BECAUSETHEYCANThat's it! No reason or logic or sense to it.They do it BECAUSE THEY CAN.Well cops can get away with murder and know it because they do all the time. Why? BECAUSE THEY CAN
Cops, white or black or pink or blue or orange or green have the legal authority to kill people. No question about it.So that means you NEVER question what a cop thinks says or doe... moreCops, white or black or pink or blue or orange or green have the legal authority to kill people. No question about it.So that means you NEVER question what a cop thinks says or does? NO MATTER WHAT?And you grovel bellycrawl beg whimper roll over for any cop who does anything because he is given that authority and you are impotent irrelevant unimportant?You watch a cop exhibit cold indifference as he imperiously murders someone in front of you. That is his right. Especially because HE IS WHITE and the murdered guy is just another African American. That seems to be the pitch the "defense" is using.You do NOT have to be an expert in how much venality brutality is allowed when cops do their job. You don't have to be a COP to forgive understand when one goes off and MURDERS anyone for no reason except well he can. less
George Floyd was MURDERED on camera in view of many witnesses. Why doesn't that stand alone by itself? Why isn't seeing him murdered in real time enough?What if he had tried to pas... moreGeorge Floyd was MURDERED on camera in view of many witnesses. Why doesn't that stand alone by itself? Why isn't seeing him murdered in real time enough?What if he had tried to pass fake $20 bill? What if he had a parking ticket or jaywalked or drove 30 mph through a 15 mph zone? What if he was late paying a bill? What if he didn't graduate from high school? What if he had mouthed off at his teacher? What "what if" is big enough to override/erase seeing him being murdered as it happened?How does any of that have anything to do with our having witnessed his murder in real time? less
It is even allgeged he might have PAID HER TO "travel" with him (e.g. do the down and dirty on his command wherever he was whenever he wanted "it").Well well well well well well. N... moreIt is even allgeged he might have PAID HER TO "travel" with him (e.g. do the down and dirty on his command wherever he was whenever he wanted "it").Well well well well well well. No surprise.Stay tooned. Other crap will come out from this leading to other crap and more crap. FOOTOO folks are always involved in lotsa crap.
Hypothetically, if an unaccompanied minor who is in a detention setting in the US makes the above statement, what are the possibilities of what might happen as a result of it?1. &n... moreHypothetically, if an unaccompanied minor who is in a detention setting in the US makes the above statement, what are the possibilities of what might happen as a result of it?1. “As a minor, you don’t have the intelligence, maturity, or legal right to decide for yourself; you’re staying.”2. “That’s silly, EVERYONE wants to be in the United States, you’re just homesick and you miss your family for right now, but you’ll soon get over that. Besides, this is best for you anyway; things are horrible in your country.”3. “Even though your opinion is respected, legally it is only a judge who can make that decision for you, so in about a year your case should reach its final conclusion.”4. “We will begin immediately to put you in contact with your family and make the arrangements for you to return to them as soon as possible.”5. There will be no answer, the minor will just be ignored.6. A combination of two o... less
EDIT:I’m not referring to cancellation of a show entirely, I’m referring to those instances when someone has left the cast and the series still continued on.~
To be clear, my question is facetious and its origins are borne of rife frustration at the rush to claim mental illness as an excuse why someone has murdered someone el... more EDIT:
To be clear, my question is facetious and its origins are borne of rife frustration at the rush to claim mental illness as an excuse why someone has murdered someone else. It’s as if to say, “Well, victim’s family, this death is due to the murderer’s mental problem, so it’s ok.” While I know that is not an accurate rendition, it is an approximation.A majority of you who have answered so far have brought up points about different aftermaths that are applied in cases of murderers being found legally under some type of protection from certain types of “punishments” that would normally face those convicted of this crime. I understand your positions and acknowledge their validity. However, the focus of what I was trying to get across is not about the penalty phase, it’s about the “mental-illness-lessens-the-severity-of-this-murder” phase, which at the same time makes the loss of life less important.
:( less
and requiring ID for mail-ins. I agree with the first, as we had that problem here, too. The ID question bothered me, though. We were required to give either a state ID number, a d... moreand requiring ID for mail-ins. I agree with the first, as we had that problem here, too. The ID question bothered me, though. We were required to give either a state ID number, a driver license number or the last four digits of our SS number. What's the big deal?
Because a white mom and friend just told me she had THE TALK with her kids.Now my "kid" is 56. Son. I never had the talk with him or considered the need for it.My friend's kids are... moreBecause a white mom and friend just told me she had THE TALK with her kids.Now my "kid" is 56. Son. I never had the talk with him or considered the need for it.My friend's kids are much younger than mine and I guess that shows how much things have changed.In fact when I was raising mine I didn't have a clue about "THE TALK" that African Americans have with theirs. NOT A CLUE.Welcome to reality 2021! How sad is that?
Bright white dames get tans to darken their colorless skinBright white dames get butt implants to be more curvaceousBright white dames curl their hair because straight hair is kind... moreBright white dames get tans to darken their colorless skinBright white dames get butt implants to be more curvaceousBright white dames curl their hair because straight hair is kinda dull (I have it. I know)Bright white dames get Botox lips to make them more lusciousBright white dames get breast implants for the same reason they get butt implantsNow some of our sisters are born with all of that and are NATURALLY all of that...not artificiallyDoes anyone else see the irony here?
In case you have come across, on the site, my temporary irritation with Lauren Daigle trying to sound like Adele with her "You Say" (I've since gotten over my irritation and I like... moreIn case you have come across, on the site, my temporary irritation with Lauren Daigle trying to sound like Adele with her "You Say" (I've since gotten over my irritation and I like her singing) --it happened again for me --Here is Ava Max doing a great imitation of ABBA with her "Kings and Queens." And I do like this song quite a bit. Question posted in fun.:)