HE did it once so HE can do it again. Dumb city is certainly a wicked place where evil reigns supreme. OF course the wickedness was sexually depraved activities in Sodom and Gomorr... moreHE did it once so HE can do it again. Dumb city is certainly a wicked place where evil reigns supreme. OF course the wickedness was sexually depraved activities in Sodom and Gomorrah. What about politically depraved activities? Just as evil and just as worthy of destroying. And who says depraved sex isn't going on as well in dumb city. Anything goes there. Everything is okay. A thought one can contemplate in the Twilight Zone of life in these here united states.Next time the fire? I don't know. We were flooded once and will we be flooded again or will it be a different means of destruction? Which hurts less...drowning or burning to death?Will it just be focused on dumb city d.c. and palm beach the home of the great destroyer or will the entire united states be sacrificed because we tolerated it celebrated it participated in it supported it promulgated it and rejoiced in the evil? less
Or weekly BIBLE BURNINGS to toast marshmallow and make s'mores.Would Evangelicals find that remotely offensive or forgive him that since it was GOD HIMSELF who send don to save the... moreOr weekly BIBLE BURNINGS to toast marshmallow and make s'mores.Would Evangelicals find that remotely offensive or forgive him that since it was GOD HIMSELF who send don to save them?If he can do anything and not lose his base then let the games begin.
A hot babe. Arm candy. But BRILLIANT and sexy and seductive and irresistible?Now of course if don is "dead" to that it won't work. But if there is anything left of that sexually ab... moreA hot babe. Arm candy. But BRILLIANT and sexy and seductive and irresistible?Now of course if don is "dead" to that it won't work. But if there is anything left of that sexually abusive guy it could work. When do you think was the last time he "got it on" with someone? She'd have to be the age of a granddaughter of course. In her 20's. In fact a tag team of Victoria Secret models might work wonders. Maybe three of them? What real MAN could resist that? Only a wuss would turn that down.
We feel angry we feel frightened we feel all is hopeless. That saps our strength and weakens us.So we just stop doing what makes us "less then" and concentrate on a way out. Pure t... moreWe feel angry we feel frightened we feel all is hopeless. That saps our strength and weakens us.So we just stop doing what makes us "less then" and concentrate on a way out. Pure thought. Ideas. Plans. Solutions. They are out there. We just have focus all our efforts there and don't waste them on bemoaning and groaning about the way things are. Useless worthless fruitless. Enough.
For the sake of photo ops he will try to president here and there once in awhile. Elsewise otherwise he will knee-deep in exacting revenge and getting the flesh of all who ever lau... moreFor the sake of photo ops he will try to president here and there once in awhile. Elsewise otherwise he will knee-deep in exacting revenge and getting the flesh of all who ever laughed at him ridiculed him mocked him and criticized him. That is very big mountain for him to climb. Of course he won't climb it. He will get one of the chairs that automatically takes you upstrairs so you don't have to exert any effort. You just sit on your a** and let the chair do the work. He is very good at sitting on his a**. He doesn't need to be mobile at all to do his "work". I guess you could say his life is a bowl of cherries. He has found his honey pot and he gorge himself on it. All the bees he has corrupted so he is no danger from any direction. We watch in amazement at what he gets away with. When the amazement ends and the anger takes over who knows what we will do? One can only imagine! Allons enfants? less
It would be nice and just and fair and good if we but could extend that benefit to all.But what's the fun in that?Some people toy with others. Like a cat toying with a mouse. Playf... moreIt would be nice and just and fair and good if we but could extend that benefit to all.But what's the fun in that?Some people toy with others. Like a cat toying with a mouse. Playful on the surface but ever dangerous.Do you let people toy with you? For how long? Why? Do you toy with them?
A moment of conscience slipping through? One of his monkeyboys disobeying him and putting him in jeopardy? A leader from another country showing him who is boss and humiliating suf... moreA moment of conscience slipping through? One of his monkeyboys disobeying him and putting him in jeopardy? A leader from another country showing him who is boss and humiliating sufficiently to cause him grievous mental pain? Something. Anything.So far the steamroller is crushing everything in its path. The facilitators make sure it is oiled. Might there be in their midst a traitor to the cause? Et tu Brute? Not literally but figuratively? What would be the worst betrayal? Ivanka attacking him as a corrupt despicable man? Or rudyg spilling his guts and turning on him? Who would be the perfect one to take don down? less
Do get annoyed when you don't understand something? When annoyed to you always attack? Are you good or lousy at being calm polite respectful and fun to be with for others even when... moreDo get annoyed when you don't understand something? When annoyed to you always attack? Are you good or lousy at being calm polite respectful and fun to be with for others even when you don't understand what's going on?
