They begin practicing their proffession by their generous unpaid volunteer work on Answermug then they can graduate to higher positions with excellent incomes.
I have been binge-watching several different favorite TV shows, and for the purposes of this post, I will use one particular show as an example: “Alfred Hitchcock Pres... more I have been binge-watching several different favorite TV shows, and for the purposes of this post, I will use one particular show as an example: “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” (beginning in 1956). I fondly remember watching its reruns every now and then as a child, then sometimes throughout my teens, and later into my young adult years. The sound of the theme music is indelibly etched in my memory banks. As I was watching the second season’s reruns tonight, it occurred to me that even though the theme sound has no lyrics, it’s just music, I don’t remember it ever having changed over the years. I’m fortunate in that I’m seeing the episodes in chronological order, so as I reacquaint myself with the show, it’s possible that later seasons just may have changes in the theme music, but I think that’s unlikely. An extension of those thoughts led me to wondering about other shows where that might have been the case, such as “Gilligan’s Isl... less
I was looking up "screaming man" gifs and this was one of them. I have no idea what the details are here but this guy has my attention all the way. (And not just because I find him... moreI was looking up "screaming man" gifs and this was one of them. I have no idea what the details are here but this guy has my attention all the way. (And not just because I find him attractive.):)
Thirty minutes ago, I was searching for pictures of a series of album covers that I planned to use on an upcoming question I will be posting. The connection between the various artists is that the particular song title is similar, a fact that I did not realize until I began doing this. Originally, I thought one or two artists shared the same title, I came to find out there were at least half a dozen of them so far, but I got sidetracked in reading about the backgrounds of individual artists and of how certain bands or musical acts got started. Of keen interest we’re the British artists whom I used to think were American.
The posting of the question will have to be delayed even further, because now it’s time for me to get out of the house and go exercise.
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First of all, I have never heard of Travis Scott until the news came out about this tragedy, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight. His is not a genre music that ... more First of all, I have never heard of Travis Scott until the news came out about this tragedy, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight. His is not a genre music that I listen to or follow, so it’s not surprising that I’ve never heard of him. There are allegations that from the stage, Scott incited the stampede with his challenges to the audience to an almost riot-like state of activity, and that he has a history of such conduct at previous appearances of his. In fact, Scott was convicted for the same type of charges in a Chicago, Il incident. In the aftermath of the most recent tragedy, there are shouts of multi-million dollar lawsuits against him and/or against the promoters, the insurers, etc. On the news this morning, there are calls for the promoters of his upcoming concerts to take him off of the bill.
It seems to me that concert-goers themselves have power here simply by not buying tickets to see him, and the fewer tickets sold, it seems there’s less likel... less