Imagine a "president" of the United States of America EXHORTING COMMANDING DEMANDING his worshipping adorers go out and fake vote for the opposition candidate to dilute sabotage da... moreImagine a "president" of the United States of America EXHORTING COMMANDING DEMANDING his worshipping adorers go out and fake vote for the opposition candidate to dilute sabotage damage the right of legal voters to have their say? Imagine that happening with any other president? Imagine having such a one as that have the stage and the mike and the cameras trained on him while he says those words? Can you imagine it? Well folks the don done done it done said it done demanded done commanded done ordered it. Now how will we know how successful his maggot cheating will affect the maggots who follow his orders? Will it be MILLIONS of them maggoting for him? Do you take pride in him the maggot man exhorting his worshippers to actually cheat sabotage on behalf of him because his candidacy is so weak and he is so afraid he cannot win being a straightarrow? You take pride a maggot like that? Really? less
Cuz the don was financed by his rich daddy and bailed out of multiple bankruptcies by his rich daddy and what "success" he got was teeny tiny eeny weeny due to his daddy.Mike Bloom... moreCuz the don was financed by his rich daddy and bailed out of multiple bankruptcies by his rich daddy and what "success" he got was teeny tiny eeny weeny due to his daddy.Mike Bloomberg on the other hand is a REAL LIVE BIGLY HUGE SUCCESS. A REALLY SUPER DUPER BUSINESSMAN. No funny stuff. The real deal. $55 BILLION and counting?I think that would really tick off don a lot don't you? He hates to come in second to anyone for any reason. This would CRUSH him right? Are ya up to it y'all? Give it a try. What could it hurt? Try it ya might light it! Everyone sez so that I can tell you. less
To protect life. If an animal charges toward you or your child you are not just going to stand there. You are going to do something to protect human life.Other than food or f... moreTo protect life. If an animal charges toward you or your child you are not just going to stand there. You are going to do something to protect human life.Other than food or for protection against harm/death what other "reasons" do people have for killing animals"Furs used to be lusted after and so animals gave their lives to accommodate human lust. Some still have the lustBig Game Hunters whose manhoods are/were in question believed they had to prove their manliness by killing animals, stuffing their heads and mounting them on the man cave Ego walls for bragging rights. Impotent eunuchs all of them.Ivory is/was desirable so I expect elephants were slaughtered for it though I am not sure of that. Can an elephant's tusks be removed and the elephant live? Of course there would no longer be any means of protecting itself.Rare animals are coveted to be owned in private enclaves/zoos. The rarer the better. Illegal or not owning is everything. It is another lust that must be sated.Capture them to put in a zoo to ... less
Once he rids himself of EVERYONE who ever disagreed with him and cleans the world out of everyone who ever refused to roll over and beg don't you think he will turn on those neares... moreOnce he rids himself of EVERYONE who ever disagreed with him and cleans the world out of everyone who ever refused to roll over and beg don't you think he will turn on those nearest and dearest to him and start weeding THEM out? Whichever ones are not obsequious 24/7 a**kissers will have to go. Barron better watch himself. He is expendable. Tiffany too and maybe eric and donjr since the old man has taken digs more than once at their lack of ability and intelligence. Being a blood relative is no guarantee of their safety. Are they too obtuse to notice they are in jeopardy? Ivanka will always be safe. The gal who if she weren't his daughter he would have dated and whatever else goes along with a "date".Only the most loyal devoted a**kissing butt slapping roll over beggers and worshippers will be left to service him.Oh what a celebration there will be when the world is rid of all the anti-dons. How many billions less will there be? Any guess? less
Can anyone ever TRUST anyone absolutely 24/7 or are we living on borrowed not knowing where the next attack/betrayal will come from? Walking on eggshells trying to avoid landmines ... moreCan anyone ever TRUST anyone absolutely 24/7 or are we living on borrowed not knowing where the next attack/betrayal will come from? Walking on eggshells trying to avoid landmines looking over your shoulder trying to figure out what's coming at you from behind? Whats or whoms are gaining on you?Whom do you trust with your life? Who can trust you with theirs? How can you be sure until they and you are tested? Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Don't pay anything to what "they" say only to what they do! Do you? less
