To do what you ask?To kill troops from oh say America, the UK and anyone else who got in the way?After which the trump and his lover putin held hands and chatted quietly. I suppose... moreTo do what you ask?To kill troops from oh say America, the UK and anyone else who got in the way?After which the trump and his lover putin held hands and chatted quietly. I suppose. Who really knows?Could have happened. What DID happen is a phone call between the two June 1. All cordial and sweet talk.It's just business as usual. To be a leader ya gotta be real cool about everything. It's how they do business.The trump still wants his lover putin to be brought back in the G7 to make it once again a glorious G8. See that's what lovers do. Support each other through thick and thin no matter what goes on.Touching ain't it? less
Remember the day before mickeymouse pounce said it is a Constitutional Right to gather together peacefully and no virus will cause Americans to lose those rights!Now he turncoats a... moreRemember the day before mickeymouse pounce said it is a Constitutional Right to gather together peacefully and no virus will cause Americans to lose those rights!Now he turncoats and backs away from demanding his rights and the rights of y'all who would attend?What's going on with all this doubletalk crap? If you are devoted to your rights why would you not ASSERT them? DEMAND them? INSIST upon them? Why would you chicken out and take the cowardly route?So the whitehouse (I wish I knew who the he** whitehouse is) is backing down and wimping out and folding?SHAME shame shame. The whitehouse obviously doesn't have the courage of its convictions does it? Fake phony hoaxing pholkes all jokes. Don't mean a thing they say. Loudmouth bigshots. less
Well ya see it's like this. The Minneapolis Police Federation (UNION) sez they were "fired without due process".In times past they have won six out of 8 cases and they are working ... moreWell ya see it's like this. The Minneapolis Police Federation (UNION) sez they were "fired without due process".In times past they have won six out of 8 cases and they are working their butt a**es off to get these guys back on the force.Isn't that swell?
It's HIS ego wall. Why doesn't he pay for it out of his own pocket then take it as a tax write off or charitable contribution? It doesn't have to be legal. Nothing he does ev... moreIt's HIS ego wall. Why doesn't he pay for it out of his own pocket then take it as a tax write off or charitable contribution? It doesn't have to be legal. Nothing he does ever is. Why start now?But you don't mess with the Congressional budget authority..SOLE AUTHORITY to decide what will be spent and where. Even the trump doesn't get to screw around with that.So he will undoubtedly SCOTUS this too since every time he gets SMACKED DOWN he runs to SCOTUS expecting them to roll over for him. Maybe the third time will be the charm. He got SMACKED down by SCOTUS on the LGBTQ issue. He got SMACKED down by SCOTUS on DACA. He might not get SMACKED down on stealing money from Congressional budgets.SCOTUS may roll over lie down beg play dead for him on that. What does he have to lose? What could it hurt? With his mafia consigliari billybarrroycohn hitman thugging for him why not try it? less
Why does the appeal to wipe out the AHCA specifically mention eliminating coverage for PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS?Any of you trump adoring worshippers who wanna take that on or will y... moreWhy does the appeal to wipe out the AHCA specifically mention eliminating coverage for PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS?Any of you trump adoring worshippers who wanna take that on or will you rather wear your brains out trying to find a fly in that ointmen? WHATEVER! :).Go ahead. I'm waiting. Not going anywhere. So whatcha got?
You have caused more infections with your arrogant actions and more deaths will follow. Your backtracki is hollow. Too little too late. You preferred sucking up to a madman rather ... moreYou have caused more infections with your arrogant actions and more deaths will follow. Your backtracki is hollow. Too little too late. You preferred sucking up to a madman rather than protecting the people who elected you to the office.Sadly they will pay for your MALFEASANCE in office. Will you? I sure hope so.
Her dad died of alcoholism. Daughter Mary observed all of this. She wants to write a book about it and all the trumps are friggin' FREAKING OUT! Of course. Understandable.When the ... moreHer dad died of alcoholism. Daughter Mary observed all of this. She wants to write a book about it and all the trumps are friggin' FREAKING OUT! Of course. Understandable.When the trump is outed by his own political ilk or "the other" he can attack insult. But his own flesh and blood? Is he that vicious cold vindictive hateful that he will go after to destroy his own niece? Stay tuned.
