No statute of limitations on anything ever forever. Unless the perp can UNDO the crime he/she done done he/she doesn't deserve to be let off of anything for any reason. Well ... moreNo statute of limitations on anything ever forever. Unless the perp can UNDO the crime he/she done done he/she doesn't deserve to be let off of anything for any reason. Well of course if the perp dies what are ya gonna do? Otherwise nail the bas**rd to the wall forever. Who agrees?
Maybe a skewed sense of humor? Taking umbrage at the nerve of the question they cannot or dare not answer and so they do a WHATABOUT or speak of something entirely obscure and unre... moreMaybe a skewed sense of humor? Taking umbrage at the nerve of the question they cannot or dare not answer and so they do a WHATABOUT or speak of something entirely obscure and unrelated to the question. It gives more insight into what they are all about. It is illuminating in fact and gives you a roadmap into their character.
It is employed less and less in these trying times. What has replaced it is political spin which is "in". Is it a short-lived fad or what we are facing no matter what we do? Has LO... moreIt is employed less and less in these trying times. What has replaced it is political spin which is "in". Is it a short-lived fad or what we are facing no matter what we do? Has LOGIC left the building? Why is it going going going GONE here there and everywhere? Is it TOO DANGEROUS to think logically and so it has been outlawed by the powers that be whose thinking abilities border on mediocrity. Logic scares them and so it must be destroyed! Anyone out there care?
I don't know if guys really prefer women who wear a lot of makeup. I never ever encountered one like that. Ever. Not one.Of course my travels were not in high society and amo... more I don't know if guys really prefer women who wear a lot of makeup. I never ever encountered one like that. Ever. Not one.Of course my travels were not in high society and among the glamorous. Standards there I'm sure are different. But for me persponally I like to SEE YOU as you are before you start putting on the glamor. What about you?
A very wealthy woman whose name I don't recall once said"You can't be too thin or too rich".She was a SKINNY FAT CAT.I guess that's better than being a FAT SKINNY CAT. I dunno. Nev... moreA very wealthy woman whose name I don't recall once said"You can't be too thin or too rich".She was a SKINNY FAT CAT.I guess that's better than being a FAT SKINNY CAT. I dunno. Never been skinny or rich so I wouldn't know! I'm slender and doing ok slender cat wise financially but nothing to shout about or brag about.Do y'all agree that being SKINNY and VERY WEALTHY is the best possible thing to be whether thee be a guy or gal? How skinny? Anorexic?
The pro-gun lobby — which gave a record $21 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — said it’s headed to the poorhouse because a state agency ... moreThe pro-gun lobby — which gave a record $21 million to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — said it’s headed to the poorhouse because a state agency told insurers to cut ties with the association and slapped a $7 million fine on NRA insurance broker Lockton Cos., of all the horrors that could befall this country, the NRA going completely out of business is not one of them.
The way the very enviously jealous Dondon keeps attacking Senator John McCain should make those of you with kids who survived the horrors of war FURIOUS. I cannot imagine one of yo... moreThe way the very enviously jealous Dondon keeps attacking Senator John McCain should make those of you with kids who survived the horrors of war FURIOUS. I cannot imagine one of you tolerating much less a**kissing Dondon. But then perhaps your love for Dondon eclipses your love for your own children. Mebbe?
For what reason you ask? To escape doing his/her duty. To run away from responsibility/accountabililty. To escape pulling his own weight and having others step in and do it for him... moreFor what reason you ask? To escape doing his/her duty. To run away from responsibility/accountabililty. To escape pulling his own weight and having others step in and do it for him. What kind of adult would a child of such parents become? Anyone you'd be proud of or would you be ashamed humiliated embarrassed at the cowardice and lack of integrity it would exemplify? Why ?
We were taught to TELL THE TRUTH, be POLITE, be RESPECTFUL. You cannot support/admire/defend/adore Dondon AND instruct your children to be the opposite of him or you are a HYPOCRIT... moreWe were taught to TELL THE TRUTH, be POLITE, be RESPECTFUL. You cannot support/admire/defend/adore Dondon AND instruct your children to be the opposite of him or you are a HYPOCRITE. So then to escape being a hypocrite your model of perfection, your template for your children, is to be JUST LIKE DON! Right? Really?Do you see any problem with that?
