Isn't that a bigly dumb-a** reply? What do you talk about if not what you would do under hypothetical situations? "What a great guy I am. I can solve all your problems. I know more... moreIsn't that a bigly dumb-a** reply? What do you talk about if not what you would do under hypothetical situations? "What a great guy I am. I can solve all your problems. I know more than anyone. I can fix it. I'm a stable genius." Wait a minit. We already got one like that! Another one you want like that? Are you serious? For goodness sakes WHY?
This pertains to extreme right-wing Conservatives aka trumpicans. Ya better not sneak around and listen to that "socialist" who will poison your mind or the "libertarian" whose ide... moreThis pertains to extreme right-wing Conservatives aka trumpicans. Ya better not sneak around and listen to that "socialist" who will poison your mind or the "libertarian" whose ideas are flaky. GAWD forbid you listen to progressives liberals. You will be dragged naked through the streets on the ground behind a hot rod! ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM! Narrow knowledge insures narrow thinking...the goal of all politicians. Keep them ignorant. The ignoranter they are the easier they are to manipulate and control.
Too dangerous to be fair? No interest in anything other than your religion? Limited knowledge is safer and better because well ya never know another religion might offer something ... moreToo dangerous to be fair? No interest in anything other than your religion? Limited knowledge is safer and better because well ya never know another religion might offer something yours doesn't and oh my gosh how evil is that? We get it. Your way or the highway right? Where did we hear that before?
He calls himself a CENTRIST INDEPENDENT! That's a load of CRAP. He is doing it to carve out his own niche where there is no competition and sez that way he will appeal to disaffect... moreHe calls himself a CENTRIST INDEPENDENT! That's a load of CRAP. He is doing it to carve out his own niche where there is no competition and sez that way he will appeal to disaffected Republicans who won't vote for a Dem and will never vote for the puppet boy again. Does he have a point? Is that a chickensh** move of a coward who is afraid to face lotsa competition or a very smart move on the part of a very smart guy to try to appeal to the moderates in both parties? Whatcha think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?He is a SELF-MADE millionaire/billionaire/whateveraire. He knows what POOR is like. He isn't one of those phony baloney "I know what you're going through" bullsh** billionaires born into wealth (puppet boy being the prime bullsh** thrower) less
Why should they trust us ever again? We are allowing a crazy man to tweet policy and those who have the power to contain him refuse to do so. I would not ever trust again. Would yo... moreWhy should they trust us ever again? We are allowing a crazy man to tweet policy and those who have the power to contain him refuse to do so. I would not ever trust again. Would you? Countries that used to look to us as stable dependable rational friends pull away or are shoved away by puppet boy. I do hope that one day all the damage done by the Putin puppet will redound to him tenfold and he will "enjoy" all the suffering he caused others in perpetuity. Reciprocity is desirable. Two-way streets are always better than DEAD ENDS. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Screw me and you will not get off easily or quickly. less
The puppet boy is taking down all his trumpicans. The choice is drowning in a tainted cesspool scummy diseased swamp that puppet boy PROMISED HE WOULD DRAIN but all he did was crap... moreThe puppet boy is taking down all his trumpicans. The choice is drowning in a tainted cesspool scummy diseased swamp that puppet boy PROMISED HE WOULD DRAIN but all he did was crap it up even more. OR they can suffocate in quicksand. Which death(figurative OF COURSE) would be the more uncomfortable? Choking on putrid slimy scum or grainy sand? Lungs filled with each? The makings of a great horror movie. The idea is free to anyone who wants to run with it. "THE LAST DAYS OF PUPPET BOY and THE MOB?" No? So what would your title be? less
The only way to get them to stop (either go without sex or take birth control pills orget operated on to make it impossible to have kids) would be to prevent future births because ... moreThe only way to get them to stop (either go without sex or take birth control pills orget operated on to make it impossible to have kids) would be to prevent future births because they all poison their cildren's minds and fill them with HATE from the moment they're born. The kids have no chance at a good life. Better they not be born than live a life of hate? I dunno. Whatcha think?
For those of you who are totally clueless.Ernie Pyle was killed in 1945 during the Battle of Okinawa. He was a REPORTER JOURNALIST who went into battle with the soldiers so he coul... moreFor those of you who are totally clueless.Ernie Pyle was killed in 1945 during the Battle of Okinawa. He was a REPORTER JOURNALIST who went into battle with the soldiers so he could report on them first-person style to the folks back home and not at arms length from thousands of miles away like the talking heads of today. So since he was a reporter of course every word he ever wrote was a lie right? FAKE NEWS. You don't really think FAKE NEWS was born and created by puppet boy do you? He created nothing. Since investigative reporting and journalism began it has been a conspiracy of lies to trick you into not realizing they are all deep state haters. Yep. All the awards and honors they received are worthless. They can't fool you can they? You know they all lie just like all politicians lie except of course puppet boy. You're way to smart to fall for that aren'tcha! Smartypants the lot of you. SIGH. less
There are many awards that honor EXCELLENCE that are presented to reporters and journalists and newspapers. Perhaps you are familiar with a few of them. PULITZER PRIZE. PEABO... moreThere are many awards that honor EXCELLENCE that are presented to reporters and journalists and newspapers. Perhaps you are familiar with a few of them. PULITZER PRIZE. PEABODY AWARD. EDWARD R. MURROW AWARD. It is your deep and abiding belief that all such awards are SHAMs and honor liars, reprobates. scoundrels. Correct? SIGH. Okey dokey then.
No journalists no newspapers/radio news shows/TV news shows! You'd be left with believing RUSH LIMBAUGH and ANN COULTER because there would never be anyone to counteract the ... more No journalists no newspapers/radio news shows/TV news shows! You'd be left with believing RUSH LIMBAUGH and ANN COULTER because there would never be anyone to counteract the lies. Is that what you would prefer? What do you think THE PULITZER PRIZE is given for? Hoaxy fake news? Honoring liars? Seriously? Different strokes.
I was just introduced to it by a long-time Answermug/Answerbag friend! I know. You probably already know what it means but I didn't! Shut The F***Up! We were chatting about the SOT... moreI was just introduced to it by a long-time Answermug/Answerbag friend! I know. You probably already know what it means but I didn't! Shut The F***Up! We were chatting about the SOTU (State of the Union) address and she said she'd prefer an STFU! Would you too? Me too! What are the odds of that ever happening with the puppet boy?
The arrogant insufferable dam* fool thinks he can bull his way to victory. There is FACTUAL PROOF that he lied. IRREFUTABLE PROOF. DAM*ING PROOF. So instead of doing the logical th... moreThe arrogant insufferable dam* fool thinks he can bull his way to victory. There is FACTUAL PROOF that he lied. IRREFUTABLE PROOF. DAM*ING PROOF. So instead of doing the logical thing and admitting what everyone KNOWS he lies again by insisting he did not lie. Wanna know why? He is exactly like puppet boy and others who truly believe they are so intellectually superior to the rest of us that we will believe whatever crap they dish out to us because they said so. They have nothing but disdain and contempt for y'all but some of you believe them which gives them satisfaction to know that no matter how delusional and outrageous they are you will buy it. I dunno why so many people don't mind being viewed with contempt. Different strokes. less