The Wall Street Journal also called out the big he in an editorial saying he had no clear cut plan or specific why he should be re-elected. All he talks about is his grievances. Pe... moreThe Wall Street Journal also called out the big he in an editorial saying he had no clear cut plan or specific why he should be re-elected. All he talks about is his grievances. Per the Wall STreet Journal. Per thee too? HE doesn't have one. Someone should think up one for him. Stevie Miller is good at that. Give him the job of deciding on what the big he should accomplish in phase two act two of the great tragicomedyturgiddramedy. Someone has gotta and clearly the big he's got nuttin' hunny. Nuttin' Nuttin' Nuttin'.His dumb is showing bigly. less
Babies have been born with HIV or drug addictions. What does that say about the mother who carried them in the womb?Then there is alcohol fetal syndrome. Mama kept drinking alcohol... moreBabies have been born with HIV or drug addictions. What does that say about the mother who carried them in the womb?Then there is alcohol fetal syndrome. Mama kept drinking alcohol while pregnant. Baby is born with the defect from mummy dearest.Poor kids.
How dare they turncoat on the big he?How dare they advise their people to stay home wear masks social distance?How dare they how dare they how dare they?
Others like her with extreme disabilities end up living very full lives. There was an article recently about a woman born without arms and what she was able to do despite her disab... moreOthers like her with extreme disabilities end up living very full lives. There was an article recently about a woman born without arms and what she was able to do despite her disabilities.If you were disabled would you fight through it to be the best of you or would just fold up and withdraw and live out your life as a disabled person with limited interests joys possiblities?I wonder where the courage and determination and maybe even STUBBORNNESS comes from? Nature or nurture?
He wants the attention. He LOVES being center stage. We notice the two-handed sip of water. The difficulty he has saying some words. The gibberish we hear instead of words. The con... moreHe wants the attention. He LOVES being center stage. We notice the two-handed sip of water. The difficulty he has saying some words. The gibberish we hear instead of words. The confused demeanor.We cannot look away. He is the bloody accident everyone slows down for to get a closer look. No one looks away. Everyone looks closer longer. Losing battle for him.
So TERRIFIED Of it he continues to lie about it and badmouth it and denigrate desecrate it?For many decades we have voted by mail in many states. He said zero about voting by mail ... moreSo TERRIFIED Of it he continues to lie about it and badmouth it and denigrate desecrate it?For many decades we have voted by mail in many states. He said zero about voting by mail in 2016. Why? Because he knew the fix was in elsewise otherwise foreign and domestic internet hackers fakers liars and everything was rigged for that very scheme so voting by mail was not an issue. He makes an issue now not because it is one but because he is DESPERATE to explain in advance the whipping he will get at the polls. The drubbing the overwhelming smackdown. So he will prime In ADVANCE all his dupables into expecting that when he loses. Why else would he be so very desperately frantic about that one thing? less
No predilection for the elderly with underlying conditions.From babies born with the virus to the very elderly everyone everywhere is subject to getting the virus.Some may never kn... moreNo predilection for the elderly with underlying conditions.From babies born with the virus to the very elderly everyone everywhere is subject to getting the virus.Some may never know they have it. They will just be carriers infecting others with whom they come in contact and so it will go undetected ricocheting here and there and everywhere infecting infecting infecting infecting infecting infecting infecting infecting infecting. You do get the drift right? I don't have to draw you a picture do I?A big arcade game where you try to tilt the machine to get the ball to go where you want it to go but because you're cheating the machine stops working and sirens start blaring to let everyone know you tried to CHEAT. Or something. less
Surel Remember how the stock market dived/dove/divved thousands and thousands and thousands of points? Well over time it's coming back. The big he could come back too by then... moreSurel Remember how the stock market dived/dove/divved thousands and thousands and thousands of points? Well over time it's coming back. The big he could come back too by then. He is traveling to shore up votes I guess going from city to city state to state holding ego hate rallies hoping to solidify his base. He never once has tried to broaden it. Thinks he doesn't need to do anything but keep throwing blood red meat at his adoring worshippers to keep them in line and then he will do just fine. Math is not one of his strong suits. Of course some of them could get very ill by COVID 19 die by COVID 19 virus by then. No one knows today who will be gone by tomorrow. The election is months away. Thousands or hundreds of thousand more could be dead by virus by then.Anything can happen. We know the rigging FIX is in and never went away and has been actively working on the internet spreading fake conspiracy theories and lies just as was done in 2016. The same people who were duped then are being duped now. Of that... less
The big he rambled.Spoke of talent being more important than experienceSaid he didn't know folks when he showed up in D.C. as president the first termSaid he now knows a lot of peo... moreThe big he rambled.Spoke of talent being more important than experienceSaid he didn't know folks when he showed up in D.C. as president the first termSaid he now knows a lot of peopleSaid he has a lot of very good people working for himSaid John Bolton wanted to drop bombs on peopleThat was his reply. Where therein did he ANSWER the sean of hannity question? What are his plans for a second term? What does he want to accomplish should he win a second term? The sean did not ask a followup and repeat his question. He knows better. He acted as if the big he replied responded said anything cogent.Could it be that the big he has no plans no agenda no list of things he plans to do or accomplish? Does he plan to run it once again by the seat of the pants based on what he hears from his gut and his arse and let fake AGliddlebillybarrroycohn cross the t's and dot the i's and let him be the big he without expectations? I dunno. Whatcha think? Very impressive reply to a softball question from one of his longtime dependable ... less
Why exactly is health care so terrble? Why exactly would not having its protections (covers pre-existing conditions) be so very nifty bigly awesome bigly wondrous bigly supercalifr... moreWhy exactly is health care so terrble? Why exactly would not having its protections (covers pre-existing conditions) be so very nifty bigly awesome bigly wondrous bigly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?. Why exactly why exactly why exactly? D'ya know? Or d'ya just take the big he word for it and buy it and swallow it without chewing or digesting because you trust him so?
