*SCOVILLE HEAT UNITHow the heat of peppers are measuredFor your amusement here are some examplesJalapeno Peppers range from 2500-8000 SHUIn current descending order of HOTCarolina ... more*SCOVILLE HEAT UNITHow the heat of peppers are measuredFor your amusement here are some examplesJalapeno Peppers range from 2500-8000 SHUIn current descending order of HOTCarolina Reaper 2,200,000 SHUTrinidad Moruga Scorpion 2,009,2317 Pot Douglah 1,853 ,9367 Pot Primo 1,469,000Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T" 1,463,700Naga Viper 1,349,000Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokian) 1,041,4277 Pot Barrackpore 1,000,0007 Pot Red (GIANT) 1,000,000Red Savina Habanero 500,000What would eating a 2,200,000 SHU pepper do to you? less
C'mon gaslighter! Give it your best shot. Or your writers since you are not very creative or inventive or imaginate. Why not let that cockroach Stephen Miller give you one. Bet he ... moreC'mon gaslighter! Give it your best shot. Or your writers since you are not very creative or inventive or imaginate. Why not let that cockroach Stephen Miller give you one. Bet he will have a doozy for ya! SIGH. This is what passes for excitement these days y'all. Waiting for the gaslighter-in-chief and his toady sycophants to screw us bigly. Are we having fun yet? Are we there yet? Stay tuned. More to come. Breaking News. Coming to a neighborhood near you.
Is it because he LOVES to insult attack denigrate and if he gets rid of them whom can he excoriate? He tells us he has the power to do this and that and the other thing too if he w... moreIs it because he LOVES to insult attack denigrate and if he gets rid of them whom can he excoriate? He tells us he has the power to do this and that and the other thing too if he wants ta do so. SO DO IT ALREADY! What's the holdup fer cryin' out loud? Show us how powerful a wizard you are OZ. C'mon. WE DARE YA! Show us your best stuff. We can take it. Chicken?
The gaslighter singled her out and did not insult or demean at all. Shockingly he seemed respectful of her. Just to confuse. That's one of the things gaslighters all do. Because we... moreThe gaslighter singled her out and did not insult or demean at all. Shockingly he seemed respectful of her. Just to confuse. That's one of the things gaslighters all do. Because well ya know they are confused too.
First here's is the definition of GASLIGHTINGIn order to gain more power the gaslighter makes his targets question their reality. A gaslighter manipulatespeople by psychologial mea... moreFirst here's is the definition of GASLIGHTINGIn order to gain more power the gaslighter makes his targets question their reality. A gaslighter manipulatespeople by psychologial means into questioning their own sanity.1. They tell BLATANT LIES2. They deny they said something even thought you have proof3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition4. They wear you down over time5. Their actions do not match their words6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you7. They know confusion weakens people8. They constantly PROJECT to their targets what themselves are guilty of like LYING...they ACCUSE9. They try to align people against you10. They tell you and others that you are crazy11. They tell you that EVERYONE ELSE IS A LIARIf the shoe fits. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, smell like a duck guess what folks? IT'S A DUCK! less
They view the subject of obesity as being off limit. They accuse anyone who dares to mention it of FAT SHAMING which is all about packaging/appearance/superficial. The subject of o... moreThey view the subject of obesity as being off limit. They accuse anyone who dares to mention it of FAT SHAMING which is all about packaging/appearance/superficial. The subject of obesity has to do with CONTENT not packaging. It is not fat shaming. it is talking about an EPIDEMIC that folks seem scared to death to discuss. Why all the fuss? Beats me. They are of the mind that if you just don't talk about it well then you don't have to DO anything about it but out of sight out mind and it doesn't exist. Period. End of story. Nothing to see here. Move on. Fake News! Yeah. Right . If adults want to do that to themselves that is their right. But to allow it to happen to their children? THAT IS NOT RIGHT. Right? less
I haven't had my hair cut since 2013 and then it was just a trim. I don't know what to do with this massive mane nor where to go. Finding somewhere to go and trust that they won't ... moreI haven't had my hair cut since 2013 and then it was just a trim. I don't know what to do with this massive mane nor where to go. Finding somewhere to go and trust that they won't butcher my hair has been the hardest thing since I moved here in 2009. Should I just cut it myself?
I was very badly humiliated by an office colleague with whom I was in a brief relationship, and we had a very nasty breakup. I had resolved never to get intimate with him or any ot... moreI was very badly humiliated by an office colleague with whom I was in a brief relationship, and we had a very nasty breakup. I had resolved never to get intimate with him or any other office colleague. I'm presently in another relationship; but even more than a year afterwards he's ever present in my thoughts. I've never felt this way before. Am I truly in love?
His own toady sycophants REFUSED to give him the funds for his wall in the two years he had the majority. HOW STUPID IS HE
TO TRY TO BLAME DEMS FOR HIS ABJECT INCOMPETENT FAI... moreHis own toady sycophants REFUSED to give him the funds for his wall in the two years he had the majority. HOW STUPID IS HE
When he crossed the line. I think none of the trumpicans have line the puppet boy can't cross. They keep moving the goal post for him and keep dropping the every lower every day. S... moreWhen he crossed the line. I think none of the trumpicans have line the puppet boy can't cross. They keep moving the goal post for him and keep dropping the every lower every day. So chances are he can do whatever and they will stick to him like glue. You?
As the owner how would you react? At some point when you see them coming wouldn't you just go into the back room to avoid them altogether? Surely you wouldn't continue listening to... moreAs the owner how would you react? At some point when you see them coming wouldn't you just go into the back room to avoid them altogether? Surely you wouldn't continue listening to the same old crap wouldja?