Lately our Grandson has been getting pretty sad because his big sister beats him at every game they play. So I have been thinking of putting a little Play-doh on the spring of his ... moreLately our Grandson has been getting pretty sad because his big sister beats him at every game they play. So I have been thinking of putting a little Play-doh on the spring of his Rock Em Sock Em Robot then push the head back down. That will make it next to impossible for his sister to knock the block of his robot and he will start feeling better. Cheers and happy weekend!
Her case will be thrown out of court, right?
(P.S. She’s Canadian and lives in Canada, he‘s American and lives in San Diego, by the way. They have divorced each o... moreHer case will be thrown out of court, right?
(P.S. She’s Canadian and lives in Canada, he‘s American and lives in San Diego, by the way. They have divorced each other seventeen times.)~
Yesterday QAnon followers waited for Bobby Kennedy to show up and announce that he will be Trump's running mate in 2024. When he didn't show up they started saying that he was actu... moreYesterday QAnon followers waited for Bobby Kennedy to show up and announce that he will be Trump's running mate in 2024. When he didn't show up they started saying that he was actually going to show up at a Rolling Stones concert that night. When he didn't show up they started claiming that that's OK because Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones is actually John F Kennedy and he will be Trumps running mate in 2024. I think it is crazy. Cheers!
What think ye? The physical universe began from a single particle then quantum mechanics took over with its own unique capabilities to create the realistic universe of billions of ... moreWhat think ye? The physical universe began from a single particle then quantum mechanics took over with its own unique capabilities to create the realistic universe of billions of galaxies from a single particle being in ALL places at the same time. This particle would also be given all the properties and ability to do the actions of every kind of particle as well at the same time.What is the catch? That would not be possible because.....
That means HALF of the people my age and younger are DEAD. That's powerful stuff. Or, it's business as usual.. I don't know what to think of it, if anythin... moreHello:
That means HALF of the people my age and younger are DEAD. That's powerful stuff. Or, it's business as usual.. I don't know what to think of it, if anything.
I broke up with mine over a year after high school ended, she married another guy, had four or five children, then got divorced. I do not know the chronology of ... more
I broke up with mine over a year after high school ended, she married another guy, had four or five children, then got divorced. I do not know the chronology of all those events, details are sketchy and it’s been a couple of decades since I last knew of her.
~ FACT:The race baiter has no proof to support his claim. Prove me wrong.
By scrambling the letters of each of these four directional words, then adding only one extra letter of your own choosing to each one of them, form four words that are relat... more
By scrambling the letters of each of these four directional words, then adding only one extra letter of your own choosing to each one of them, form four words that are related to each other in some way.
When forming your four words, you do not have to use all of the letters of the four directional words, and you do not have to add an extra letter if you do not want to.
The extra letters you choose can vary for each of the four directional words, one for each of them.The four related words that you form can be in any language, but if it is other than English, please state what language it is. Also, no mixing of languages among your four words, other than instances of loan words that exist in two or more languages.
Proper names of people, places, and things may be used.The four words you form do not have to make a complete sentence, but they can if you like.Spelling counts, regardless of which language is used. For words with alternate spellings, you are allowed leeway.Compound words or hy... less
Metallica generally don't do mellow, but my daughter wants this as her bridal waltz when the world goes back to normal and she and her fiance can finally get married - and it IS a waltz.