Is what we are experiencing now PAYBACK from those who were forced to sublimate their hate which caused it to fester and grow enormously within then so the election of super don ex... moreIs what we are experiencing now PAYBACK from those who were forced to sublimate their hate which caused it to fester and grow enormously within then so the election of super don exploded the fabric of our society and now hate rules?
I believe China had a policy of one child per couple and there were penalties if they went over that. I don't know if that policy exists but certainly in order for white racists to... moreI believe China had a policy of one child per couple and there were penalties if they went over that. I don't know if that policy exists but certainly in order for white racists to stop the growth of people of color something has to be done at the root. Sterilize people of color at puberty. Bingo. Program solved. Right?
The marching folks from Central America are being used to scare super don's targets. The boogey man he is using to scare them. Why are those targets so vulnerable to his sales pitc... moreThe marching folks from Central America are being used to scare super don's targets. The boogey man he is using to scare them. Why are those targets so vulnerable to his sales pitches? Why do they succumb to his fear tactc is so easily and willingly without a peep?
Gender identify was determined by choice after definitions of gender were loosened during the Obama days. Now "they" want to simplify. They don't get complicated. Simple works for ... moreGender identify was determined by choice after definitions of gender were loosened during the Obama days. Now "they" want to simplify. They don't get complicated. Simple works for them. Man OR woman. Period. Which eliminates a lotta folks. You up or down with that (same thing)? You sideways? Of course that totally eliminates the LGBTQ community in terms of acknowledging it's existence. They don't do so good when things get bigger than two. He and She. Him and Her. Me and you. They don't like him and him, her and her, she and she or he and he. They prefer vanilla thank you very much. What's gonna happen? Well if it goes to the Supremes 5 of 'em are right-wing conservatives. They ALWAYS prefer simple. Guess which way they will vote?. less
Once it's over and done and ended its run we can get back to the really real world and shake off all the trappings of fantasy fake phony cheesy drama queen histrionics to which the... moreOnce it's over and done and ended its run we can get back to the really real world and shake off all the trappings of fantasy fake phony cheesy drama queen histrionics to which the mediocre TV reality show celebrity subjected us. I hope. SIGH. You too?
They'll simply begin to come back down to earth. See him for what he is and NOT how their blindsided adoration fooled them into seeing/believing. When you're crazy in love no one c... moreThey'll simply begin to come back down to earth. See him for what he is and NOT how their blindsided adoration fooled them into seeing/believing. When you're crazy in love no one can break through to you. Any criticism of your beloved makes you double down in your determination to stick by him/her no matter what. But. It always wears off. The crazy begins to straighten out and as it it does the "love" begins to lessen. The beauty marks become the warts they always were. You're back to being you. It will happen this time too. With patience. With time. less
The author of the book was being interviewed on TV and he didn't have an angry word to say. He sez there are three super donsCASUALRALLYPROMPTERCASUAL is the lighthearted guy danci... moreThe author of the book was being interviewed on TV and he didn't have an angry word to say. He sez there are three super donsCASUALRALLYPROMPTERCASUAL is the lighthearted guy dancing around to music who can be charming if a little effeminate. RALLY is the guy who gives the crowd BLOODY RED MEAT dripping with blood to keep them on a leash. PROMPTER is the stiff guy who can't stand what he says and spits it out in glorious monotonous monotone obviously bored to death and uninterested.Maybe finally there is a book about super don I can stomach. The ones based in anger just get me upsetter. A humorous take on a guy who has zero sense of humor about himself could be a hoot! Rooty toot toot! less
He also said he's gonna make the first amendment last and the second amendment first and whenever you say anything you have to have a gun in your hand! NOW THAT"S FUNNY!
A quick kiss. Holding hands. I like to see couples show affection for each other in public. Nothing that would embarrass anyone of course. Just holding hands I think is very sweet.... moreA quick kiss. Holding hands. I like to see couples show affection for each other in public. Nothing that would embarrass anyone of course. Just holding hands I think is very sweet. Maybe William and Kate do that too but Harry is very enthusiastic about it! I guess reticence for showing emotion in public isn't limited to Brits.But I do think Americans in general are more demonstrative. I expect watever you're used to is best, right? Different strokes.
Incinerated. Dismembered. Ground up and had baked into meat pies? Wasn't there a Broadway play about such a monster? Didn't he have an accomplice? Somehow I think of Angel Lansbury... moreIncinerated. Dismembered. Ground up and had baked into meat pies? Wasn't there a Broadway play about such a monster? Didn't he have an accomplice? Somehow I think of Angel Lansbury as the pie baker though I'm not certain who did the actual whacking attacking murdering.
Anyone who tweets on Twitter is a potential target to either be tracked/attacked or manipulated into believing vicious lies. What a swell place to hang out! What a great plac... moreAnyone who tweets on Twitter is a potential target to either be tracked/attacked or manipulated into believing vicious lies. What a swell place to hang out! What a great place to visit or spend tons of hours and be programmed with crap just like a computer can contain inferior software so what comes out is crap. Everything is haywire and mixed up and wrong! How fun to know what you can count on to happen to you should you be foolish enough to spend any time there at all. Condolences and good luck.