GOD doesn't seem to think very highly of the wealthy. GOD seems to think more highly of the poor.So this is a conundrum wrapped in a mystery encapsulated in the unknown then isn't ... moreGOD doesn't seem to think very highly of the wealthy. GOD seems to think more highly of the poor.So this is a conundrum wrapped in a mystery encapsulated in the unknown then isn't it? How to reconcile what GOD says with what GOD says and skew it to uplift the wealthy and downlift the poor. Have y'all figgered a way out yet? You sorta gotta hafta don'tcha ya? GOD favors the wealthy according to y'all. HE rains HIS blessings down upon them. HE chooses them to lead. HE calls them to service. YET according to the BIBLE not so much. So where did the wealthy get the idea that GOD is on their side against the poor on whose side the wealthy(rarely) ever are? If GOD doesn't take sides then why do the wealthy truly believe HE favors them? Wishful thinking? Thinking makes it so? Whistle a happy tune? less
That is the pitch of some obscenely wealthy TV Evangelists. It is GOD'S PLAN for you to live the good life. Did you know that? It is GOD'S PLAN that you thrive and survive and stay... moreThat is the pitch of some obscenely wealthy TV Evangelists. It is GOD'S PLAN for you to live the good life. Did you know that? It is GOD'S PLAN that you thrive and survive and stay alive while others don't. Not your problem. GOD will take care of them. Not as well as HE is taking care of you of course because y'all know GOD FAVORS YOU don't you? Of course you do.
I wouldn't want my elite friends to think I'm just a bum who won a lot of money. What kind of story could I make up how I made all my millions by my own smarts?
Well here's why/At his swearing in he was supposed to swear to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTIONWhat he clearly must have heard was HOLDUP not UPHOLD.So he thinks he is doing a he** of a job... moreWell here's why/At his swearing in he was supposed to swear to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTIONWhat he clearly must have heard was HOLDUP not UPHOLD.So he thinks he is doing a he** of a job holding it up. No wonder he is so confused by folks who say he isn't doing a good job. He thinks he is.When you think backwards see backwards do backward organically not knowing any better of c ourse you think you are being crucified for doing such a swell job.Who is held up the tenets the Constitution any better? Who is ignored the Emoluments clause? Who has ignored completely that CONGRESS is an equal to him and the HOUSE holds the pursestrings not him? He is holding up everything all the time as best he can and is completely unaware of all his criminal activities. He believes he is supposed to be doing what he is doing. less
For whom the bell tolls is coming soon in stereo quadraphonic 3-dimensional color. Any day now the floodgates will open and we will discover what the SDNY is working on related to ... moreFor whom the bell tolls is coming soon in stereo quadraphonic 3-dimensional color. Any day now the floodgates will open and we will discover what the SDNY is working on related to the jubilant Dondon. Any day now. Can Dondon swim? Anyone?
In addition all the folks who were charged convicted of crimes all LIED just to screw with your head. They gaslighted you. Every single one lied about Dondon et al. Those spe... moreIn addition all the folks who were charged convicted of crimes all LIED just to screw with your head. They gaslighted you. Every single one lied about Dondon et al. Those spending time in jail clearly hate him so much they were willing to do that just to make him uncomfy! BUT truth always wins. Truth will prevail. Truth will out. Honor doesn't ebb and flow ya know? It is immutable. Like Dondon. Immutable. Rigid. Strong. True. Crucified almost but well his AG Roy Cohn pseudonymed Bill Barr took real good care of him on that Russure thing. As for climate change well it started with Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth" years ago. Yes the plotting and scheming and HOAXING of y'all began way back then and kept growing and growing and growing. But y'all are too smart for us. Y'all never were fooled. Y'all knew there is absolutely no human impacting climate change in any way. How didja get to be so dam* smart? SIGH. less
He is obsessed with the "sh**thole" countries sending their WORST people here because they won't send their best!YET the DONdon brought only THE WORST PEOPLE to his gubment. Why? B... moreHe is obsessed with the "sh**thole" countries sending their WORST people here because they won't send their best!YET the DONdon brought only THE WORST PEOPLE to his gubment. Why? Because the best wanted no part of him and only the worst were otherwise unoccupied and needed a job.So you have the KING OF THE WORST attacking asylum seekers who flee certain death in their countries while he keeps appointing all the WORST people and keeps defending all the WORST people!Do you mind the contradiction or do you think it's just another one of his superbly superior stable genius ways he shows his stable genius and invaluable decision-making skills? less
Veiled? Ski Masks? Tin Foil? Brown Paper Bags? I'm sure the KKK has some members who are always AU COURANT fashionwise. What are they wearing to their parties and cross burni... moreVeiled? Ski Masks? Tin Foil? Brown Paper Bags? I'm sure the KKK has some members who are always AU COURANT fashionwise. What are they wearing to their parties and cross burnings and lynchings these days?
