Doesn't stop there. Apparently allegedly a snoop doggy a** threatened a journalist for asking a question about KOBE'S SEXUAL ASSAULT trial.Did the snoopy doggy a** actually say "WE... moreDoesn't stop there. Apparently allegedly a snoop doggy a** threatened a journalist for asking a question about KOBE'S SEXUAL ASSAULT trial.Did the snoopy doggy a** actually say "WE ARE COMING TO GET YOU" to Gayle King?These sh**s strut about and stomp and shout and threaten because they think it is their right to do so. Many support them. Many others think they are all fascist nazis who don't belong in a land where FREEDOM OF THE PRESS is in our Constitution!Why don't the sh**s like the snooppy doggy a** go live elsewhere? A black man attacking a black woman for doing her job? Seriously? He sucks it sucks they all suck. What are we going to do about it? Give the snooppy doggy a** props and atta boys or tell him to shut the f up? I dunno. It all sucks. less
The don has gotta lotta strikes against him when measured by/against mike bloomberg! A lotta. Three strikes and YER OUT! Does don know the rules of the game? We know he doesn't pla... moreThe don has gotta lotta strikes against him when measured by/against mike bloomberg! A lotta. Three strikes and YER OUT! Does don know the rules of the game? We know he doesn't play by them.Can you imagine mike bloomberg ordering his cabinet to wax poetic about him, a**kiss him and compliment him on cue as the don cabinet do do?Can you imagine mike wasting time on flagrantly expensive golf outings complete with huge ENTOURAGE at the public expense?Can you imagine mike making every talking appearance about himself his intelligence his accomplishments while badmouthing all his "enemies" the number of which grow geometrically daily?Can you imagine mike angry tweeting 124 tweets denigrating everyone he doesn't like in ONE DAY?Can you imagine mike dragging baggage from his entire life behind him as he staggers to walk forward as the baggage is weighing him down slowing him down stopping him dead in his tracks?Can you imagine mike lying every time he opens his mouth or conspiring with a hostile foreign gubment to rig ... less
Shouldn't we care if people think we are honorable truthtellers or dishonorable liars? Shouldn't we care if they can rely on what we say rather than discount everything we say beca... moreShouldn't we care if people think we are honorable truthtellers or dishonorable liars? Shouldn't we care if they can rely on what we say rather than discount everything we say because they think we are untrustworthy?Don't reputations count at all? Don't track records count for something?
Once zombified lobotomized there will always be from sea to shining sea massive vertical bobbleheads in his audiences. Millions and millions and millions of them. What better way t... moreOnce zombified lobotomized there will always be from sea to shining sea massive vertical bobbleheads in his audiences. Millions and millions and millions of them. What better way to PROVE he is beloved by all?A lobotomy will stupify and make sluggish the homo sap. No resistance to anything. Obeyance obedience docile . Perfect homogenized and delumped. Smooth as silk like milk. Something to look forward to isn't it?
Of course we know the don is a communicable disease that has infected all around him. How far does it extend? On his leaisure trips to his various properties at YOUR expense do tho... moreOf course we know the don is a communicable disease that has infected all around him. How far does it extend? On his leaisure trips to his various properties at YOUR expense do those who are there get infected too? He travels all over the world. Is his spreading his pestilence wherever he goes like leaving crumbs behind. Is he the TYPHOID MAURY we all have heard about? Are all his rallygoers in the audience infected and reinfected each time they attend his ego performances?
Were any of them ever brave or were they always yellow-bellied cowards? Well some of them like lindsay grahamcracker are on tape excoriating don so mebbe once upon a time the crack... moreWere any of them ever brave or were they always yellow-bellied cowards? Well some of them like lindsay grahamcracker are on tape excoriating don so mebbe once upon a time the cracker wasn't brave so much as he was honest. No longer.Cowardice in action by any one body is tragic. That it occurs in a body with power to do good and abrogates that power on the altar of evil? That is a travesty a tragedy. It is what it is. GET OVER IT!
Don is currently 73 years old and will be 74 in June 2020.The average life expectancy of males in 2020 is 78.69 years.How many deaths has don experienced so far being the supreme c... moreDon is currently 73 years old and will be 74 in June 2020.The average life expectancy of males in 2020 is 78.69 years.How many deaths has don experienced so far being the supreme coward he is? Think he might far surpass 1000 deaths? By how many?