The question in its most simple form was WHY was the whole twice the sum of the parts? It made no sense to them so they sought to answer that question. Because they had what all cr... moreThe question in its most simple form was WHY was the whole twice the sum of the parts? It made no sense to them so they sought to answer that question. Because they had what all creative inventive imaginative people have! CURIOSITY. UNQUENCHABLE CURIOSITY.It begins by noticing observing being aware and then refining it to focus on what doesn't make sense. To make sense out of it. A driving essential. Never giving up until an answer is found and then going on to other things.So many people are INCURIOUS. They do not notice disparities or that whic is illogical. They simply accept what is and move along doing what they are told by those whom they allow to do their thinking for them. Sheeple.Contradictions? Hypocritical untruthful assertions? Obvious distortions? If they notice they are indifferent and have no desire to pursue answers or find solutions. Why are so many so lacking in curiosity/awareness? Why don't they care? Too many care about what they shouldn't and don't care about what they should. Lazy? Ill-equ... less
Assassination. As far as I know no one tried it on President Obama and no one has tried it on the current occupant. But maybe some have and no one knows about it.Successful a... moreAssassination. As far as I know no one tried it on President Obama and no one has tried it on the current occupant. But maybe some have and no one knows about it.Successful assassinations have been few. "They" tried it with President Reagan who, by comparison to the current occupent was a tiny pimple versus a face full of pus. I dunno. Maybe the current occupant owns the hearts and souls and trigger fingers of all those who are weaponized and waiting to hear his dog whistle. We wait and watch and wonder. Not all of us of course. Just most of us. less
One thing would do it for me. One thing only.Anyone who lies, cheats, betrays, steals or in any way harms anyone will instantly dissemble dissolve disintegrate disappear. Into thin... moreOne thing would do it for me. One thing only.Anyone who lies, cheats, betrays, steals or in any way harms anyone will instantly dissemble dissolve disintegrate disappear. Into thin air. That's it. All the bad apples with worms will be tossed and destroyed AUTOMATICALLY. That's the deal. Comply or die. 24/7. No exceptions. No do-overs. No Mulligans. Do it right or never get a chance to do it again.How many people would "POUF" disappear before all others realized how the world worked and complied or else? Noncompliance would mean automatic "death".Could you be happy in a world where people helped one another rooted for one another supported one another were honest with one another? Or would it be your WORST NIGHTMARE? less
Of course cheating and lying and setting up and sabotaging is an ongoing battle in which LOSERS engage 24/7 but if those who could vote don't vote that just throws in the towel and... moreOf course cheating and lying and setting up and sabotaging is an ongoing battle in which LOSERS engage 24/7 but if those who could vote don't vote that just throws in the towel and makes things a lot easier for the maggot roaches who can never win honorably but will absolutely "win" when evil does all the pretzelizing. Why make it easy for them? Why not make it VERY HARD by activating patriotism and getting involved?
Soft body legless larva of certain flies. Maggots and roaches bandied together to create politics. Their descendants keep coupling and having little maggots who have little maggots... moreSoft body legless larva of certain flies. Maggots and roaches bandied together to create politics. Their descendants keep coupling and having little maggots who have little maggots who have little maggots who all grow up to be the maggots you see and hear in dumb city d.c.. Elsewhere in other countries too. America doesn't have a lock on maggots but America does it best and biggest and is most proud of it. The maggot center of the world?I wonder why there are no butterflies?Maggoty. Infested with maggots.Our Aussie pals (according to my dictionary) use "MAGGOTY" to describe someone who is angry and bad-tempered. Perfectly describes the don and his cabal et al don't it? They are all uniformly universally maggoty.Charmless brainless witless heartless souless moral-free honor-free integrity-free money-hungry hoors who can never get enough and want yoors. less
A. The blue ones
B. The green onesC. The brown onesD. The hazel onesE. There's a rare color in there so I'll just wrap it up in a napkin and put it in my purse.
Relatively recently I discovered that lead singer of The Animals, Eric Burdon, also sang the lead vocalist part in War's "Spill the Wine."Both songs are great to me! I've always li... moreRelatively recently I discovered that lead singer of The Animals, Eric Burdon, also sang the lead vocalist part in War's "Spill the Wine."Both songs are great to me! I've always liked both songs but never knew he sang both of them. :)
A compound uncovered by the FBI in Macon County, Alabama. Designed to arm and train young recruits to become terrorists, the training ground was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who had been a... moreA compound uncovered by the FBI in Macon County, Alabama. Designed to arm and train young recruits to become terrorists, the training ground was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who had been arrested previously in New Mexico for spearheading a similar compound found there in March 2019.