A deep friendship grew and the KKK member renounced the KKK and they were best friends for decades.So a KKK member can renounce his views. I believe that has occurred more than onc... moreA deep friendship grew and the KKK member renounced the KKK and they were best friends for decades.So a KKK member can renounce his views. I believe that has occurred more than once in the real world. Has the opposite ever occurred? Has a person who did not hate become an avid rabid proponent there of and stayed that way until he died?
Which crisis is worse? Which one will torture kill murder annihilate destroy dismember us faster and more surely? We can't focus on all of them simultanteously 100% . What priority... moreWhich crisis is worse? Which one will torture kill murder annihilate destroy dismember us faster and more surely? We can't focus on all of them simultanteously 100% . What priority is tops in your opinion? Why?Oh. And yes a Dondon who always sides with the hostile foreign enemy and always throws his own people under the bus. A Dondon who takes meetings with Putin and shreds all notes and does not allow any American press or members of his staff to listen in or know what the he** was discussed and what the he** he has committed to do for his beloved darling lover boy Vlad Putin? less
When the MAJORITY of the American people loathe detest despise him?I think what it means is that THE FIX is already in and counting down to another stacked deck sure thing thing do... moreWhen the MAJORITY of the American people loathe detest despise him?I think what it means is that THE FIX is already in and counting down to another stacked deck sure thing thing done deal NO BRAINER. OTHERWISE how could the stats be that illogical ludicrous absurd riddakkalus?We know Dondon et al have done DIDDLY to insure that the Russian election meddling stops They don't want it to stop! It got them in the catbird seat fer cryin' out loud! Why fix what ain't broke?
Hanging by a thread on another limb once again. The only exercise he gets. That limb he favors so and keeps returning to will be cut off one day. It won't end well for him. SPLAT!
I think we should pay for what we break and clean up every mess we make OURSELVES. Not blame others or wait for them to do what we should do. I dunno how many others feel that way. Do you?
BOGEYIn golf if you "bogeyed" your score was 1 over par. A bogey is undesirable in golf. A birdie (one under par) or an eagle (2 under par) is swell. The lower the score in golf th... moreBOGEYIn golf if you "bogeyed" your score was 1 over par. A bogey is undesirable in golf. A birdie (one under par) or an eagle (2 under par) is swell. The lower the score in golf the better you do. That in itself is weird but that's a different issue entire. Why use bogey in such a context?In elsewise otherwheres a BOGEY is a scary frightening threatening presence.Same word. Did the language makers just run out of creative inspiration and so they make some words do double-duty? Lazy bums? Or verbally economical? It's NUTS! :( less
Wouldn't you know what not to be without experiencing an example of it, whether a her or a him or a them?Do you have to burn yourself to know NOT to play with fire? Or can you just... moreWouldn't you know what not to be without experiencing an example of it, whether a her or a him or a them?Do you have to burn yourself to know NOT to play with fire? Or can you just figure it out within without having to experience the pain and the ugly aftermath of burned skin?There is a season for everything under the sun. Really? There is a reason for everything that has ever been done? Seriously? SIGH.
The BOGEYMAN! Things that went bump in the night and startled you. THE BOGEYMAN WILL GET YOU!So we grow up and outgrow our childish fears. AND THEN we are assaulted by a real-life ... moreThe BOGEYMAN! Things that went bump in the night and startled you. THE BOGEYMAN WILL GET YOU!So we grow up and outgrow our childish fears. AND THEN we are assaulted by a real-life BOGEYMAN who in reality is far far worse than our worst fears ever imagined! SIGH. Reality sucks.BOGYBOGEYA hobgoblin, evil spirit. Anything that haunts frightens annoys or harasses.