Setting aside bodkin and fardels Shakespeare concludes that no matter how awful life is the unknown (death) is awfuller."And makes us rather bear those ills we have,Than fly to oth... moreSetting aside bodkin and fardels Shakespeare concludes that no matter how awful life is the unknown (death) is awfuller."And makes us rather bear those ills we have,Than fly to others that we know not of?"Do you agree that the Devil you know is preferable to the Devil you don't?
It could beTo be or not to be loyalTo be or not to be truthfulTo be or not to be greedyTo be or not to be kindTo be or not to be justTo be or not to be charitableTo be or not to be... moreIt could beTo be or not to be loyalTo be or not to be truthfulTo be or not to be greedyTo be or not to be kindTo be or not to be justTo be or not to be charitableTo be or not to be unselfishTo be or not to be dependableTo be or not to be pleasantTo be or not to be cruelTo be or not to be viciousTo be or not to be FITBI know. The rest of the quotation speaks of death but also speaks of sleep or perchance to dreamFor in the sleep of death what dreams may come. What? In the sleep of death we dream?
He said that when FOOTOO was on Fox he said his GREATEST REGRET was not appointing his three oldest children to the Supreme Court instead of the ones he chose. HIS GREATEST REGRET!... moreHe said that when FOOTOO was on Fox he said his GREATEST REGRET was not appointing his three oldest children to the Supreme Court instead of the ones he chose. HIS GREATEST REGRET!I just wonder how the other SUPREMES would have felt about that? Certainly it is a slap in the face and smackdown.
Have you forgotten that the only JUDGE who counts at all is GOD?Have you forgotten that FOOTOO will have his day in court in Heaven as will we all one day?OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH to ... moreHave you forgotten that the only JUDGE who counts at all is GOD?Have you forgotten that FOOTOO will have his day in court in Heaven as will we all one day?OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH to put so much store in homo sap "justice". You show your faint heart and lightweight belief when you take it upon yourselves to mete out a brand of "justice" here on earth that YOU deem is the right thing! FOR SHAME! Where is your faith hiding? Did you give up faith to support FOOTOO? Doesn't FOOTOO believe in GOD too as you don't seem to? What a crock. less
What could it hurt? Mostly my worries show up haphazardly whenever they feel like it. Very nervy I think so maybe I should schedule mine. I'm going to think about it.
In other words, instead of eating it when it’s freshly cooked, or when it’s freshly prepared, you’d rather put it away and eat it cold later or at room temperature later.~
That amurrican citizens would be the ones to take out democracy is very sad indeed.THEY FAILED. THEY WILL ALWAYS FAIL. THEY ARE ALL LOSERS VERMIN MAGGOTS.Even so it is a sad sad sa... moreThat amurrican citizens would be the ones to take out democracy is very sad indeed.THEY FAILED. THEY WILL ALWAYS FAIL. THEY ARE ALL LOSERS VERMIN MAGGOTS.Even so it is a sad sad sad thing to know. Americans being turned on and sold out by "amurricans" who value only a foolish fop and not a country or a Constitution.Humiliating. Shameful. Dsgusting. Embarrassing.They will continue until they die. May that day arrive before it's too late. The day they die...figuratively or literally. Frankly Scarlett I don't give a dam*! less
House committee considering a House race in Iowa. It has been certified by the state. It has been ruled on by the courts. She did not bother to challenge in the c... moreHouse committee considering a House race in Iowa. It has been certified by the state. It has been ruled on by the courts. She did not bother to challenge in the courts in her state.