Because they did not foresee a Corrupt executive branch thoroughly corrupting the Legislative and Judicial branches. The plan of checks and balances they thought would protect us h... moreBecause they did not foresee a Corrupt executive branch thoroughly corrupting the Legislative and Judicial branches. The plan of checks and balances they thought would protect us has failed miserably. There is NO PLAN B. In their ingenuous naivete they could not foresee a situation as the one that exists today.So navigating will be treacherous and dangerous and the roughest part is yet to be.They tried to set up a workable democracy which has lasted until now. No one knows what to do. The people who have the power to correct the flaws are flawed and corrupt. No recourse. Is insurrection all that's left? less
Whoever guesses closest to that actual number wins the prize. What prize? Well first we have to find who will the salute the flag that's raised. If no one is interested then what's... moreWhoever guesses closest to that actual number wins the prize. What prize? Well first we have to find who will the salute the flag that's raised. If no one is interested then what's the point of naming the prize?. Ya gotta have hope. Ya gotta have faith. Ya gotta believe.I'm thinking his enemies list by now is in the high thousands. He is very veryu very old and only get very older day by day by day by day. By the time he dies will he reach that magic 100,000 mark? Who knows? Nixon had a lot of enemies. I bet the don has way way way way more. Of course I don't KNOW. I'll take a crack at it. It will be whatever age he dies at multiplied by 1000! So he dies at 75 chalk up 75,000 enemies. I don't have a racing form so there is nothing there to tout me. Just a swag. What's yours? less
Don't blame anyone's death spiral on don. He didn't make 'em evil. He just helped to bring them out.That includes his base of course. They were waiting for him to come. He did.So i... moreDon't blame anyone's death spiral on don. He didn't make 'em evil. He just helped to bring them out.That includes his base of course. They were waiting for him to come. He did.So instead of excoriation there should be celebration. Ripping off the masks of others to show what they really are? Thank you don. Job well done.
How often are women stopped and frisked? So there is a gender bias against men. How often are old people like me (82) stopped and frisked? So there is a gender bias against the you... moreHow often are women stopped and frisked? So there is a gender bias against men. How often are old people like me (82) stopped and frisked? So there is a gender bias against the young because it is agily based. How often are very wealthy people who wear expensive name-brands duds/jewels/watches stopped and frisked? Then it is monetarily based. So it is always based on a bias against. Trying to argue otherwise is RIDIKKALUS. Who do dat? Who be dat? Not you, right?
Allegedly all the prosecuters on the case RESIGNED. I think originally Stone was given 79 years. The don said it was not fair. Guess what folks? Once again jacka** donjohn rushes t... moreAllegedly all the prosecuters on the case RESIGNED. I think originally Stone was given 79 years. The don said it was not fair. Guess what folks? Once again jacka** donjohn rushes to the rescue of a criminal. You like right? He's your guy and he walks on water and can do no wrong. No criminal should be punished except those don hates. All his pals and cronies and a**kissing buddies no matter how heinous egregious the crime are divine and should experience no punishment or consequence whatsoever.Wonder how judges and juries will feel about the don overriding their verdicts and the a**kissing fake AGliddlebillybarrroytcohn facilitating it? Warm and fuzzy or OUTRAGED?DICTATORIAL AUTHORITARIAN FASCIST DESPOT DICTATOR KING DON POLITICAL INTERFERENCE iS WHAT WE'RE GONNA GET FROM NOW ON.fROM THIS MOMENT ON'YOU AND I DEARWILL BE FLYING HIGHEVERY TRUTH IS GONEFROM THIS MOMENT ONFOR WHICH YOU TOO CAN A**KISS DON. less
This is the way it will always be going forward futurely. Nice and cozy. Predictable. Reliable. Dependable. Solid. Immutable. Irrefutable. No mystery. No chancing anything. No gamb... moreThis is the way it will always be going forward futurely. Nice and cozy. Predictable. Reliable. Dependable. Solid. Immutable. Irrefutable. No mystery. No chancing anything. No gambling. No excitement. KNOWING HOW IT WILL ALWAYS END.Is life worth living when there is no mystery?
