When you raise your kids teaching them whom they must HATE and think you are doing the best you can for your kids something is very wrong with you.How many millions devote their li... moreWhen you raise your kids teaching them whom they must HATE and think you are doing the best you can for your kids something is very wrong with you.How many millions devote their lives to doing just exactly that?
INCULCATE HATE of "the other"DEMONIZE VILIFY the don enemies...all who criticize himIs this not what your parents DID TO AND DID FOR YOU TOO?Inculcate hate of "the other"Demonize/v... moreINCULCATE HATE of "the other"DEMONIZE VILIFY the don enemies...all who criticize himIs this not what your parents DID TO AND DID FOR YOU TOO?Inculcate hate of "the other"Demonize/vilify those they told you toExcellent job folks. All parents should be as devoted as you.
You should be. He will continue to rile and stoke hate every minute of every day. He will be out there in your face every day attacking insulting demanding ordering. How many milli... moreYou should be. He will continue to rile and stoke hate every minute of every day. He will be out there in your face every day attacking insulting demanding ordering. How many millions are there who are QANONS PROUD BOYS KKK NAZIS MILITIA WHITE SUPREMACISTS BOOGALOOS BOGEYMEN/BOGEYWOMEN armed and ready for battle? I don't know but I bet it's a bigly bunch.We know he is capable of any indecency duplicity vile venal vitriolic vendetta and he will not shut up he will speed up and open up and keep it up.So what do we do about him? I don't know. I'm not smart enough to figure it out. Are you? less
He will be holding DAILY rallies fo 4 years. He will be demanding and attending FUNDRAISERS for 4 years. He will be badmouthing President Biden and Vice-President Harris for 4 year... moreHe will be holding DAILY rallies fo 4 years. He will be demanding and attending FUNDRAISERS for 4 years. He will be badmouthing President Biden and Vice-President Harris for 4 years and tell huge lies about them for 4 years. FOX news will probably be covering all of that if they know what's good for them.Meanwhile he will be calling all the shots for all Republican pols who will dare not disobey him.So for the adoring worshippers nothing will have changed. They will have all they want of him every day.While the rest of us reel from a pandemic and crippled economy they will be wearing MAGA 2024 gears and cheering wildly and loudly and spreading the virus for four years. Doing their part to help the person who lost the 2020 election FAIR AND SQUARE to win big in 2024. If there is anything left of the country and the people.We'll see. What do we have to lose? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. In a "certain" period of time. less
The terrible emotional toll on the medical care workers taking care of people and trying to keep them alive and having to watch some of them die every day all day. They are in a wa... moreThe terrible emotional toll on the medical care workers taking care of people and trying to keep them alive and having to watch some of them die every day all day. They are in a war on the battlefield every day at THE FRONT. It seems endless but they are there doing their jobs. They are not robots. They are human beings who hold hands of the dying and come back to work every day witnessing more of the same.What are the effects on THEM? If you had to do that as they have to do it what do you think the effects such experiences would have on you? Permanent PTSD? Depression? A feeling of helplessness and hopelessness? less
What are some other idiomatic expressions, or adages, or phrases involving words that have anything to do with footwear, even if footwear itself is not the point?~
Like for instance i havent seen my friend since feb thanks to covid she thinks i'll contaminate her, i wanted to see my sister for our birthday b... more Like for instance i havent seen my friend since feb thanks to covid she thinks i'll contaminate her, i wanted to see my sister for our birthday but her landlady wouldnt let her have visitors, we're twins, thanks to covid, my friend wouldnt see me on my birthday and i had to spend it alone, thanks to covid, back in sept my sister died and my brothers wouldnt go to the funeral, again, thanks to covid, i couldnt bear going alone so i didnt go, anyone else tired of it? i do wear masks when i have to but i hate them. less
We're passing the hat around to get as mucn moola dough together as we can to buy off the person who lost the election so he will get out of our hair and go away and go mum silent ... moreWe're passing the hat around to get as mucn moola dough together as we can to buy off the person who lost the election so he will get out of our hair and go away and go mum silent forever. NO TWEETS. What will that cost us to effect? How much can you afford to contribute to that?
