You thought it was Fox News? No. Fox is also controlled by those two groups. It isn't the intelligence community or the media that is the sotto voce vise that tightly grips/runs/OW... moreYou thought it was Fox News? No. Fox is also controlled by those two groups. It isn't the intelligence community or the media that is the sotto voce vise that tightly grips/runs/OWNS da prez. He was their choice since they knew how "flexible" he can be under the right circumstances. They had Russia to work with as well. A powerful trinity. Used to be "Father, Son and Holy Spirit/Ghost". Now it's Federalist/Heritage/Russia. King don got his list of judges from the Heritage and Federalist puppetmasters. He couldn't even do that on his own without their consent. less
Tuesday flies to Brussels for a meeting with 28 NATO "allies" Heads for England Thursday to meet the Queen and tour estatesThen off to SCOTLAND for a weekend of golf at one of his ... moreTuesday flies to Brussels for a meeting with 28 NATO "allies" Heads for England Thursday to meet the Queen and tour estatesThen off to SCOTLAND for a weekend of golf at one of his golf resorts thereArrives in Helsinki, Finland Sunday night and Monday begins meetings including the highpoint of which will be a a tete a tete with Vladdie in private. Prying eyes or ears will be forbidden. No witnesses. Ah the intrigue! Ah the possibilities!Then he heads for home no doubt having tweeted constantly at every step.Think of all the wreckage he can leave behind! It will be momentous and monumental or very bigly. He will excoriate/vilify all the NATO folks. You know the ones who came to the aid of the US after 9/11 and fought side by side and died? Yep. Those ungrateful wretches. He will certainly give them a piece of his mind they will not soon forget.He is an unmannerly boor and how he will interact with the Queen is problematic. Of course his English is not the best Very limited voacabulary. Keep... less
You appoint an extreme right-wing CONSERVATIVE. He/she had better not disappoint. He/she had better stay the course exactly as ordered or else doom awaits. You want a SCOTUS who is... moreYou appoint an extreme right-wing CONSERVATIVE. He/she had better not disappoint. He/she had better stay the course exactly as ordered or else doom awaits. You want a SCOTUS who is rigidly marbleized. Who has no room to learn or grow or change or progress. How can you make sure of it? You can't. You just select the most rigid marble you can and then "see what happens". SIGH.
Ya get ONE guess! Why the guy good old King don has nominated as his SCOTUS Justice...Brett Kavanaugh. Which means Kav gives carte blanche to da King to do whatever the he** he wan... moreYa get ONE guess! Why the guy good old King don has nominated as his SCOTUS Justice...Brett Kavanaugh. Which means Kav gives carte blanche to da King to do whatever the he** he wants to do WITHOUT consequences/accountabililty/responsibility/punishment. Think of all the wondrous worlds that await us with a prez who is an invincible/unaccountable/ignorant/emotional/needy wackadoodle?
Or do they? Maybe somewhere in the great out there those souls do have a choice. Why anyone would choose to be born to racist bigots I don't understand but perhaps there is a grand... moreOr do they? Maybe somewhere in the great out there those souls do have a choice. Why anyone would choose to be born to racist bigots I don't understand but perhaps there is a grand plan. Will we ever know? I don't know. Do you?
I was stung by one today, for the first time since I was 5 years old, on my left hand. My hand has been in intense pain for the past three hours. Fun times.
This is another question inspired by this question: moreThis is another question inspired by this question: and Eve could have taken the blue pill by refusing to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but no, they picked the red pill. The blue pill was ignorant bliss. Is ignorant bliss better than knowledge that sometimes comes with suffering and misery? Also, wouldn't that have made the serpent the good guy by showing them the choice between the red pill and the blue pill? less
Inspired by this question: story of Adam and Ev... moreInspired by this question: story of Adam and Eve doesn't make any sense to me. It sounds like Adam and Eve were set up. If a single being created humans then it would have to know that telling someone not to do something without really explaining why they shouldn't do it really makes them want to try it.
Legit question because most vegans have to really work hard to get their protein and often make smoothies with protein powder. Adam and Eve didn't have protein powder, I'm guessing... moreLegit question because most vegans have to really work hard to get their protein and often make smoothies with protein powder. Adam and Eve didn't have protein powder, I'm guessing. I wasn't there, but I assume. Anyway, from what I can tell, they had some variety of spinach (a high-protein veggie), which could have given them 1-3g per cup, but women need 46g and men need 56g per day, meaning a woman would have to eat a minimum of 15 cups per day or raw spinach, just to get protein. Yuck.