Too humiliated embarrassed about how badly bigly daddydearest has screwed everything up. Doesn't want to be seen or heard or asked what happened to her supposedly gonna be a great ... moreToo humiliated embarrassed about how badly bigly daddydearest has screwed everything up. Doesn't want to be seen or heard or asked what happened to her supposedly gonna be a great spokeswoman for women and children and families? Does she fear ticking her daddydearest bigly so it's better she not be found or interviewed or quoted or seen lest he send her to a faraway cornfield into oblivion rather than have her shot? HE DOES NOT TOLERATE BEING CONTRADICTED DISAGREED WITH DISOBEYED. NO EXCEPTIONS.Maybe her delicate sensibilities are what's doing it. Melania tried here and there to matter but she doesn't so she just gave up trying.Isn't the family sweet as he**? less
Pols who are so cheesy scared they send doofus dingbats on EXPENSIVE long worldwide trips to buy dirt that isn't true to harm an opponent bigly suck and live in muck and are all du... morePols who are so cheesy scared they send doofus dingbats on EXPENSIVE long worldwide trips to buy dirt that isn't true to harm an opponent bigly suck and live in muck and are all dumb clucks. Politics majors in collecting them. None so sucky yucky mucky clucky ducky klucky as don the dumb city dc duck. BIG YUCK. The best example there is of a guy who sucks lives in muck and mucks up everything he touches because he is so bad at everything. A disaster whom people adore and will die for. A queer peculiar phenomenon. He is the poison Koolaid some folks can't drink up fast enough or get enough of apparently. Lead stomachs?. less
Lawrence Ray, father of a Sarah Lawrence College student, MOVED INTO THE DORM WITH HER AND LIVED THERE FOR YEARS.First his sessions with the girls began as "therapy" sessions... moreLawrence Ray, father of a Sarah Lawrence College student, MOVED INTO THE DORM WITH HER AND LIVED THERE FOR YEARS.First his sessions with the girls began as "therapy" sessions but turned into a sex cult in which he sexually abused them and trafficked them.What other college do YOU know that allows a grown man to move into the dorm with his daughter and live there for years?The sarah lawrence braindead spokesmouths said they knew nothing about it until the story broke.Well they KNEW a grown man was living in a dorm room with his daughter for years. They did not find that odd?If there is way to harm for sex a pervert will find a way to do it. But here is THE MAIN question.Allegedly 9 young women were involved. Not one of them outed him to anyone? Not one of them told him "NO YOU F.... ing pervert!" ? They all complied for years? QUIETLY SILENTLY OBEDIENTLY? How stupid are sarah lawrence students? Does dumb attend because they have wealthy parents? Does stupid live in the dorms and idiots take exams? How... less
A basketball game can be won at the buzzer. Football games can be decided just as time runs out. Golf tennis whatever. There have been predictable endings and shocking endings and ... moreA basketball game can be won at the buzzer. Football games can be decided just as time runs out. Golf tennis whatever. There have been predictable endings and shocking endings and you really don't know early on which it will be.So how many of you KNOW right now which dem will be the prez candidate? Why d'ya think so?
We the people can only take so much. I do not know where or when we will explode but at that point there is no turning back. Storm the palace. Take no prisoners. We have had enough... moreWe the people can only take so much. I do not know where or when we will explode but at that point there is no turning back. Storm the palace. Take no prisoners. We have had enough.Any day now. KABOOM. Apres moi le deluge. Allons enfants de la patrie!
Fires American heroes. Sucks up to American military criminals. Supports the Roger Stones of the world.Poor Susie Q Collins. She will be remembered in infamy for saying she thinks ... moreFires American heroes. Sucks up to American military criminals. Supports the Roger Stones of the world.Poor Susie Q Collins. She will be remembered in infamy for saying she thinks the president learned his lesson!She will be mocked throughout history. Songs will be written about her and they will not be flattering.Stores will be based on her political life and they will not end well.She is doomed to be the tragic figure undone by her own doingSusie Q Collins lies buried hereWe knew she was strange odd queerHer death will be mourned by noneIn the end she was undone by dumb less
It isn't your ilk that thinks that is shocking disgusting evil unamerican. It is the rest of us who do.On the other hand we KNOW there is no low to which fake AG a**kisser extraord... moreIt isn't your ilk that thinks that is shocking disgusting evil unamerican. It is the rest of us who do.On the other hand we KNOW there is no low to which fake AG a**kisser extraordinaire won't go to a**kiss don. Now don LOVES his a** kissed 24/7 and liddlebillybarr never sleeps or eats or anything. Too busy a**kissing.Anyway moving along this is just the beginning. Soon there will be no power left anywhere except with the don and his a**kissers. Nowhere. He will take over the decision-making for all corporations all private businesses all city state and local governments. He will have a stamp made that must be found on every "legal" document of any consequence which reads "DON APPROVED" and only don will do the stamping. Now of course there is only one him so everything will slow down to a snail crawl. If you prostrate yourself and kiss his ring it could speed up things. Of course you can't a**kiss and ring kiss simultaneously so you have to get in line twice. But what else do you have to do with your time but t... less