He is basically yellow (as in coward) but is always true blue to himself. Yellow and blue is what makes green and is the color of envy and also the color of money which is what don... moreHe is basically yellow (as in coward) but is always true blue to himself. Yellow and blue is what makes green and is the color of envy and also the color of money which is what don worships next to his worship of himself.Color doesn't lie. Blue and yellow will always be green.The don is GREEN with envy 24/7. Yellow underneath it all while coated with true blue when he perceives himself. He is the only human he is true blue to...selfish to a fault to the end of time. Consistently dependable predictable. Boring. Dull. Repetitive. Broken record repetitive. less
Ideally the person to whom you are true blue to is true blue to you too. Otherwise it's a sham a joke an absurdity.TRUE BLUEUnwaveringly loyal, faithfulStaunch, unchangingly true
He profits from everything he does. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. So with tree that is felled, each condo that is constructed, each strip mall each hotel each motel each s... moreHe profits from everything he does. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. So with tree that is felled, each condo that is constructed, each strip mall each hotel each motel each shanty that is built he gets a cut. Protection money? Extortion? Or just businessmen making deals where everybody but we the people win?If you ever used to visit National Forests that were serene green untouched say goodbye to them. The man has plan to make money off every inch of America and every back of the suckers who support him. He gets richers his cronies get richer and who gets hurt? Not them. Collusion conspiracy dirty dealing cheating lying ignoring fair. That's whatcha voted for folks and what you will vote for again because it is working so well for you. Now that he rules you can afford to send all your kids to best colleges. Well by bribing the folks of course but what else is money for right?More fun to come. More money to be made. More reputations/lives to be destroyed. He has only just begun. An avalanche of devastating ... less
Your rewrite must be grounded in a FAIR election without sinister intrigue cheating lying setting up fake phony or having any hostile foreign nation get within miles of hacking med... moreYour rewrite must be grounded in a FAIR election without sinister intrigue cheating lying setting up fake phony or having any hostile foreign nation get within miles of hacking meddling screwing up things.Can you do it? Are you up to it? Are you honorable enough talented enough and confident enough in your ability to follow the rules of FAIR PLAY or is that a dealbreaker?Your reward? The mess we are in would never have been created. The world would never have been decimated destroyed overrun sucked up by destroyers manipulators cheaters liars bigots racists despots dictators. murderers. Children would not have been locked up in kennels and cages like unloved dogs. We would not be in bed with Russia. Our THREE branches of government would be INDEPENDENT of one another. and functioning in a healthy way not the diseased way they are today. There would be no hip pocket fake attorney general or phony secretary of state or stupid dumbs in gubment working against the best interests of the people sucking up to a demigog... less
No matter what you say they will always ONE-UP you. Like old people talking about their aches and pains. "You think that was bad? Let me tell about bad!" Then they are off an... moreNo matter what you say they will always ONE-UP you. Like old people talking about their aches and pains. "You think that was bad? Let me tell about bad!" Then they are off and running which niftily puts the reins of the conversation in their hands. Odd strange befuddling annoying. Know any one-uppers? Do you retaliate by two-upping their one-upping? AARRGGHH!
80% of the people live underground due to the SCORCHING HEAT. The location is 526 miles northwest of Adelaide. If you LOVE opals as I do this would be the place to be. Ever hear of... more80% of the people live underground due to the SCORCHING HEAT. The location is 526 miles northwest of Adelaide. If you LOVE opals as I do this would be the place to be. Ever hear of it before today? An Aussie friend mentioned it in passing and I checked it out! WOW! Aye Caramba! Anyone else ever visit it?
AND a definition for the new word you’ve invented. Your new word need not make sense; it can be completely silly if you like. restroomblastoffinheritedparcelsnominalExam... moreAND a definition for the new word you’ve invented. Your new word need not make sense; it can be completely silly if you like. restroomblastoffinheritedparcelsnominalExample: chestroom (noun) the storage facility in a cosmetic surgeon’s office where the implants are kept. ~
Lifetime of what you bought? That's kind of stupid.Lifetime of the purchaser? If they die the next day, is the warranty void? If you bought a new roof, would it be for the lifetime... moreLifetime of what you bought? That's kind of stupid.Lifetime of the purchaser? If they die the next day, is the warranty void? If you bought a new roof, would it be for the lifetime of the house?Lifetime of humanity?