It shows up in chlorinated water, some foods and drugs in TRACE amounts. The gubment places a limit on how much each pill can contain of 96 nanograms. Here's the problem.NDMA can f... moreIt shows up in chlorinated water, some foods and drugs in TRACE amounts. The gubment places a limit on how much each pill can contain of 96 nanograms. Here's the problem.NDMA can form while sitting on store shelves, in your medicine cabinet or even after you have swallowed it. It is contaminatef during the manufacture but doesn't stop there. Whatever you test for at the manufacturing level isn't all there is or the end of it.It is found most often in drugs for hypertension, diabetes and heartburn. Some such meds were recalled awhile ago for the high levels of NDMA at some point whose names I do not know.So if it keeps increasing after manufacture it cannot be controlled.How old are those pills in your medicine cabinet?How long does it take for shelf-sitting to create a drug that may be harmful? I don't know and I don't know if those in the know know.So now you know. SIGH.If I find something else you can worry about I shall let you know. Meantime? Well good luck. less
It is located in Clinton Township, Michigan."We specialize in full body cryo preservation of humans and pets.""Members are afforded the opportunity to be preserved at cryogenic tem... moreIt is located in Clinton Township, Michigan."We specialize in full body cryo preservation of humans and pets.""Members are afforded the opportunity to be preserved at cryogenic temperatures in hopes that future medical technology may be able to some day revive and restore to future health."In 2016 there were 145 corpses and 125 pets preserved in tanksThe company was formed in 1976 and moved to their current location in 1993.Now Cryonics and Cryogenics are not the same thing though there is relationship.Cryogenics has to do with extremely low temperaturesCryonics deals with a person's body or body parts being stored in a cryogenic vessel and later be "brought back to life" or defrosted I expect.Interested? less
Walt Disney was a very heavy smoker and died of lung cancer due to smoking. Two days after his death he was cremated. The urn in which his ashes were placed is in a family crypt in... moreWalt Disney was a very heavy smoker and died of lung cancer due to smoking. Two days after his death he was cremated. The urn in which his ashes were placed is in a family crypt in a cemetery in Glendale, California.Wouldja if ya could? Have your body frozen cryogenically or cryonically to be defrosted at a future date when would you died of had a cure?No one you knew would be alive then. What kind of life would you lead?I guess in Walt's case he'd go back to the company that bears his name and once again run it?I dunno. It seems a bit creepy to live in a world where some are defrosted. Don'tcha think? less
That those who say those words having no intention of abiding them would simply drop dead on the spot!That would stop any fakes phonies charlatans from ever going into politics. Wh... moreThat those who say those words having no intention of abiding them would simply drop dead on the spot!That would stop any fakes phonies charlatans from ever going into politics. What are those hallowed words they so glibly say and do not mean?For the President"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability PRESERVE PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States."For all other pols"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will SUPPORT and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office which I am about to enter. SO HELP ME GOD."So FOOTOO would have dropped dead on the spot as would all the pols who engaged in the plotting and planning and executing of the insur... less
What FOOTOO done done to it? I cannot.The party of Abraham Lincoln stood for something noble and good.President Lincoln can never be tarnished by anyone or anything. But his party?... moreWhat FOOTOO done done to it? I cannot.The party of Abraham Lincoln stood for something noble and good.President Lincoln can never be tarnished by anyone or anything. But his party? That is a different matter entirely.Sad way to go out methinks. For those who "think" they are republicans are no such thing. They are FOOTOOICANS. They will never be anything more than that.
No computers no telephones no radio no television.Once upon a time none of that existed. Would we all have gone stark raving mad if that were the case when Covid hit? Think about i... moreNo computers no telephones no radio no television.Once upon a time none of that existed. Would we all have gone stark raving mad if that were the case when Covid hit? Think about it. Whom would you be without your phone or radio or computer or TV?
Examples?Well someone will say "how are you today" and the person who is addressed thinks "I wonder what he/she means by that?"Another someone can say "GO TO HE**" and they will re... moreExamples?Well someone will say "how are you today" and the person who is addressed thinks "I wonder what he/she means by that?"Another someone can say "GO TO HE**" and they will reply "when would you like me to leave?"Seriously. Now that's peculiar and queer and bizarre and weird.The message doesn't matter at all. None. Zero. Zilch. It's all about who delivers it apparently. Now how is that logical?A FOOTOO can INSULT the military and its hereos and yet some if not many in the military ALLEGEDLY adore him. Now how is it reasonable to adore someone who insults you? I don't get it. less
A. Within minutes of when I found out
B. Within a few hours of when I found out... more
A. Within minutes of when I found out
B. Within a few hours of when I found out
C. Within a day or two after I found out
D. Within a week or two after I found out
E. Within a month or two after I found out
F. Within a few months after I found out
G. Just days prior to her giving birth
H. After she gave birth
I. I have never shared that information with my extended family members
J. I do not have any extended family members
K. This has happened more than once in my life, and the answer has differed
L. Two or more of the above answers, specifically:____________________
M. None of the above answers, or other answer, specifically:____________________
Companion question for women to answer:
A. Within minutes of when I found out
B. Within a few hours of when I found outC. Within a day or two after I found outD. Within a week or two after I found outE. Within a month or... moreA. Within minutes of when I found out
B. Within a few hours of when I found outC. Within a day or two after I found outD. Within a week or two after I found outE. Within a month or two after I found outF. Within a few months after I found outG. Just days prior to giving birthH. After I gave birthI. I have never shared that information with my extended family membersJ. I do not have any extended family membersK. I have had more than one pregnancy, and the answer has differedL. Two or more of the above answers, specifically:____________________
M. None of the above answers, or other answer, specifically:____________________
Companion question for men to answer:
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