He can set up a separate set of books and a corporation to handle all the traffic. It's be worth a big cut to be free and clear of punishment. He** give him 90%. And multiple place... moreHe can set up a separate set of books and a corporation to handle all the traffic. It's be worth a big cut to be free and clear of punishment. He** give him 90%. And multiple places to hit. Keep him so busy making more money hand over fist he have won't time to act his version of presidenting. Now wouldn't that be loverly?
How does that make any sense?INSISTS he is completely innocent. Has dozens of peeps who insist he is completely innocent. When given the chance to let them prove his innocence in c... moreHow does that make any sense?INSISTS he is completely innocent. Has dozens of peeps who insist he is completely innocent. When given the chance to let them prove his innocence in court under oath providing documents that would attest to that support he FORBIDS IT!Something doesn't compute here. He and they are totally oblivious to it. We who observe are extremely sensitive to and aware of it. The difference between us and them is what exactly?When you can PROVE something you do don't you? WHY DON"T HE? WHY DIDN'T HE? WHY WOULDN'T HE? WHY COULDN'T HE?Could it be that he isn't innocent, has no proof, cannot trust his peeps to lie for him under oath? That would mean he is lying wouldn't it? Lying. Him? Lying? Oh dear. The sky is falling. less
Which group is there more of that is eligible to vote? Which group CARES MORE about the value of the vote? Which group SHOWS UP MORE CONSISTENTLY? Which group is far more LAZY INDI... moreWhich group is there more of that is eligible to vote? Which group CARES MORE about the value of the vote? Which group SHOWS UP MORE CONSISTENTLY? Which group is far more LAZY INDIFFERENT? Put up or shut up?People of the United States. SHOW UP AND VOTE or VOTE BY MAIL. ONCE ONLY. What are you afraid of?
Doesn't that put the final nail in the coffin? His hipocketroycohn sleazy lousy lying corrupt evil clown is gonna control investigations forever more? Ya like or dis?
do the right thing." Spike Lee made a great movie with that title decades ago. DO THE RIGHT THING.Words said by Brad Pitt while accepting the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor at the... moredo the right thing." Spike Lee made a great movie with that title decades ago. DO THE RIGHT THING.Words said by Brad Pitt while accepting the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards.The audience appreciated it. The eunuch hoor sinaturds won't but then they are not known for having brains heart soul spine..all the things that define being a human.
Dirty tricks are multiplying. Panick is setting in. Anything and everything to win. EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. If threat don't work sabotage might. If that doesn't ... moreDirty tricks are multiplying. Panick is setting in. Anything and everything to win. EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. If threat don't work sabotage might. If that doesn't work there is always murder. Plenty of weaponized wackaddodle crackpots waiting for dog signal.
It seems the don crowd with the power is encouraging folks to crossover vote and vote for Bernie. The don thinks he'd be less a threat I guess. How loyal are you to the don?
*If you google it, nothing comes up, so as everyone knows, if it doesn’t exist online, it doesn’t exist at all.****Yet another fake entity dreamed up by the same mental patient?
feasible. Q: Do you hold presidents responsible for what happens with the national debt?*Mind you, I don’t believe the dollar figure of the national debt is directly tied to ... morefeasible. Q: Do you hold presidents responsible for what happens with the national debt?*Mind you, I don’t believe the dollar figure of the national debt is directly tied to nor directly attributed to the person sitting behind the big desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Both proponents and opponents of sitting presidents use the national debt as just another finger-pointing event to respectively lionize or demonize as they see fit. Realistically, have you ever heard of a president being patted on the back because great strides have been taken to effectively manage the national debt during his administration? In my opinion, no president can truly stop or even slow down the national debt from rising, because the costs of running a country as large and as advanced and as affluent as the US are too vast for any type of hold-back-the-tide actions by a single entity.~ less
Did YOU get any part of it if you own a farm or was it mostly awarded to the VERY OBSCENELY WEALTHY FARMERS who got almost every nickel and dime of it?
The wealthiest farmers get the largest subsidies. The more land they own they more they can get paid for NOT growing anything. Some contracts last for 10-15 YEARS!If there is any w... moreThe wealthiest farmers get the largest subsidies. The more land they own they more they can get paid for NOT growing anything. Some contracts last for 10-15 YEARS!If there is any way to siphon money to the wealthiest among us you can bet your a** don is doing it.Of course the wealthy LOVE him.