King don ridiculed him among others and pretended he didn't understand what "1000 points of light" meant. Perhaps he didn't. Did you? Anyway have you abandoned the folks you used t... moreKing don ridiculed him among others and pretended he didn't understand what "1000 points of light" meant. Perhaps he didn't. Did you? Anyway have you abandoned the folks you used to be loyal to (if you were) and cleaved unto King don and enveloped yourself in his likes/dislikes? Do you know why?
They are all mini-hims then and see the world through his eyes. Maybe they were all waiting patiently for someone like him and that's why they are so devoted to him. Who knows?
Only 15 ethics and p ossible criminal violations investigations and still King don kept him on. That let him know that he could do whatever the he** he wanted to do. Or not d... moreOnly 15 ethics and p ossible criminal violations investigations and still King don kept him on. That let him know that he could do whatever the he** he wanted to do. Or not do. As long as he destroyed everything King don told him to the King didn't care how much he stole from we the people. He would never have fired the crook except that Pruitt was getting all the attention and King don simply will not tolerate that. He must always be in the spotlight and he was on the sidelines. So Pruitt got booted. Just think of how much more Pruitt could have/would have looted if he had just been a little bit more subtle about his highway robbery antics. He had carte blanche. He wrote his own ticket. No matter how sticky his wicket he knew King don had his bad. Now the booted winy crybaby will have to find other sources to steal from. I'm sure he will. Aren't you? less
What could possibly go wrong with such a guy negotiating all the deals with world leaders? Assad denies he has murdered his own people. Vlad denies he meddled with the 2016 electio... moreWhat could possibly go wrong with such a guy negotiating all the deals with world leaders? Assad denies he has murdered his own people. Vlad denies he meddled with the 2016 election. Sexual perverts say everything was consensual. Just deny whatever it is and you have a guy 100% in your corner. 100% of the time. Isn't that wunnerful?
Canada, England, France et al are now irrelevant and in the past and we are embracing Russia and the entire what-used-to-be Soviet Union. That is the grand plan, grand design of Vl... moreCanada, England, France et al are now irrelevant and in the past and we are embracing Russia and the entire what-used-to-be Soviet Union. That is the grand plan, grand design of Vladdie dearest. Get back all the lands that used to make it up. With the help of a very obliging obedient subservient needy spokesperson from the former great country that used to be the United States of known as King don land. Wonder how long it will take for Vlad to have all his needs and wants fulfilled by don? King don has ordered all Republicans to focus on that task. Make America Great Again only will work if they Make Russia Greater. Everyone says so. :( less
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee said Friday that the King don administration (the don and his mafia thugs) officials have told him and his staff that they view placing separat... moreWashington State Governor Jay Inslee said Friday that the King don administration (the don and his mafia thugs) officials have told him and his staff that they view placing separated migrant children in foster care as an equivalent to reuniting them with their families! That the don et famille has no intention of reuniting these children with their parents. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Isn't that swell as he**?
How does King don plan to sell us out any more than he already has? What will he give Vladdie dearest to soothe him, assuage him, comfort him and succor him? The sky's the limit me... moreHow does King don plan to sell us out any more than he already has? What will he give Vladdie dearest to soothe him, assuage him, comfort him and succor him? The sky's the limit methinks. If you have nothing to hide you hide nothing. I bet King don is having happy dreams about the upcoming summit. Just the two of them together in a room with each other. Heaven for him and I wonder what it will be for Vladdie dearest? He knows he can have his way with King don. I wonder what that way will be and how it will adversely impact the US and the world? Scary times ahead. SIGH. King don said we're all just people and Vlad is just fine. Everything is just fine. We;re all just fine. Do YOU think everything is just fine or is the stench from the stink already making you nauseous? less
Here's the skinny on that.Years ago Jim Jordan was the Assistant Wrestling Coach at Ohio State where a Dr. Richard Strauss regularly sexually abused athletes. For many years.... moreHere's the skinny on that.Years ago Jim Jordan was the Assistant Wrestling Coach at Ohio State where a Dr. Richard Strauss regularly sexually abused athletes. For many years. Not only those who were wrestlers but all of them.4 former Ohio State wrestlers say Jordan KNEW ABOUT THE ABUSE and did nothing. Of course he denies it.King don weighed in immediately and says he believes Jordan 100%. That he is 100% innocent. That he is a very good man and 100% innocent. A very good man who is 100% innocent. I guess King don believes that repetition makes it so. I don't know. He KNOWS BEFORE an investigation is concluded.King don can't avoid sex perverts or those who look the other way and do nothing. He draws them to him like flies to honey. Is Jorden innocent? Well I don't know. The investigation isn't concluded. I do wonder WHY athletes would LIE though.In the profoundly brilliant words of King don. "We'll see what happens". Of course all Republicans will automatically back up Jordan before... less
Aren't there diplomatic channels one should go through? Should there be a stated purpose for the visit with a stated goal? Those of you who don't live in the US. Do your poli... moreAren't there diplomatic channels one should go through? Should there be a stated purpose for the visit with a stated goal? Those of you who don't live in the US. Do your politicians travel willy nilly anywhere they want to go? It just seems so juvenile, haphazard and impetuous.
You know I'm good for it, you know I'll pay you back as soon as I can. All I have to do is pull a new job, yeah, that's it. I'll meet up with the old crew, I'm sure the... moreYou know I'm good for it, you know I'll pay you back as soon as I can. All I have to do is pull a new job, yeah, that's it. I'll meet up with the old crew, I'm sure they've got something cooked up, or they're at least planning something. They might need a wheel-man, or a look-out, or maybe some muscle. You know I get handle a heater, if the cops catch me with a rod, well, with me being on parole and all, you know they'll send me back up to finish the rest of that five-year stretch. They'll tack on some more time for the hardware, too. So what do you say? I've always paid you back before, I'm good for every cent of it. How long have I been here? Even if you need a little interest back, I'll come through for you. Say, do you still have that old sedan? Is it running? I've just got to get out of town, they're looking for me everywhere. I can't make a move in any direction without some detective poking into my business. I don't even k... less