Run as fast as you can to the highest ground you can or stay there and watch it?That's if you are on your own all alone and have to make the decision.Put your leader there. He is s... moreRun as fast as you can to the highest ground you can or stay there and watch it?That's if you are on your own all alone and have to make the decision.Put your leader there. He is standing on high ground but tells you to stay right where you are. You have nothing to fear because there is nothing there. What you see and hear is not what is really happening per the big he.So he has directed you to stand your ground at sea level while he shouts down at you with megaphone on higher ground far above any danger to himself.Do you do as he orders you to do or something else? Dare you disobey the big he? Have you? Could you? Would you? Should you? less
Saw some of the great unmasked screaming into microphones at some gathering. All wildeyed and furious. About what?ABout anyone DARING TO TELL THEM HOW TO BREATHE! No kidding. Irate... moreSaw some of the great unmasked screaming into microphones at some gathering. All wildeyed and furious. About what?ABout anyone DARING TO TELL THEM HOW TO BREATHE! No kidding. Irate furious incensed enraged that anyone would dare suggest to them or tell them that wearing a mask might help save their lives or the lives of others. They are OUTRAGED about that and screaming at the top of their lungs. Now I did not catch what group they represented but I can guess. Shame on us for wanting others to live and wanting to live ourselves.Shame on us for wanting our loved ones to live. Shame shame shame shame shame.Guilty as charged. The guillotine or firing squad or solitary confinement till death doth depart me from life? Bread and water? What's a suitable punishment for preferring life or over death and health over illness? less
Whatcha gonna do when your well runs dry and you are 49% then 40% then 30 then 20 then 10 and then you disappear altogether? It's your fault if that happens. Have tons and tons of ... moreWhatcha gonna do when your well runs dry and you are 49% then 40% then 30 then 20 then 10 and then you disappear altogether? It's your fault if that happens. Have tons and tons of white babies. Inculcate them with hate for other colors. Instill in them your beliefs your wisdom your ideals. You CAN STOP IT but you have to get going on your having babies. Tons and tons and tons of babies. Millions and millions and millions and millions of white babies who will grow to take your place. Elsewise otherwise it's on your head that your ilk is dead. Done. Gone. A foothote in history. Shake a leg. Shake your booty. less
What kind of stupid dumb depraved degenerate would think that much less say that?Place the life or death of homo saps squarely as a thumbs up or thumbs down ABOUT HIM?He is a queer... moreWhat kind of stupid dumb depraved degenerate would think that much less say that?Place the life or death of homo saps squarely as a thumbs up or thumbs down ABOUT HIM?He is a queerly peculiarly tiny little man with visions of grandeur. We know he s a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle.But so too must be those who agree with the big he. Crackpot wackadoodlenoodles.Life is wear a mask. Death may be when you don't. Who would take the surer way to live? Those who are suicidal and don't value their lives? Brainwashed braindead lobotomized hypnotized..the great unwashed?There is not one whit of common sense in that. Not one. Millions of adoring worshippers will lie on the street in front of a tank if he tells them to do so. To prove their loyalty. One day soon he will test them. His ego is that fragile and shattered. He is testing them to see who among them opts for life and not the big he. On which side do you want to be? The crackpot wackadoodlenoodle or the sane? less
At the exame same moment as travelers from China? Might the terrible problems virus wise in America have been lessened mitigated not so bad? Of course we did not KNOW that then. Did we?