Remember the days of MLK Jr? He wanted to reach a place where skin color didn't matter only the content of character. So where are we on that exactly today?
If being drunk is the goal why no do it at home? All you need is booze. You don't witnesses. What is a life worth? What is YOUR life worth?Guv of Texas sez HE REGRETS OPENING... moreIf being drunk is the goal why no do it at home? All you need is booze. You don't witnesses. What is a life worth? What is YOUR life worth?Guv of Texas sez HE REGRETS OPENING BARS SO SOON. BAR SETTINGS ARE NOT THE PLACE TO GO DURING A PANDEMIC. Admitrs he. Slow ain't he?So what will the trump do to STOP the INSURRECTION among republican gubners? They are DISOBEYING HIM. THAT HE WILL NOT TOLERATE. WHAT WILL THE BARR Consigliari DO to them? It will be UGLY and BLOODY. I can't watch. You watch and tell me. less
Now they are paying attention. Now they are changing their tunes. Now they are doing what they should have done at least THREE MONTHS AGO. NOW. Will they ever survive their inadequ... moreNow they are paying attention. Now they are changing their tunes. Now they are doing what they should have done at least THREE MONTHS AGO. NOW. Will they ever survive their inadequate CRIMINAL neglect? Why should they? Vote them all OUT.
Well why would it surprise us? He has told us repeatedly that he is in fact a know-it-all. He knows all about everything all the time. Does that upset him? Doubtful since he still ... moreWell why would it surprise us? He has told us repeatedly that he is in fact a know-it-all. He knows all about everything all the time. Does that upset him? Doubtful since he still wants his lover man putin to be brought back into the G7 so it will be a G8 once again! I guess that is what a Christian does right? TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. Let putin smite us and smack us and when that checks has been macerated turn the other one. Of course.
There is NO check and balance.The trump executive branchthe eunuch toady sycophant whinya** spinless Republican majority in the Senate plus the justice (hahahahahahahahahahah... moreThere is NO check and balance.The trump executive branchthe eunuch toady sycophant whinya** spinless Republican majority in the Senate plus the justice (hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha) where JUSTICE reigns not at allCollude through the demands of the trump. Put into action by the lawyer liddlebillybarrroycohnThe republican senate majority is worthless. Like (apologies) you know what on a bull.american gubment....of thee I sing!
The FIXER. The GO-TOO strongarm to get things done? Who knew? His momma poppa kids must be ever so proud he rose up the ranks to the best job there is. Or second best. Are YOU impressed?
What about the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?What about the right to peacefully assemble and protest grievances..not be teargassed rubber bulleted beaten?
Well ya see the trump and the putin allegedly spoke on June 1 allegedly about the upcoming G7 allegedly.However could it be elsewise otherwise?WHAT IF the trump really is a russian... moreWell ya see the trump and the putin allegedly spoke on June 1 allegedly about the upcoming G7 allegedly.However could it be elsewise otherwise?WHAT IF the trump really is a russian useful idiot and knew about that plan? The trump has done much a**kissing and hunny bunning of putin since the trump took over the country. Secret conversations where notes are not taken. Secret meetings with only the two of them. Sweet nothings the lovers whisper or something else entirely? We will never know now will we? The trump allegedly tore up notes others took so who knows? less
ONE million were expected and hoped for. A one million person march after the rally was dreamed of as well.One hundred thousand were being prepared for including the huge space for... moreONE million were expected and hoped for. A one million person march after the rally was dreamed of as well.One hundred thousand were being prepared for including the huge space for the overflow crowd and the stage built where the trump and the pence would stand when speaking outside to the throngs of overflow. Except that6200 showed up inside where 19,000 seats were. So of course there could be no overflow.It was apparent before the trump showed up there would be no overflow. So the stage was torn down and everything disappeared because the expected crowd did not show up and they didn't want the trump to be reminded of that. But of course once he saw the thousands of empty blue seats inside he popped a gut.The tulsa rally will forever be brought up in pictures and videos and magazines and books and TV shows and in the culture it will be part of the history of political miscalculations.Remember the press headline "DEWEY WINS!" When in actuality it was Truman who won? That paper will never live that down.So too wi... less
