I guess he was desperate to get back into the news so he figured the only way he could make it all about him was to crash the "party" uninvited. Would YOU have been so disrespectfu... moreI guess he was desperate to get back into the news so he figured the only way he could make it all about him was to crash the "party" uninvited. Would YOU have been so disrespectful and crass as to go to a place you were specifically asked to NOT GO? Under what circumstances does it make it okay to do that? He was not met by any officials. He dragged Ivanka and Jared along who ARE JEWISH. I guess he did that to legitimize his going when he was asked to STAY AWAY! A block or so away there were protests. People with signs telling him he was not wanted. Did he care about what was appropriate and respectful? Of course not. He goes where the cameras are. He goes wherever he can insert himself into what's going on. He whined about the pipebombs taking over the news when he so wanted everyone to be terrified of the "invasion" of asylum seekers. He sent thousands of troops to the border despite the fact that the "invaders" are 1000 miles away and can't get here for awhile. Whatta guy! Front and center hogging all the at... less
So an elephant is a trunk or a tail or the ivory or the hoof or the skin. When your perception is nil or skewed and limited you see only what you are able to see. Only the unblind ... moreSo an elephant is a trunk or a tail or the ivory or the hoof or the skin. When your perception is nil or skewed and limited you see only what you are able to see. Only the unblind can see the entire elephant and accurately describe it. The trunk is imposing the tail is cute the ivory is very valuable the skin is tough. When you "see" only partially your comprehension is inadequate. But you don't know that. So when someone comes along and describes the entire elephant you won't believe it. I guess that makes sense. less
The pointer outer that's who! The abominations constantly being perpetrated by the abominable one don't matter one bit or one whit to them. But pointing them out is intolerable to ... moreThe pointer outer that's who! The abominations constantly being perpetrated by the abominable one don't matter one bit or one whit to them. But pointing them out is intolerable to them. How is that remotely logical reasonable sensible defensible?
The incredibly shoddy plot to smear Robert Mueller explained - Mueller’s office has asked the FBI to investigate what happened.https://www.vox.com/2018/10/30/18044110/robert-... moreThe incredibly shoddy plot to smear Robert Mueller explained - Mueller’s office has asked the FBI to investigate what happened.https://www.vox.com/2018/10/30/18044110/robert-mueller-jacob-wohl-jack-burkman-surefire
Like many of you, I get push notifications on my phone about the news. One that just popped up was from the Daily Mail, which began, "One of the evil men behind..." Now, in this ca... moreLike many of you, I get push notifications on my phone about the news. One that just popped up was from the Daily Mail, which began, "One of the evil men behind..." Now, in this case, I don't disagree that the guy they're referencing is "evil," though the term is arguably a bit moralistic for me. However, I do question whether news outlets should be making these kinds of judgments. Shouldn't they be simply stating the facts? i.e. "One of the men behind..." or "One of the men convicted for..."Again, if you got the same notification I did and know what story I'm referencing, I'm not saying the term was wrong, but it does trouble me that a news outlet would use an opinion-based term. Maybe this one was a slam dunk, but who's to say who they might call "evil" later? less
This is a great Article describing how little Donald J Trump actually does...Early this year, Axios obtained a schedule of President Trump’s activities, revealing h... moreThis is a great Article describing how little Donald J Trump actually does...Early this year, Axios obtained a schedule of President Trump’s activities, revealing hour after hour of “Executive Time” — which means, mostly, binge-watching cable television news and tweeting. Politico has obtained another weekly Trump schedule, and if anything, it appears to contain even less actual work.
Tuesday’s schedule featured nine hours of “Executive Time” and just over three hours of work. Other days on the schedule were only slightly busier. Trump had no meetings or commitments before 11 a.m. on any day of the week. Every day included long blocks of unstructured screen timehttps://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/report-president-trump-barely-works-at-all.html?utm_source=fb&fbclid=IwAR31RhunFUs8_izIjsNNueuUA5bW32Z6ptwxsf3a-gD0sSRwa_Ves9kLZgITrump has done such a comprehensively awful job of being president that it feels petty, or even contradictory, to complain th... less
He also tweeted about the Dodgers and the world series. On the very same day! Isn't he marvelous? S'wonderful? Amazing? He sure knows what's important. He sure has his priorities s... moreHe also tweeted about the Dodgers and the world series. On the very same day! Isn't he marvelous? S'wonderful? Amazing? He sure knows what's important. He sure has his priorities straight and his head on straight don't he? You betcha he do.
If course if they weren't obscenely wealthy and pro the dippidy do he'd have no use for them. So you see the dippidy doo isn't a racist. He just be a money lover self lover anybody... moreIf course if they weren't obscenely wealthy and pro the dippidy do he'd have no use for them. So you see the dippidy doo isn't a racist. He just be a money lover self lover anybody rich who love him too he be all for all day every day. Even when they murder and dismember. No one is perfect for cryin' out loud! Right?
Was rather stunned when I was patted down by a female security officer in Dulles on the way to the UK. My boyfriend wasn't lol. Maybe I looked risky :)
As I recall I think the show was titled Life with Elizabeth although she may have appeared on other local shows too. I was young kid then but we used to watch early on.
Years ago at Disneyland our company took us there to spend the day for a Christmas holiday gift to us. The owners were very friendly with a long-time Disney executive who accompani... moreYears ago at Disneyland our company took us there to spend the day for a Christmas holiday gift to us. The owners were very friendly with a long-time Disney executive who accompanied us while we were there. After we were done at the Haunted Mansion he was going to explain how the holographic images were made and I excused myself and stepped away from the group. I explained before I stepped away that I'd just rather not know the mechanics of it. Have you ever done anything like that?
Does the knowing impact at all how you live your life or perceive yourself? If age were of no consequence and people never kept track of it how would the not knowing change t... more Does the knowing impact at all how you live your life or perceive yourself? If age were of no consequence and people never kept track of it how would the not knowing change things or would they stay exactly the same?