The person who lost the election FAIR AND SQUARE seems to be oblivious to it. THE VOTERS SPOKE and he is deaf to them. WE WIN. HE LOSES. But he will never accept that he is not kin... moreThe person who lost the election FAIR AND SQUARE seems to be oblivious to it. THE VOTERS SPOKE and he is deaf to them. WE WIN. HE LOSES. But he will never accept that he is not king and can dictate everything all the time forever. Not the brightest bulb in the pack.
If your memories are very sad about your service having lost friends in battle then I know it isn't possible to be happy. What do I say to you then? Oh. I know. Thank you for your ... moreIf your memories are very sad about your service having lost friends in battle then I know it isn't possible to be happy. What do I say to you then? Oh. I know. Thank you for your service. I'm glad you made it home.
For the photo op of course. Remember he ordered the teargassing of peaceful protesters so they'd leave so he could saunter in front of a check bible in hand (upside down) for a pho... moreFor the photo op of course. Remember he ordered the teargassing of peaceful protesters so they'd leave so he could saunter in front of a check bible in hand (upside down) for a photo opThe wreath is laid yearly at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As if he gave a whit of a rat's a** about that! But it's a photo so why miss it even if the point of it is irrelevant to him. In and out. Smile. Thumbs up. Leave. Hide. Tweet. The busy life of a lameduck.Anything for a photo op. You name he will do it.Here's what I wonder. Is there no one else as offended or incensed about this as I am? If so why? If not where are you out there commenting on his nerve his chutzpah his gutless pretense? Where? less
NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD ANYWHEREAs reported bipartisaly by Democrats and Republicans in every state.Soon someone will have to escort the person who lost the election away from t... moreNO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD ANYWHEREAs reported bipartisaly by Democrats and Republicans in every state.Soon someone will have to escort the person who lost the election away from the white house.Tell him they are going to play golf. He won't leave elsewise otherwise unless in a straitjacket or shackles.Tell him whatever he wants to hear. He is over and done. A new day has begun. GET OVER IT.
I discovered a law from 1934 that’s still on the books and allows for withholding alimony payments if the payee presents in any open and public way a conundrum that stumps th... moreI discovered a law from 1934 that’s still on the books and allows for withholding alimony payments if the payee presents in any open and public way a conundrum that stumps the obligor. I plan to roll those three months of payments directly into The Harem fund, most likely to buy a dozen more skimpy bikinis, refill the massage oil containers, and upgrade the sandwich-making assembly line.
Evidence: less
What goes around comes around.He destroys eveything with which he comes in contact.He took a special pleasure in having his base who showed up to his rallies spread the infection.T... moreWhat goes around comes around.He destroys eveything with which he comes in contact.He took a special pleasure in having his base who showed up to his rallies spread the infection.The better to herd mentality immunity everyone. Start with his base and they will take it from there.Glorious heights of infections and deaths will be reached due entirely to the person who lost the election. His parting gift to his supporters. What more could they want than that?
Because it is a lie and he was caught. All the liars will be caught. All the liars who allegate without any proof are known for what they are. Toady sycophants.And the band played ... moreBecause it is a lie and he was caught. All the liars will be caught. All the liars who allegate without any proof are known for what they are. Toady sycophants.And the band played on. What else is new? Nuttin' honey.
We are told that everyone knows it's all over but they are afraid to tell the person who lost the election and so they are humoring him and indulging his fantasies until they can n... moreWe are told that everyone knows it's all over but they are afraid to tell the person who lost the election and so they are humoring him and indulging his fantasies until they can no longer do about a week or so.Indulging an old man? Senility surely is the cause of that indulgence. Being kind to an insane man who has only his world of delusion to live in because reality is something he cannot accept.So they indulge and play along and pretend and lie. My oh my.
Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall.PROVERBS 16:18The bigger they are the harder they fall.Thought to have been originated with respect to boxing.The... morePride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall.PROVERBS 16:18The bigger they are the harder they fall.Thought to have been originated with respect to boxing.The person who lost the election should have lost 200 lbs. The fall would not have been nearly so crushing jarring.
Nothing exists before him or after him. There is only the time of him. All else fades into oblivion and is not there. Never was. Only him.The person who lost the election. He is yo... moreNothing exists before him or after him. There is only the time of him. All else fades into oblivion and is not there. Never was. Only him.The person who lost the election. He is you. He is everything.
The states where he had a comfy margin in 2016 he is losing by multiple thousands this time. Obviously some who voted for him 2016 didn't in 2020.THEY are to blame for abandoning h... moreThe states where he had a comfy margin in 2016 he is losing by multiple thousands this time. Obviously some who voted for him 2016 didn't in 2020.THEY are to blame for abandoning him and voting for Joe. Dare the person who lost the election vent his spleen on the cause..his base? No. He is a coward remember.His only recourse is to blame the vote count. See how easy it is to understand him? Too cowardly to face the music he says the orchestra is out of tune. Sheesh. What a crybaby.