The affair goes on for many decades for the cheating husband and his "great love" till they are all old.I saw the movie BACK STREET for the first time and I always wonder if the lo... moreThe affair goes on for many decades for the cheating husband and his "great love" till they are all old.I saw the movie BACK STREET for the first time and I always wonder if the love was so "great" why wouldn't he divorce the woman he was cheating on to marry or live with the woman he was cheating with?Where is the honor for the one who cheats despite the "great love"? And the one cheated with devotes an entire life to having crumbs rather than the entire cake? That is enough? And the wife who is cheated on? If she knows and stays then her need for money/prestige is greater than her need for honesty/integrity. And she can always take a lover too. They all lose it seems to me. I see no advantage there anywhere. Do you? less
Do you mourn its passing or are you delighted because it means you will make TONS MORE MONEY lying free of any worries that you will be caught/outed/shunned/punished/ridiculed/humi... moreDo you mourn its passing or are you delighted because it means you will make TONS MORE MONEY lying free of any worries that you will be caught/outed/shunned/punished/ridiculed/humiliated/embarrassed/attacked/insulted? Lying the most popular medium of exchange there is apparently and it keeps growing in size and number. Miss the olden days when truth was not an epithet to be attacked? How OLD ARE YOU anyway? Are you sure you aren't dead?
If you really are a really dumb dumb and not pretending dumb your future success is assured. You will have a lifetime job in dumb city d.c. providing you stay as dumb as you are no... moreIf you really are a really dumb dumb and not pretending dumb your future success is assured. You will have a lifetime job in dumb city d.c. providing you stay as dumb as you are now and always make sure to be a great butt-kisser. That's it! The ONLY TWO REQUIREMENTS. Be a certified real dumb dumb and butt kiss 24-7. What could be easier than that? What kind of idiot dumb dumb could possibly screw that up?
That is the culture in dumb city dc. Stupid do what stupid do as far as the eye can see. As far as the hear can hear. Stupid all around and nary a brain to think. A sea of stupid.
Or do you transfer baby into the new tub and fill it with fresh water? Why not save the best of what we have rather than discarding it and cutting it off entirely? Isn't that stupid?
Never saw Taxi Driver. Or Mean Streets. Or any SLASHER movies GORY movies or movies about weirdos scumbags bottom feeders...unless I got snookered into it by deceitful advertising.... moreNever saw Taxi Driver. Or Mean Streets. Or any SLASHER movies GORY movies or movies about weirdos scumbags bottom feeders...unless I got snookered into it by deceitful advertising. I don't like to be terrified disgusted or be exposed to depravity. There is enough of that in our day-to-day lives with this gubment and the monster in control of it. Don't need to go anywhere for more of the same.
Because they cannot so what do they do? ATTACK INSULT AVOID IGNORE OBFUSCATE. Why not just admit "you got me there. I have no excuse"?. But that would take being aware of and carin... moreBecause they cannot so what do they do? ATTACK INSULT AVOID IGNORE OBFUSCATE. Why not just admit "you got me there. I have no excuse"?. But that would take being aware of and caring about being HONEST TRUTHFUL and having honor. That does not exist in the world of defending protecting embracing worshipping adoring evil. So "they" will never address any issue directly. SIGH. Predictable is very boring. Because well ya see it's predictable.
Fifty years. A thousand years? Ten thousands years?. The species homo sapiens is very flawed and very slow to learn any lessons that are useful. Is it HOPELESS? How long will it ta... moreFifty years. A thousand years? Ten thousands years?. The species homo sapiens is very flawed and very slow to learn any lessons that are useful. Is it HOPELESS? How long will it take for the species to achieve BETTER or is this as good as it ever will get? If that's the case what is the point of surviving like this? Hideous ugly vicious vile futile cruel wackadoodle crackpotty nutty. I dunno. Not appealing to me at all. You?
But they STILL SUPPORT the man who controls the GUILLOTINE?Spare us the bullsh**. You are cowards. You will always be COWARDS. Cowards COWER. Congratulations to all of you. You are... moreBut they STILL SUPPORT the man who controls the GUILLOTINE?Spare us the bullsh**. You are cowards. You will always be COWARDS. Cowards COWER. Congratulations to all of you. You are historically the very worst Republican Senators in the history of the world. No one will ever touch your august awesome "achievements". You stand alone on your own invidually as that . Congrats!