Last time for me was April this year to mail a money order to pay off a bill. All other communication is by text, email and pay bills via 'electronic arm'.
You will probably never guess so I will just tell you - our youngest son. We just got a call from him and he let us know that they sold their house in BC and moved to Nova Scotia a... moreYou will probably never guess so I will just tell you - our youngest son. We just got a call from him and he let us know that they sold their house in BC and moved to Nova Scotia and bought 5 acres of lake front property for $10.000. The only bad part is they are now a 6 day drive away from us instead of 8 hours. Cheers!
Americans, in groups of at least five, can now sponsor Afghan refugees through a U.S. private refugee sponsorship program. Before, the process relied on nonprofits. Orde... moreAmericans, in groups of at least five, can now sponsor Afghan refugees through a U.S. private refugee sponsorship program. Before, the process relied on nonprofits. Order early - avoid the holiday rush.
Minnesota’s Congressional delegation on Monday is introducing a resolution to posthumously award the Congressional Gold Medal to pop superstar Prince, citing his “indel... moreMinnesota’s Congressional delegation on Monday is introducing a resolution to posthumously award the Congressional Gold Medal to pop superstar Prince, citing his “indelible mark on Minnesota and American culture.”
The medal is one of the nation’s highest civilian honors and past recipients include George Washington, the Wright Brothers, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, the Navajo Code Talkers, the Tuskegee Airmen and the Dalai Lama. To which one of the persons above-named would you equate Prince?I suppose congress doesn't have anything important on which to focus their attention. less
This question was inspired by one of the responses to this question: moreThis question was inspired by one of the responses to this question: don’t have any doctors and lawyers here that anyone knows about, so what kind of expertise do we actually have here? I grew up on a farm, so I could answer questions about agriculture and livestock. My work experience is in truck driving, dispatching, safety and permits, so I could also authoritatively answer trucking questions. less
I always thought they must of been offered something because most of them took no steps to hid their identity. I included a link to what the January 6th investigation is start... moreI always thought they must of been offered something because most of them took no steps to hid their identity. I included a link to what the January 6th investigation is starting to find out. Cheers!
the place where i live wants to renovate, i dont think its fair to expect us to move all our stuff out and then move it all back in 2 wks later, some of u... more the place where i live wants to renovate, i dont think its fair to expect us to move all our stuff out and then move it all back in 2 wks later, some of us have health issues , actually most of us do, and we dont want to be bothered with it, im thinking of moving out and that way i only have to do the move once instead of twice,is it fair for apt buildings to do that?theres nothing wrong with mine that needs fixing, anyways to stop that other than moving out?
My thoughts:I worked in a fast food restaurant, and tried very hard to do well but I was fired within two weeks. (My employer could not have been nicer in his treatment of me with ... moreMy thoughts:I worked in a fast food restaurant, and tried very hard to do well but I was fired within two weeks. (My employer could not have been nicer in his treatment of me with the termination. He knew I was trying hard to do well for him.)I see the challenges of the jobs and I also see how often "we, the public" treat these workers in incredibly disrespectful ways.
These jobs are not so easy that anyone can successfully do them.
I just watched a vid of Jake Tapper from the Trevor Noah show talking to Trump supporters at a rally. One of the supporters claimed that Donald Trump is still running the cou... moreI just watched a vid of Jake Tapper from the Trevor Noah show talking to Trump supporters at a rally. One of the supporters claimed that Donald Trump is still running the country from the WH and he is still in charge of the military. Then Tapper said so I guess that means if Trump is still running the country and he is in charge of the military he is responsible for the Afghanistan pull out - after a long pause the supporter said - um no. If Trump was still running the country and he was still in charge of the military he would of been in charge of the Afghanistan pull out so I think it is a example of Trump supporters thinking they can have their cake and eat it too. Cheers! less
Some things removed or added to might make an explanation easier.If each of the billions of people in the world would express their opinions of reality it would all be entered into... moreSome things removed or added to might make an explanation easier.If each of the billions of people in the world would express their opinions of reality it would all be entered into the Big Computer then there we make a summary to come up with the adequate solution to 'what is reality?'.
Here is an example. On a news segment this morning, a plant nursery owner was being interviewed. She was telling viewers some things they could do in the fall to enhance thei... moreHere is an example. On a news segment this morning, a plant nursery owner was being interviewed. She was telling viewers some things they could do in the fall to enhance their gardens and trees next spring and she pronounced the word 'foliage' as 'folage. I wanted to reach through the screen and choke her.
Props guns are supposed to be made in a way that they will not even accept a real shell. The people shot (one fatally, one injured) were not actors (crew member and director),... moreProps guns are supposed to be made in a way that they will not even accept a real shell. The people shot (one fatally, one injured) were not actors (crew member and director), why was the prop weapon even pointed at crew members?