He was living in Reykjavik, Iceland when he allegedly instant messaged then Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning with advice on password cracking.There has been no attempt to grant Assang... moreHe was living in Reykjavik, Iceland when he allegedly instant messaged then Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning with advice on password cracking.There has been no attempt to grant Assange a jury trial in Iceland. None. His legal team have not been appraised of the charges against him, nor how this can POSSIBLY be considered an act of terrorism. "Collateral Damage" was straight journalism. Embarrassing to the US but hardly an act of terror.
I've always really liked Supertramp's album "famous last words" and my question is about the first song on that album - - "Crazy."I've looked in numerous places over time and I can... moreI've always really liked Supertramp's album "famous last words" and my question is about the first song on that album - - "Crazy."I've looked in numerous places over time and I cannot find out what the group is singing at the 1:18 to 1:31 mark. The liner notes on the CD have all the songs' lyrics, and the group is singing something at this point in the song, yet, no words are marked. No website in which I've looked identifies the words/ verbalizations, either.To me it sounds like they're singing : " Try min i cal" over and overAnyway, I like the song (the entire album, actually; especially "It's Raining Again") and this video has the lyrics posted with subtitles in SpanishEven if you don't answer, I hope you might listen to the song, ha less
"And please do not show up drunk and no telling jokes during the meal because one time someone did tell a quite funny (clean) joke and it caused a couple of people to burst into la... more"And please do not show up drunk and no telling jokes during the meal because one time someone did tell a quite funny (clean) joke and it caused a couple of people to burst into laughter and spit out their mouthful of food".
Couple of days ago my friend fell from the kitchen counter where she was standing and needed an ambulance to attend to her. She is ok now but walking around on crutches.Traumatized... moreCouple of days ago my friend fell from the kitchen counter where she was standing and needed an ambulance to attend to her. She is ok now but walking around on crutches.Traumatized her poor cat too; cat did not know what to do.
When I was growing up, it was a Frisbee, a Nerf football, a few softballs and baseballs, balsa wood model airplanes, my sister’s doll (I plead the Fifth), mis-thrown newspape... moreWhen I was growing up, it was a Frisbee, a Nerf football, a few softballs and baseballs, balsa wood model airplanes, my sister’s doll (I plead the Fifth), mis-thrown newspapers, at least two kites, etc.
Dreadful - simply dreadfulOh, Detective. Must we undertake looking into the events of the past? Must we really? Must we dwell on the unpleasantness of a few months ago rather than ... moreDreadful - simply dreadfulOh, Detective. Must we undertake looking into the events of the past? Must we really? Must we dwell on the unpleasantness of a few months ago rather than moving forward? I for my own part would much prefer to move forward. Indeed, it strikes me as unavoidably morbid to ponder too closely what nearly befell my poor husband, Henry. I say “poor” only in the sense of unfortunate, of course — Henry is quite well off, and if I were ever to be his widow, I would also be quite well off. But fortunately Henry is still alive, and I am not his wealthy widow, and that is not a scenario we need to worry about or look into at all!
How that arsenic got into his martini, well, one just cannot say, can one? “Answering questions under oath? Under oath, Detective? No, I think not.” *** Digby less
My wife lost her ex husband 2 years ago me and her got together not long after he died me and her were already good friends. She had a son with him he's almost 10. They were really... moreMy wife lost her ex husband 2 years ago me and her got together not long after he died me and her were already good friends. She had a son with him he's almost 10. They were really young when they had him he was only 15 she was 18 they were 18 and 21 when they got married they were married for 6 years they been best friends since they were kids they were together for a long time. Next month would have been their 8 year wedding anniversary last year was hard for her it was her first anniversary without him. He was only 24 when he died. Her brother's friend killed him in a car accident she said she'll never forgive him for it she still hasn't he died just a week after his 24th birthday their son was only 8 when he died it was really hard on him he was really close to him even 2 years later it's still hard especially when he sees his friends and other kids with their dads and they ask about him she put him up for adoption which she's not sure if it was the right thing to do he now lives with his uncle and his partn... less