Is following a script others have written ever a good thing?There is no independent thought in partisan ideology. Rules are set by the "powers that be" and you either subscribe to ... moreIs following a script others have written ever a good thing?There is no independent thought in partisan ideology. Rules are set by the "powers that be" and you either subscribe to them or you are OUT.I guess some don't have the talent or the will to write their own script and that's why they joint up shape up quiet down and follow orders.Your cuppa tea?
Some are artistic. Some are creative. Some are neither but they are very good appreciators. Some are all of the above. Know anyone of those "some"? Artistic creative and also appre... moreSome are artistic. Some are creative. Some are neither but they are very good appreciators. Some are all of the above. Know anyone of those "some"? Artistic creative and also appreciative of the talents of others?
I have several times. It was Jim who Heimliched me.Why did it happen? I did not chew the steak (it was always steak oddly) thoroughly before I swallowed. That is terrifying. ... moreI have several times. It was Jim who Heimliched me.Why did it happen? I did not chew the steak (it was always steak oddly) thoroughly before I swallowed. That is terrifying. Now if I had been alone I probably would have died? But why would I be eating steak alone? We rarely eat it in the first place. Well we used to eat it more than we do now. But if Jim is out and about doing "guy" things I just grab something quick. Tuna sandwich or grilled cheese. Steak alone? Nope. Never happen.
There is no good there is no bad there just is what is.Detachment. Acceptance.A more peaceful way to live a life than struggling fighting? Some are able to float serenely without m... moreThere is no good there is no bad there just is what is.Detachment. Acceptance.A more peaceful way to live a life than struggling fighting? Some are able to float serenely without moving a muscle in the water to stay up. Some have to tread water or they go down like an anchor. I don't know why that is. If you are floater you can rest as you contemplate life or your navel or both. If you have to tread water that consumes your every waking hour.Are you a floater or a water treader?
Naw! "They" will say they're all actors. "They" will say what you are seeing and hearing isn't really what's happening. "They" will say it is hoax specifically created to take out ... moreNaw! "They" will say they're all actors. "They" will say what you are seeing and hearing isn't really what's happening. "They" will say it is hoax specifically created to take out the guy with the power. "They" are not particularly bright.As "they" or "their" loved ones lay dying from it "they" will still insist it never happened. "They" will never admit the reality of it or the truth. SIGH.
Because enough of "the people" sluff it off as does jefferson david donald john trump confederate president.He is a traitor to the union of course. Sadly he holds all the power. Ev... moreBecause enough of "the people" sluff it off as does jefferson david donald john trump confederate president.He is a traitor to the union of course. Sadly he holds all the power. Even more sadly he has millions of adoring worshippers who will gladly carry on his message. Go out and about maskless. Cram together like sardines and exchange spit and breathe and droplets. Shout and stomp and cheer out loud. Ignore the virus as you personally play a part in spreading it.What will happen to the $14 BILLION jefferson davis donald john turmp confederate president was given to spend on virus testing? When he pulls the plug on federal funds being used for testing JUNE 30 where does that $14 BILLION go? BAck to congress to reallocate or does it go off-shore to some bank account control of the trump mob? Anyone out there care? Meanwhile we are getting very ill and dying. less
No matter how vile evil and deadly what other "leader" has harmed his/her country and its people so consistently and coldheartedly as jefferson davis donald john trump...president ... moreNo matter how vile evil and deadly what other "leader" has harmed his/her country and its people so consistently and coldheartedly as jefferson davis donald john trump...president of the confederate states and TRAITOR to the union? Can you think of one?
Any day now. When you are in the hospital fighting for your life WHOOSH there goes your health care coverage. Then guess what? Any other health insurance you can find won't cover y... moreAny day now. When you are in the hospital fighting for your life WHOOSH there goes your health care coverage. Then guess what? Any other health insurance you can find won't cover you at all....pre-existing conditions won't be covered. One of the benefits of the AHCA the confederate prez jeff trump despises so much. We can't have that. Now can we? Him despising anything. Gotta dump it get rid of it so he will smile and celebrate.The poor guy needs a win. He has been losing everything everywhere for weeks.If you are willing to die just to cheer him at his ego hate rallies then you are willing die for any reason he comes up with. So good luck god speed condolences and RIP. less
The nonchalant insouciance of confederate president jeff davis trump is what draws his fans so tightly to him.He doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them only himself and they fi... moreThe nonchalant insouciance of confederate president jeff davis trump is what draws his fans so tightly to him.He doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them only himself and they find that adoringly irresistible! Go figger!Masochists? Weirdly wired? Oddly put together?