But they STILL SUPPORT the man who controls the GUILLOTINE?Spare us the bullsh**. You are cowards. You will always be COWARDS. Cowards COWER. Congratulations to all of you. You are... moreBut they STILL SUPPORT the man who controls the GUILLOTINE?Spare us the bullsh**. You are cowards. You will always be COWARDS. Cowards COWER. Congratulations to all of you. You are historically the very worst Republican Senators in the history of the world. No one will ever touch your august awesome "achievements". You stand alone on your own invidually as that . Congrats!
Col. Vindman looked directly into the camera and was talking to his father when he said those words. Why the need? Because Col. Vindman was ORDERED by Congress to testify und... moreCol. Vindman looked directly into the camera and was talking to his father when he said those words. Why the need? Because Col. Vindman was ORDERED by Congress to testify under oath and he did. He was telling the truth and his father was very worried for him. Col. Vindman full well knew the risk but did his duty. Isn't that what the military demands?
Do women have to be smarter work harder be better than the men to be allowed to compete with them? How does that work? How should it work? Why is it that way?
You complain about your car and people ask if you would prefer to go back to horse and buggy days. Why is that? It seems odd to me that such a thing would ever occur to anyone ever... moreYou complain about your car and people ask if you would prefer to go back to horse and buggy days. Why is that? It seems odd to me that such a thing would ever occur to anyone ever but it does all the time.Why?
I don't know the number but I expect there are MORE MALE directors than there are female directors who having voting privileges.So crossing gender lines is unlikely though it has b... moreI don't know the number but I expect there are MORE MALE directors than there are female directors who having voting privileges.So crossing gender lines is unlikely though it has been done before. I don't have a dog in this fight. I haven't seen any of the movies nominated.Did you see any movies directed by women that you thought were spectacular? If so which of them do you wish had been nominated for an Academy Award?
Thousands of jobs are going away due to the success of buying online. Libraries and bookstores got hit first. Now all the other standard stores are closing. Soon there will be empt... moreThousands of jobs are going away due to the success of buying online. Libraries and bookstores got hit first. Now all the other standard stores are closing. Soon there will be empty buildings tenantless everywhere in the hundreds thousands millions. Bazillions? Success of one affects the viability of what used to be. You can buy it cheaper online and have it delivered to you so it's more convenient. You never have get up off your aq** for anything anymore. Just go to the door and get the package. Over and done. Ain't we got fun? That doesn't work for me. I am a HANDS ON purchaser. I do not trust the internet to deliver what it promises/represents. But I am in the minority and we are not the preferred customer at all. Does anyone go to travel agencies to purchase tickets anymore or is everything done on line all the time?Sigh. less
Is amount of money the BEST yardstick to measure success?I am speaking only of the type of "success" that money brings. There are many things that make one successful having nothin... moreIs amount of money the BEST yardstick to measure success?I am speaking only of the type of "success" that money brings. There are many things that make one successful having nothing to do with money. I am not talking about those.So when the first TRILLIONAIRE shows up he/she will be the MOST SUCCESSFUL?
We do not know how big/bad the Coronavirus pandemic epidemic will be but it will have to run its course. Is China now like a leper colony? No one will want to venture there?
You knew going in how it would all go down. Jarek Kushner is JEWISH. His FIL always puts his thumb on the scale of justice. A one-sided solution is no solution at all. It is a trav... moreYou knew going in how it would all go down. Jarek Kushner is JEWISH. His FIL always puts his thumb on the scale of justice. A one-sided solution is no solution at all. It is a travesty a mockery but SOP and the MO.And so it goes. A mockery a travesty an indignity an insult. That is the bar which is set and until we get rid of the bar setter that is as good as it will ever get.
The war breaks out elsewhere. All the time and money wasted on guessing wrong. By the time the commander figures out where the war is being fought it's too late to do anything abou... moreThe war breaks out elsewhere. All the time and money wasted on guessing wrong. By the time the commander figures out where the war is being fought it's too late to do anything about it.That's what comes of ignorance stupidity arrogance. Never fails. Funny as he** sort of mebbe kinda.All ready to battle the enemy and the enemy is a bazillion miles away advancing and winning. Oops.
Bloomberg is FLOODING the airwaves with ads. I think he is worth something like $55 BILLION and will spend WHATEVER IT TAKES to win. Now billionaires as a class are different from ... moreBloomberg is FLOODING the airwaves with ads. I think he is worth something like $55 BILLION and will spend WHATEVER IT TAKES to win. Now billionaires as a class are different from you and me. Suspicious untrustworthy selfish heartless. With some exceptions of course. There are always exceptions.But those of us in the RESISTANCE agree that anyone would be better than what we have now and with that I AGREE ABSOLUTELY. We have had the worst and now it's time for us to get less worse.Fight fire with fire. Fight oodles and boodles of money with MORE oodles and boodles of money.Bernie has oodles and boodles but not nearly as much as bloomberg. Let's face it folks we are going to have to settle for WHOMEVER CAN BEAT the cancer. Giving it chemo won't be enough. It has to be CUT OUT completely. SIGH. Let the games begin in earnest now. less
The only exception is to PARDON THE INNOCENT. Those who were set up or lied about or whose lawyers did a sh**ty job of defending them. Pardoning the guilty makes being a criminal a... moreThe only exception is to PARDON THE INNOCENT. Those who were set up or lied about or whose lawyers did a sh**ty job of defending them. Pardoning the guilty makes being a criminal a lucrative joyful safe endeavor. You do the crime knowing you will be pardoned as if you never committed it. In a logical fair world that is abhorrent. However the world in which we live NOW? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a crock! Logic reason and fair are anathema to the powers that be and they set out to absolutely destroy all vestiges of it. Most successfully thus far. Sadly. less
Medaks for BRAVERY not cowardiceMedals for excellent talent not bumbling erratic hipshot potshot hotshot attacksMedals for honor honesty caring kindness...selfless not selfish/gree... moreMedaks for BRAVERY not cowardiceMedals for excellent talent not bumbling erratic hipshot potshot hotshot attacksMedals for honor honesty caring kindness...selfless not selfish/greedy/HATEFUL endeavorsTelling the truth no matter at what expense to the self is very dangerous now. Yet some are willing to do that for the greater good. TRUTH is targeted for extinction. Will it ever be entirely extinct or just have to stay underground to survive?
A government of whatever nature that treated the people very well and not as chess pieces to be moved around at the whim of the players?Can you list them on the finger of one hand?
While you are playing the game the rules keep changing. The powers that be take GREAT delight in that.What do you do? Stop playing entirely because you never know when you broke a ... moreWhile you are playing the game the rules keep changing. The powers that be take GREAT delight in that.What do you do? Stop playing entirely because you never know when you broke a "new rule" till you break it or keep playing adjusting accepting apologizing praying hoping you will survive?
Not being cozy with Russia is dangerous. Wait long enough and the bottle stops at you.Circular not straight ahead. The more things change the more they stay the same. There is no w... moreNot being cozy with Russia is dangerous. Wait long enough and the bottle stops at you.Circular not straight ahead. The more things change the more they stay the same. There is no way to escape th inadequacies failures weaknesses of being homo saps. Is there?
shes already told my apt manager i slam doors all the time when i never do, this person is bipolar and crazy too, today i was just minding my own business and she called the cops o... moreshes already told my apt manager i slam doors all the time when i never do, this person is bipolar and crazy too, today i was just minding my own business and she called the cops on me saying i was slamming doors when i never do, shes harrassing me, any ways i can get her out of here?