In the multiple thousands like ten thousand or twelve thousand. Margins too big to recount. Margins too big to make errors.Recount is to do what exactly? Mollify the person who los... moreIn the multiple thousands like ten thousand or twelve thousand. Margins too big to recount. Margins too big to make errors.Recount is to do what exactly? Mollify the person who lost the election?No way will a recount cause him to be a winner. HE LOST.
The CHANGING OF THE GUARD in prior elections. The outgoing president's grace and helpfulness to his replacement..the incoming President. Without exception grace has been present. W... moreThe CHANGING OF THE GUARD in prior elections. The outgoing president's grace and helpfulness to his replacement..the incoming President. Without exception grace has been present. Without a doubt this time it will not.I hope you see it. The respect shown by each to the other.It was nice. It will be nice again. Just not this time.
Sadly not everyone is as bright as you are or as confident in their own intelligence to trust themselves more than they trust "purveyors of garbage".We know 70 million people belie... moreSadly not everyone is as bright as you are or as confident in their own intelligence to trust themselves more than they trust "purveyors of garbage".We know 70 million people believe what they are told without verifying it. They voted for the person who lost the election. 74 million of us do our own thinking and investigate research verify and seek PROOF EVIDENCE and rely on FACTS. Good for us.But 70 million don't! 70 million. That is tragic.
There is a runoff in Georgia that is critical. I'm not sure when it will take place.Here's the theoryMoscow mitch the son of an itch continues to provide cover for the person who l... moreThere is a runoff in Georgia that is critical. I'm not sure when it will take place.Here's the theoryMoscow mitch the son of an itch continues to provide cover for the person who lost the election by saying he has every right to demand recounts. The son of an itch said in 2016 that "once someone reaches 270 in the electoral college he is the president". Today he says that is not true. So once again the hypocrite hypocrites..Getting back to the point.The son of an itch wants to trick the base along long enough for them to VOTE. The carrot is that the person who lost the election might have a chance to reverse it. If the son of an itch throws in the towel now and admits Joe Biden is in fact the LEGAL WINNER the son of an itch believes the base won't bother showing up to vote so he is stringing them along and USING THEM to get what he wants.Whether he believes any of the bullsh** he is currently flinging is irrelevant. He is convincing people there is a chance the man who lost the election didn't and by lying to th... less
The person who LOST the election is in hiding somewhere. He keeps tweeting bigly longly endlessly but we do not see or hear him.No presidenting is going at all by him. He is too bu... moreThe person who LOST the election is in hiding somewhere. He keeps tweeting bigly longly endlessly but we do not see or hear him.No presidenting is going at all by him. He is too busy tweeting and plotting revenge.Guess who IS presidenting? President-Elect Joe Biden. He is out there speaking to give assurances to us that SOMEONE IS LOOKING OUT FOR US. SOMEONE IS ACTIVELY HERE WORKING ON OUR BEHALF.While the person who lost the election works on things that will benefit him the President-Elect Joe Biden is working on things that will benefit WE THE PEOPLE.The person who lost the election is oblivious to this because he is all wrapped up in himself as is usually the case. So he isn't aware that every day he is being upstaged by the person who we elected to replace him. Typical. less
How much time and money has been wasted following up on those lies trying validate them or invalidate them?Billions? What with trips abroad and investigations and meetings and accu... moreHow much time and money has been wasted following up on those lies trying validate them or invalidate them?Billions? What with trips abroad and investigations and meetings and accusations with no proof ever being presented?Billions? Trillions?Perhaps it's best we don't know. Perhaps that information would be just too much to absorb without collapsing.All that money wasted on goose chases and red herrings could better have been used elsewhere.
