moreSo when will super don cut off all imports and shut down all exports? Self first. Country first. World can go to he**. Isn't that the only route for nazionist? Self-determined self-involved self-engaged self-centered self self self self self?
Treaties agreements can only be forged by the use of COMPROMISE. A nazionist country isn't going to compromise a dam* thing! A nazionist wants 100% of the goods going to it a... moreTreaties agreements can only be forged by the use of COMPROMISE. A nazionist country isn't going to compromise a dam* thing! A nazionist wants 100% of the goods going to it and will not in any case share or coordinate or allow any other country to get what it wants if that means compromise. It should be VERRRRRRY Interesing futurely to see exactly how all these nazionist countries survive alone on their own.
Are super don and vlad having a lover's quarrel? I don't get what's going on between them. Why does super don want to annoy his best bud like that? Is it an ego showdown played wit... moreAre super don and vlad having a lover's quarrel? I don't get what's going on between them. Why does super don want to annoy his best bud like that? Is it an ego showdown played with a count of nuclear weapons each country will build? A game of chicken? Playing with nuclear weapons agreements treaties plans is good because?
Who has that kinda money to use for postage? It would surely put the Post Office back in the black though. Billions of bucks spent on sending pipe bombs to critics of the right-win... moreWho has that kinda money to use for postage? It would surely put the Post Office back in the black though. Billions of bucks spent on sending pipe bombs to critics of the right-wing everythings. It might just be the best thing that ever happened financially in the US of A. PROVIDING none of them go off of course Providing they are all duds meant to scare or built by such incompetent dunderheads their uselessness is built in.
I'm thinking about going to vote. The only problem is I have no idea who to vote for. If I vote Dem, it's only because Beto O'Rourke is for legalizing marijuana. ... moreI'm thinking about going to vote. The only problem is I have no idea who to vote for. If I vote Dem, it's only because Beto O'Rourke is for legalizing marijuana. If I vote Rep, it's because I like the idea of secure borders. If I vote Lib, it's pretty much a waste of a vote, but I might sleep better at night. Do I dare not vote?