FOR BEING SCRUNTINIZEDFOR HAVING PEACEFUL PROTESTERS PROTEST ABOUT POLICE BRUTALITYFOR PEOPLE HAVING SYMPATHY FOR THE DEAD AT THEIR HANDSAngry.They were not angry when they were be... moreFOR BEING SCRUNTINIZEDFOR HAVING PEACEFUL PROTESTERS PROTEST ABOUT POLICE BRUTALITYFOR PEOPLE HAVING SYMPATHY FOR THE DEAD AT THEIR HANDSAngry.They were not angry when they were being left alone to "police" themselves. Or if they were it was on a smaller scale.NOW the anger is SYSTEMIC among their ranks.HOW DARE WE question them track them watch them protest against them doing harm?HOW DARE WE HOW DARE WE HOW DARE WE?In protest they blue flu "we'll show you". You sure as he** do show us alright Exactly what you are and whom. And so it goes. No end in sight. Nothing changes. less
Many red state Governors SUED the government regarding the AHCA. And the trump administration JOINED IN THAT LAWSUIT! In other words they joined in a lawsuit that was suing them. S... moreMany red state Governors SUED the government regarding the AHCA. And the trump administration JOINED IN THAT LAWSUIT! In other words they joined in a lawsuit that was suing them. So they are both the defendant and the Plaintiff.Now isn't that a nifty thing to do? Cover both ends of it? Be the suer and the sueee sueee sueee? Pig pig pig?Anyway if anyone was gunna do it would hafta be trump. Now the trump lawyers must really be equally stupid dumb too for that but well whaddaya expect? They either start from stupid or he makes sure they stupid down to his level.Whatever. less
New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are all QUARANTINING anyone who visits from a different state for 14 days. Even the president? I expect so otherwise he'd on his golf course ri... moreNew Jersey, New York and Connecticut are all QUARANTINING anyone who visits from a different state for 14 days. Even the president? I expect so otherwise he'd on his golf course right now golfing.Whatdda guy. Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Lie or die? Mebbe.
Because they only speak to their own ilk...their peeps..who will always believe what they say and are exactly like obedient little children who dare not sass daddy or mummy. Never ... moreBecause they only speak to their own ilk...their peeps..who will always believe what they say and are exactly like obedient little children who dare not sass daddy or mummy. Never challenge. Never question. Never ask. Accept. Have faith. Trust. Believe. OBEY. That is the audience they play to pray to and live for. The rest of us are just scenery.
Pence attorney for the defense? From whence cometh he? This is "the best" which thertump PROMISED he would deliver. Remember? THE "BEST" people. MY GAWD if this is their "BES... morePence attorney for the defense? From whence cometh he? This is "the best" which thertump PROMISED he would deliver. Remember? THE "BEST" people. MY GAWD if this is their "BEST" what is the worst?
Cops are given the legal authority to kill unarmed homo saps who have no weapons and are no threat to them. Some of us call that MURDER.What SHOULD WE expect of cops? What SHOULD w... moreCops are given the legal authority to kill unarmed homo saps who have no weapons and are no threat to them. Some of us call that MURDER.What SHOULD WE expect of cops? What SHOULD we expect of those to whom much power over us is given including life or death? Why?
Just another one of "them". He created a monster and has allowd that monster to be taken over infected infiltrated by traitors and liars and saboteurs and destroyers and nazis and ... moreJust another one of "them". He created a monster and has allowd that monster to be taken over infected infiltrated by traitors and liars and saboteurs and destroyers and nazis and racists and fascists and thugs and murderers and pedophiles and and and and and. He doesn't care. Just pay him pay him pay him pay him and you say whatever you want. Be whomever you are. Lay it all out there. Let your hair down.FREE speech rights! Unlimited free speech? You betcha as long as you pay the big bucks. All the "best" people flow there. less