What about a petrified person? Someone frightened afraid terrified horrified turns to stone becomes rigid and immobilized mentally. Can petrified persons ever unpetrify or is it a ... moreWhat about a petrified person? Someone frightened afraid terrified horrified turns to stone becomes rigid and immobilized mentally. Can petrified persons ever unpetrify or is it a one-way street with a dead end?
If they are provided with shelter water food with someone to think for them that is enough for them.That is how pets live. They do not decide anything. All decisions are made for t... moreIf they are provided with shelter water food with someone to think for them that is enough for them.That is how pets live. They do not decide anything. All decisions are made for them. This is the way of life that more and more people are adopting.
If you were to think of the top news and politics channel on YouTube, you’d probably think it’s one of the big boys: CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox. You’d be wrong. Acco... moreIf you were to think of the top news and politics channel on YouTube, you’d probably think it’s one of the big boys: CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox. You’d be wrong. According to OpenSlate, a company that provides metrics and rankings for YouTube channels, the highest ranking news and politics channel is The Young Turks.
“The Young Turks” is a political talk show from Cenk Uygur first airing on Sirius Satellite Radio in 2002. A little over a year ago, it moved to Current TV. Uygur has built a formidable YouTube presence with 385,000 subscribers and more than 800 million video views. Through its YouTube Channel, “The Young Turks” has been able to have a dialogue with its fans, creating a devoted fan base, something agencies pay close attention to. less
So ya gotchrue teeny tiny itsy bitsy wanna be billionaire cowering in a corner terrified of the big real massive mammoth billionaire. How best to destroy him? Inundate all media ch... moreSo ya gotchrue teeny tiny itsy bitsy wanna be billionaire cowering in a corner terrified of the big real massive mammoth billionaire. How best to destroy him? Inundate all media channels with massive pro bloomberg ads that's how. Win at his own game. I dunno if it could work but we the people are DESPERATE to get rid of the teenytiny itsby bitsy tootsy wootsy wanna be big bad boy.Even if means having another billionaire as president?Even if means having another real live honest to goodness no kidding folks billionaire. less
Dam* straight it's true. Now that dumb don KNOWS he can do whatever he wants to do he is setting the attacks dog on Hunter already information is being provide to those who will do... moreDam* straight it's true. Now that dumb don KNOWS he can do whatever he wants to do he is setting the attacks dog on Hunter already information is being provide to those who will do whatever they can to take Hunter down and out. Dumb don is going for all their heads. Nancy Pelosi Adam Schiff Maxine Waters John McCain (I know he's dead but dumb don is prosecuting him anyway) Comey and everyone who ever worked in gubment who testified under oath. This is thousands of people people. Do you really think dumb don will have time to do anything other than go after his enemies? Hahahahahahaha. Boy are you ever dumb like don.\You read it here. There will be multiple prosecutions investigations assassinations violation character assassinations cremations.Everyone you ever hated on behalf of dumb don is going down. Death will be the goal. Getting there will be how dumb don gets off. He is very needy and will be getting off a bazillion times a day. ARE YOU NEXT?He is so happy he ha the completely approval of all banana repub... less
Formerly referred to as The United States of AmericaIt is now and forever will be referred to as the banana republican king banana republic filled with banana republicans who all a... moreFormerly referred to as The United States of AmericaIt is now and forever will be referred to as the banana republican king banana republic filled with banana republicans who all adore bananas. They not only eat bananas they drive people bananas. Obviously meant to be.They live in a banana republicThey are banana republicansThey eat bananasDrive people bananasBake banana nut bread daily which is all they eat besides raw bananasThey attract others who adore bananas like chimpanzees gorillas monkeys and KING KONG the best and biggest banana eater of all timeAlso Tarzan who got to adore bananas and Cheetah who grew up on bananas.Banana cream pie. Banana bread. Banana cookies. Banana malt. Banana vodka. Banana candy. Havabanana why don't you? Banana shakes Banana malts Banana soup? Serve cold with dollops of whipping cream like BORSCHT. Banana liquer. Banana gum. Banana salad. Havabanana why don'tcha? Whoops. Said that.The banana republic king will put his brand on all bananas and get a cut of all the sales."Dumb do... less
For you who are long-time fans.The show depicts a very beautiful woman who is considered to be hideously ugly by the plastic surgeons/nurses working over her. They operate but it d... moreFor you who are long-time fans.The show depicts a very beautiful woman who is considered to be hideously ugly by the plastic surgeons/nurses working over her. They operate but it does no good. Nothing has changed. To their eyes she is hideous disfigured and must be removed from their society. She is sent off to live the rest of her life among others who are similarly afflicted and is met by a very handsome young man about her age who escorts her to their new land and they disappear into their new lives.Meanwhile "back at the ranch" so to speak we finally see the faces of those in the operating room which we had not seen before. They were all porcine. All had pig faces. Their standard of beauty was looking like a pig and those who didn't meet that standard of beauty were shipped away.Now we know we have a pig president. He is as porcine as they come. His standard of beauty is him so the more piglike you are the better he likes you. Squeal oink pig out grunt belch burp etcetera.That is our reality predicted by Rod... less
I'm a wise and extremely stable genius. I know more than the generals. Don't believe what you read or what you hear. That is not what's happening. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
They go out of their way to do the opposite. To attack insult denigrate undermine sabotage harm LIE ABOUTI believe it is safe to say that dumb don is the unhappiest person on the f... moreThey go out of their way to do the opposite. To attack insult denigrate undermine sabotage harm LIE ABOUTI believe it is safe to say that dumb don is the unhappiest person on the face of the earth.
It shows OBEDIENCE not INDEPENDENCE. It shows COWARDICE not BRAVERYIt shows MINDLESS not MINDFULIt show FEAR OF THE UDDER not belief in ONESELFWhat's worse they don't have a clue. ... moreIt shows OBEDIENCE not INDEPENDENCE. It shows COWARDICE not BRAVERYIt shows MINDLESS not MINDFULIt show FEAR OF THE UDDER not belief in ONESELFWhat's worse they don't have a clue. So stupid dumb is evidenced as well.