The 72 million plus who voted for the insane senile old man?Why doesn't anyone LOVE HIM ENOUGH to stop him from doing that? NO WIFE NO DAUGHTER NO SON TO INTERVENE AND HELP HIM?WHE... moreThe 72 million plus who voted for the insane senile old man?Why doesn't anyone LOVE HIM ENOUGH to stop him from doing that? NO WIFE NO DAUGHTER NO SON TO INTERVENE AND HELP HIM?WHERE ARE THEY AND WHY ARE THEY ALLOWING HIM TO DO THIS TO HIMSELF?
They think we are as stupid dumb as they? NO WAY.If you are PRO LIFE you value yours and that of others. If you are pro the person who lost the election you middle finger it and go... moreThey think we are as stupid dumb as they? NO WAY.If you are PRO LIFE you value yours and that of others. If you are pro the person who lost the election you middle finger it and go about doing what you want to do how you want to do it.Isn't that swell and cosy and nifty and great? YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO or DON'T DO.. You don't know that do you? Figgers.
The bogus fake ambulance chaser shysters presenting bazillions of lawsuits in court to reverse the election results by SCREAMING FRAUD when NO FRAUD WAS FOUND.But 72 million people... moreThe bogus fake ambulance chaser shysters presenting bazillions of lawsuits in court to reverse the election results by SCREAMING FRAUD when NO FRAUD WAS FOUND.But 72 million people believe it. Can you believe it? They will vote for the senile insane old man whenever he runs. What does that make THEM? You call it.
He is starting his campaign to win the whitehouse in 2024! SIGH.We cannot ever get rid of him until he moves on to MEET HIS MAKER! He is the relative that will not take the hint an... moreHe is starting his campaign to win the whitehouse in 2024! SIGH.We cannot ever get rid of him until he moves on to MEET HIS MAKER! He is the relative that will not take the hint and go home. Take your vitamins. Get your rest. He will be rallying and raking in money and begging beseeching promising. Dam*! :(
Joe Biden is just the recipient of the gift of their trust in him.Something the person who lost can do nothing whatsoever about.Poor Joe. He is the best and because of that the per... moreJoe Biden is just the recipient of the gift of their trust in him.Something the person who lost can do nothing whatsoever about.Poor Joe. He is the best and because of that the person who lost will never forgive him.Oh well. A cross to bear added to others Joe has already borne. No big deal. BRING IT ON!
They will boobytrap whatever they can. They will shred whatever they can. They will plant bad information wherever they can.Exact how far they will we can't know now but we ... more
They will boobytrap whatever they can. They will shred whatever they can. They will plant bad information wherever they can.Exact how far they will we can't know now but we know that the person who lost the election is revengeful vindictive and vile.
Because according to President Obama President Bush went out of his way to be extremely helpful. He had instructed his staff to be as helpful and forthcoming as possible. He and hi... moreBecause according to President Obama President Bush went out of his way to be extremely helpful. He had instructed his staff to be as helpful and forthcoming as possible. He and his wife Laura were GRACIOUS and KIND and PLEASANT and HELPFUL. None of those things will be available to President Joe Biden. Not one. Not ever. He does have President Obama though and that is worth everything.
If I could get back at them somehow I would. All I can do is say "A POX ON YOUR HOUSE" and then forget about it and keep on truckin'.A POX ON YOUR HOUSE if you are one of "those".&... moreIf I could get back at them somehow I would. All I can do is say "A POX ON YOUR HOUSE" and then forget about it and keep on truckin'.A POX ON YOUR HOUSE if you are one of "those". A POX ON YOUR HOUSE.''It you don't know what a pox is GOOGLE IT. OR look it up if you have a dictionary.
For the two of us TURKEY or sure. But after that along with that I don't know yet. Maybe if I know what YOU'RE serving it will give me some ideas. Are you a traditionalist? The bes... moreFor the two of us TURKEY or sure. But after that along with that I don't know yet. Maybe if I know what YOU'RE serving it will give me some ideas. Are you a traditionalist? The best part of turkey dinners is the turkey soup the next day. You put the entire carcass that has been stripped of meat and all the skin in a pot and cover it with water and simmer for a few hours. Your strain the broth and let it come to room temp. You refrigerate it and after the fat rises to the top and congeals you remove it and there you have the best turkey broth you will ever taste.Do you turkey soup? less