Of course it is only a temporary loss. We will get back that hour when we "Fall back". This year it's November 7. The circle/cycle of life. Win one lose one stay even.Different cou... moreOf course it is only a temporary loss. We will get back that hour when we "Fall back". This year it's November 7. The circle/cycle of life. Win one lose one stay even.Different countries have different "change" dates. When does your country "spring" forward or did it already do so?
I personally don't, but my daughter so strongly resembles my sister that my brother-in-law once mistook his niece for his wife (awkward), and my grandson gets called "Mini Me" by m... moreI personally don't, but my daughter so strongly resembles my sister that my brother-in-law once mistook his niece for his wife (awkward), and my grandson gets called "Mini Me" by my son, his father.
Back in the late 1980s, my wife met a woman who was the friend of a friend. About a month later, the lady and her husband were having a get-together at their home and we were invit... moreBack in the late 1980s, my wife met a woman who was the friend of a friend. About a month later, the lady and her husband were having a get-together at their home and we were invited. There were about four or five couples there, and I was the only active-duty servicemember among the crowd. After dinner, when I mentioned that I was a Marine, the hostess piped up that she was a Marine veteran herself. “Really? How interesting,” I said, finding a kindred spirit. “What was your MOS?” She was like a deer in the headlights, claimed that she wasn’t familiar with the acronym. “You know, your Military Occupational Specialty? What did you do in the Corps?” I asked her. “Oh, we didn’t call it that back then, maybe that’s new since I got out,” she explained. She was only about ten years older than I was, and the MOS system had been in place for about twenty to thirty years at that point, so I asked her when she had served. ... less
EDIT: I’m not referring to you being mistaken for the serial killer or people assuming that you’d be capable of being a serial killer, I’m referring to the stigma... moreEDIT: I’m not referring to you being mistaken for the serial killer or people assuming that you’d be capable of being a serial killer, I’m referring to the stigma having a notorious name, such as Adolf Hitler.~
Poll: who was (or who is) the owner of the most comfortable bed on which you have ever slept?A. My parent or parents; it was the bed I slept in as a childB. My grandparent or grand... morePoll: who was (or who is) the owner of the most comfortable bed on which you have ever slept?A. My parent or parents; it was the bed I slept in as a childB. My grandparent or grandparents; it was one of the beds I slept in as a childC. A relative’s bed other than my parent or grandparentD. A friend’s bedE. An enemy’s bedF. A stranger’s bedG. It depends; who owns the beds at the County Jail or the State Prison?H. I am the owner of the most comfortable bed in which I have ever slept I. Two or more of the aboveJ. None of the above/other answer entirely
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In the late 19th and 20th centuries tinfoil was in common usage. It gave a slight tin taste to the food wrapped in it.After World War 2 it was replaced by aluminum foil which is ch... moreIn the late 19th and 20th centuries tinfoil was in common usage. It gave a slight tin taste to the food wrapped in it.After World War 2 it was replaced by aluminum foil which is cheaper and more durable without any taste. Some people STILL REFER TO IT AS TINFOIL (me among them) and so in many regions everyone living there in calls it "tinfoil". You are more precise correct? Aluminum it is and aluminum it will always be and with respect to foil tin will never again cross your lips. After all right is right and to be precise is righter than not to be. Agree? less
Melania allegedly is 5' 11" but she wears high heels so she looks taller. Eric is allegedly 6' 4".Height is important because?Well a 5' 6" tall FOOTOO would probably not have been ... moreMelania allegedly is 5' 11" but she wears high heels so she looks taller. Eric is allegedly 6' 4".Height is important because?Well a 5' 6" tall FOOTOO would probably not have been elected for dog catcher. Height denotes MIGHT if you are WHITE. RIGHT?
Why bother? He's white so he is gonna walk. White is always right especially on a cop. Right? White right. Right white. White white. Right right. Right?Dog & Pony Show trial for wh... moreWhy bother? He's white so he is gonna walk. White is always right especially on a cop. Right? White right. Right white. White white. Right right. Right?Dog & Pony Show trial for whose benefit? We the people know he will NOT be convicted of anything.Then he will turn around and sue the city for whatever he can get out of it. Cop wins once again. White is right. Right is white. What's so hard to understand about that?
I buy feminine hygiene products for my wife all the time, and it causes me no shame nor embarrassment at all. When I first began doing it over twenty years ago, I often got it wron... moreI buy feminine hygiene products for my wife all the time, and it causes me no shame nor embarrassment at all. When I first began doing it over twenty years ago, I often got it wrong; the wrong brand, the wrong type, etc., so she had me take the label from the package she had at home and it resolved the problem from then on.~
Many decades ago my then-friend Dorothy ( passed on years ago) asked me why I was always so open and honest and TRUSTING? She said others would use that against me. Of course I tha... moreMany decades ago my then-friend Dorothy ( passed on years ago) asked me why I was always so open and honest and TRUSTING? She said others would use that against me. Of course I thanked her but I told her I didn't know any other way to be. If others used that against me so be it! That was all on them not me.How do you live YOUR life? Always protecting yourself, distrustful of others, defensive? Or are you the one who takes advantage of the trust of others and uses it against them? To what end? For what purpose? Notches on a gun to show a conquest, a "kill"?There are some people you can talk to for YEARS and never really got to know them. They don't want you anywhere near the core of whom they are. Too afraid of what you might do if you only knew.Safe. FAKE.. less
If you saw the movie remember the bit about THE BLACK KNIGHT?Well the FOOTOO folks are THE BLACK KNIGHT only not nearly as hilarious.The parallel is absolutely AMAZING. What man co... moreIf you saw the movie remember the bit about THE BLACK KNIGHT?Well the FOOTOO folks are THE BLACK KNIGHT only not nearly as hilarious.The parallel is absolutely AMAZING. What man conceives man achieves...eventually.
Wasn't/isn't Stephen Miller the "brain" behind the FOOTOO? It sure as he** ain't Melania. Nancy was the brain behind Roinnie t'is true but wasn't she an exception?
We "know" that Nancy Reagan consulted a seer or something to guide what her husband did. I forget the name of the fortuneteller Nancy relied on for that.But all through histo... moreWe "know" that Nancy Reagan consulted a seer or something to guide what her husband did. I forget the name of the fortuneteller Nancy relied on for that.But all through history there have been such beings. If a leader is soft in the head and the "seer" is devious all the power would be controlled. How many of those have there been? Any idea?Of course what proof do we have that any of them were "real"? Maybe they just talked a good game.
Lists least to most powerfulZenobia 240-275Cleopatra 69-30 BCLakshmibal the Rani of Jhansi 1828-1858Joan of Arc 1412-1431Borte Ujin (wife of Ghengis Khan) 1161-1230Indira Gan... moreLists least to most powerfulZenobia 240-275Cleopatra 69-30 BCLakshmibal the Rani of Jhansi 1828-1858Joan of Arc 1412-1431Borte Ujin (wife of Ghengis Khan) 1161-1230Indira Gandhi 1917-1984Margaret Thatcher 1925-2023Theodora 500-548Queen Victoria 1819-1901Empress Dowager Cixi 1835-1908Maria Theresa of Austria 1717-1780Hutshepsut 1508BC-1458 BCCatherine the Great 1729-1796Empress Wu Zetian 624-705Elizabeth 1 1533-1603
Used up all the AARRGGHH on FOOTOO.Lots of WhOOPEEE left in me.How about you? Do you AARRGGHH less and WHOOPEE way more too with grand and great absence of FOOTOO?