All the lawsuits being thrown out of court should be an embarrassment.All the ignoring of facts and making up of accusations should not be happening.Should beShould not beWho among... moreAll the lawsuits being thrown out of court should be an embarrassment.All the ignoring of facts and making up of accusations should not be happening.Should beShould not beWho among you thought that the person who lost the election FAIR AND SQUARE would leave quietly?Who among you thought the people who are terrified of him would step out of line?All of this gibberish sturm un drang occupies space but has no validity. Making noise is not the same thing as making valid points.Meanwhile tempus is fugiting. Every day in every way we getting closer and closer to freedom. 70 days left of this gawdawful NIGHTMARE before it's over and done and behind us? Oh ye of little faith believe that right will out and wrong will not. Be comforted in know that the abomination of a nation will be ending soon.Cheer up. Keep your spirits up. Keep your eye on the prize. Ignore the blathering white noise. Wear earplugs. less
The beer drinking Kavanaugh is not a rubber stamp conservative justice? Justice Kavanaugh ACTUALLY is an independent who considers each thing independent of his political affiliati... moreThe beer drinking Kavanaugh is not a rubber stamp conservative justice? Justice Kavanaugh ACTUALLY is an independent who considers each thing independent of his political affiliation? You mean we actually didn't suffer by his appointment? You mean it? You wouldn't joke about a thing like this would you?At this moment it APPEARS AS IF the Affordable Health Care Act is on track to remain.With two CONSERVATIVES likely to join the 3 Liberals. What will be will be. The future's not ours to see. Que Sera Sera. What will be will be.What will the person who lost he election do about it? Deappoint Kavanaugh? Unappoint him? Sue and jail him? DEPORT HIM? Take away his citizenship? We know the person who lost the election doesn't take fury lying down. He acts on it. Oboy. Stay tuned. Blood letting ahead. less
What "otherwise"? Well ya see Joe Biden has been around for decades and many people LIKE him and many people would LIKE TO CONGRATULATE HIM but dare not. That is some otherwise.The... moreWhat "otherwise"? Well ya see Joe Biden has been around for decades and many people LIKE him and many people would LIKE TO CONGRATULATE HIM but dare not. That is some otherwise.They are not at all afraid of the person who lost the election. They are terrified of his base who will take it out on them by not voting for them. By attacking them. By insulting them. By LYING ABOUT THEM. TO DESTROY THEM. The base is VINDICTIVE VICIOUS VITRIOLIC. The base will punish anyone at any time for anything they dislike pertaining to how the person who lost the election is being treated.Imagine that? The "little people". The great unwashed. The unimportant expendables that only have value during election time.Well I swan. I never did know such a thing t'were possible.The little people. The great unwashed. The lower class. The blue collars.The uneducated. The unimportant. The unnecessary. The worker bees.Rise. You have nothing to lose but your shackles. As long as the person who lost the election is alive the base will protect hi... less
For what?For leading the country OUT OF A pandemic?The leading scientific knowledgeable EXPERT or a "doctor" who is a radiologist and just takes pictures of body parts?We know who ... moreFor what?For leading the country OUT OF A pandemic?The leading scientific knowledgeable EXPERT or a "doctor" who is a radiologist and just takes pictures of body parts?We know who the person who lost the election chose to listen to...the fan of herd mentality immunity.Would that be your choice too?
So the rest of us could cut them a very wide swath knowing they were probably contagious and diseasaed.We KNOW all 70 million of them have contempt disdain for science and that the... moreSo the rest of us could cut them a very wide swath knowing they were probably contagious and diseasaed.We KNOW all 70 million of them have contempt disdain for science and that they will not mask or social distance. We are at their mercy.Now wearing the tattoo would be great for them wouldn't it? They could live each day with pride identifying themselves as a lover of the person who lost the election. A way of showing their unabated loyalty to him. He would LOVE it.Everyone wins. What's wrong with that? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. less
Or does he have none?The crowds of celebrators worldwide at that news was quite lovely. It was as if it was everyone's election victory. A shared victory!Instead of graciously acce... moreOr does he have none?The crowds of celebrators worldwide at that news was quite lovely. It was as if it was everyone's election victory. A shared victory!Instead of graciously accepting the results (which would have surprised everyone) the person who lost has taken it as a sign he might fight on never concede act as though he won.A winning strategy or a very sad pathetic methodology? Anyone admire a sore loser?
The person who lost the election couldn't live with that. He demanded that everyone choose up sides and if you were not on his side you needed to be gone.It worked well for several... moreThe person who lost the election couldn't live with that. He demanded that everyone choose up sides and if you were not on his side you needed to be gone.It worked well for several hundred years. But that has been shattered. How long will it take to get back to that place?
Doing the proper thing in the proper way would mean Joe won. They dare not do that.But.WHAT IF Intelligence professionals keep Joe apprised under the radar? WHAT IF they do as they... moreDoing the proper thing in the proper way would mean Joe won. They dare not do that.But.WHAT IF Intelligence professionals keep Joe apprised under the radar? WHAT IF they do as they have always done in prior administration changes? WHAT IF they do the right thing?I believe it won't be just Democrats. I believe there are Republicans working right now who are not going to participate in doing wrong just to satisfy the hurt feelings/ego of the person who lost the election.I believe there are patriotic Americans who will go outside the confine of partisan politics and DO THE RIGHT THING. Do you too? less