You betcha he does. They're armed and locked and loaded. Anyone who even plans to vote for a Democrat will be shot down like a dog in the streets. They know who the Dems are. They ... moreYou betcha he does. They're armed and locked and loaded. Anyone who even plans to vote for a Democrat will be shot down like a dog in the streets. They know who the Dems are. They have been stalking us and tracking us and taking notes. It's a massive army of his devoted followers and they are just waiting to take us all out. So for once super don is telling the truth . Vote for a Democrat and lose your life! That's crazy. Isn't it?
Give me specific geographical locations so I can go and watch or join them. C'mon super don. Tell exactly WHERE the rioting is occurring. What could it hurt?
Seems to me if the hoped for and anticipated BLUE WAVE turns purple or BLOOD RED super don will show us what he is really made of and just do it! One by one his "enemies" will simp... moreSeems to me if the hoped for and anticipated BLUE WAVE turns purple or BLOOD RED super don will show us what he is really made of and just do it! One by one his "enemies" will simply evaporate mysteriously. Now you see them. Now you don't. He will become more energized and bold. Attacking insulting and lying about those who don't kiss his corpulent arse will no longer be enough for him. He will wish his enemies to a "cornfield" and be done with them. Is a purple or BLOOD RED wave possible? Oh my yes. The Kickapoo Joy Juice victory woke up many of the sleeping and they will vote with joy to keep the present power in office. By any means necessary. It could either be a victory for starting a zillion investigations into the corruption of the current administration and starting the impeachment process or it could be a victory for the powers that be and we will not have more of the same. We will witness a doubling down or multiplying by tenfold or both simultaneously. Beware. Life is uncertain. Eat desser... less
*Not today's so-called Christians as exemplified by Evangelicals who adore super don but the old tyme religion Christian to whom a super don would be the spawn of the devil and the... more*Not today's so-called Christians as exemplified by Evangelicals who adore super don but the old tyme religion Christian to whom a super don would be the spawn of the devil and they would reject him, turn their backs on him, shun him. But they don't.Unless Christians believe that God/Jesus are both ANTI-Human Rights. Do they? Because if they do believe that then any typical standard ordinary everyday mediocre average anti-christ anti-human rights monstrous leader would be revered and cheered and followed and supported and have devoted followers and defenders and adoring worshippers. Right? less
Does winning at gambling require more "lucK' than knowledge? I know poker players have to be good at "reading" their opponents. That people have "tells" of which they may be unawar... moreDoes winning at gambling require more "lucK' than knowledge? I know poker players have to be good at "reading" their opponents. That people have "tells" of which they may be unaware that "tells" the other players if their hands are good or if they're bluffing. Are you good at reading people? Can you tell when they're lying/bluffing?
Evangelicals support the vile venal evil super don who is the most amoral immoral unnatural "human" who has ever been an American president. They conveniently can set aside all mor... moreEvangelicals support the vile venal evil super don who is the most amoral immoral unnatural "human" who has ever been an American president. They conveniently can set aside all morality and shelve it when it gets in the way. Tsk tsk tsk. Do they think GOD is not watching and not taking names?If they believe in GOD who knows all creates all and is everywhere how do they defend the indefensible? Do they think GOD is stupid?
Yep he did. He implied that there are some things more important than human rights and arms sales is one of them. Isn't that splendid? How he do carry on. Not in the name of ... moreYep he did. He implied that there are some things more important than human rights and arms sales is one of them. Isn't that splendid? How he do carry on. Not in the name of GOD but in the name of super don. SIGH. My oh my. How religion has done changed in the era of super don. It's still changing. Not for the better but for the worser.
They get cheers and hurrahs from all the others who can't answer the question either and so they too attack the questioner. It is no-win for the attackers since it makes them look ... moreThey get cheers and hurrahs from all the others who can't answer the question either and so they too attack the questioner. It is no-win for the attackers since it makes them look very weak and ill-informed and ill-bred and well just not too savvy. The same folks keep doing it repeatedly. I guess that's the best they can do when they want attention and care not how they go about it. And so it goes. Then when some others folks do answer the question the attackers attack them too. Jealousy perhaps? I dunno. T'is a puzzlement. less
I was out driving this past weekend and came across someone by the side of the road trying to flag down help. We were on a well-traveled stretch of highway, but it was somewhat rem... moreI was out driving this past weekend and came across someone by the side of the road trying to flag down help. We were on a well-traveled stretch of highway, but it was somewhat remote. He said he had run out of gas, so I volunteered to take him to the closest service station. Turns out, the place didn't sell gas cans, so he went person to person in the parking lot to see if he could borrow one or buy one from someone. At the same time, another guy walked up- he, too, had run out of gas and was trying to find a can to buy or a loaner, and the two guys sat there and started a bidding war over one random traveler's gas can. O_oIs that normal? Don't most service stations sell gas cans? Or should we all be carrying them with us just in case? less