Novel Management Style. Order your employees to completely ignore what they are supposed to do and simply follow your orders no matter how inane they are and never ever question th... moreNovel Management Style. Order your employees to completely ignore what they are supposed to do and simply follow your orders no matter how inane they are and never ever question them. The employees will not only survive but thrive and make out like bandits stealing everything they can get their hands on with your blessing permission encouragement. Honey pot? Bowl of pittless cherries? Top of the world? Rainbow's end? Who could ask for anything more?
Think he'll make a dent in the problem, exacerbate it, ignore it? If he tries to DO THE RIGHT THING he will be bounced so fast from that job your head will spin. And then he will b... moreThink he'll make a dent in the problem, exacerbate it, ignore it? If he tries to DO THE RIGHT THING he will be bounced so fast from that job your head will spin. And then he will be a target of the sb prez.
How long do you think such a person would survive the wrath of the sb prez if he/she did not perform EXACTLY as the sb prez demnded? So while hiring someone useful helpful worthwhi... moreHow long do you think such a person would survive the wrath of the sb prez if he/she did not perform EXACTLY as the sb prez demnded? So while hiring someone useful helpful worthwhile patriotic could occur the life of that person politically would be very brief precarious shaky.
The hate groups proliiferate. What price acceptance? The question never arises. All they want is to be identified as a belonger not a loner. They will do say anything to stay in th... moreThe hate groups proliiferate. What price acceptance? The question never arises. All they want is to be identified as a belonger not a loner. They will do say anything to stay in the good graces of "the group". Why are some so desperate to belong while others are more conconcerned with truth decency honor fairness judtice? Bad DNA makes them that way? Blame the parents since they did not choose to be that but are that?
You can see how this "extremely stable genius" grand plan will unfold over time. Level after level after level after level etcetera and so forth of investigators ... moreYou can see how this "extremely stable genius" grand plan will unfold over time. Level after level after level after level etcetera and so forth of investigators investigating investigators investigating investigators and so on ad infinitum!Dante's Inferno had nine levels I believe.The sb prez inferno will have INFINITE levels. Endless constant continuous multi-dimensiional ongoing simultaneously. Hey maybe that's a good thing. That way the liddle sb prez can't make us go to war. He will focus on all his investigators investigating and being investigated. Add that to his hours of watching TV, eating McDonald's cheeseburgers in his jammies in his bed, hours of golfing and trips to Mar A Lago and hours of Tweeting his version of truth he will have no time to do anything else. Could be good. less
You will be a target of his revengeful vengeance. He will have his fake AG investigate you for being disobedient. There will be strict adherence to the sb prez script. No ad libbin... moreYou will be a target of his revengeful vengeance. He will have his fake AG investigate you for being disobedient. There will be strict adherence to the sb prez script. No ad libbing at all whatsoever at any btime. No nindepdent thinking. In fact thinking is VERBOTEN. He does all of it as the extremely stable genius.
"Migrant crisis at border spreads."In the past two weeks more than 400 people mostly from Guatemala have been dropped off in a Parking Lot in San Bernardino (southern California) w... more"Migrant crisis at border spreads."In the past two weeks more than 400 people mostly from Guatemala have been dropped off in a Parking Lot in San Bernardino (southern California) where civil rights advocates take them to a local Catholic church where they can get a hot shower, some food and a bed for a night or two.In neighboring RIVERSIDE COUNTY (where I live), more than 4000 people seeking ASYLUM have been dropped off by border agents since last fall helped by local volunteers and sent to families around the country.So America need no longer sweat it. California is the new destination for the weary the poor the unwanted the despised. The rest of you are off the hook. Good riddance right? Good riddance!Make sure none of y'all come here at all. Not that you'd want to since we know we are anathema to you. We don't mind. We take pleasure in your absence. You wouldn't want to have to see them or for god's sake be in the same restaurant or hotel or motel or church with them or drive down the street and s... less
At one point in the movie "Hidden Figures" someone sez the math doesn't exist to figure out how to get John Glenn back to earth at a specific time and a specific location within a ... moreAt one point in the movie "Hidden Figures" someone sez the math doesn't exist to figure out how to get John Glenn back to earth at a specific time and a specific location within a certain parameter. So they give that challenge to the higher math genius among them...Katharine Johnson... and she does just that!Is that how things work? You set a goal and then find a way to achieve it that may not exist at the time? Any higher math whiz out there who knows?
Pols preach all the time. How many are phonies? How many have gone after the LGBTQ community who are in the closet and pretend they hate so folks won't suspect them of being one of... morePols preach all the time. How many are phonies? How many have gone after the LGBTQ community who are in the closet and pretend they hate so folks won't suspect them of being one of "them"? How many "family" men who attack promiscuity and betrayal have pregnant mistresses on the side?Talk is cheap. Liars are cheaper. They will say anything it takes to convince the gullible. They don't have to live or believe what they preach they just have to pretend they do. How many pretenders are out there among you pretending you believe when you don't believe at all? Wouldja like to know or d'ya think everyone is better off being conned scammed duped? less
On May 23, 2019 the sb prez had five of his "best" people humiliate themselves by stating how very calm he was after the blow up at the infrastructure planned meeting where he stor... moreOn May 23, 2019 the sb prez had five of his "best" people humiliate themselves by stating how very calm he was after the blow up at the infrastructure planned meeting where he stormed out of it and then went directly to the Rose Garden for a planned bi**ch session complete with signs already made up in advance. He had no intention of holding that meeting. Anyway the five toady sycophants who humiliated themselves that day are Kellyann Conway, Mercedes Schlapp, Sarah Sanders, Hogan Gidley and Larry Kudlow. After which the sb prez told us he is an "extremely stable genius".Remember back to June 23, 2017 during a Cabinet Meeting the sb prez had every single one of his cabinet members take turns praising him and thanking him and blessing him for allowing them to service him? He sat there beaming taking in all the accolades? Each one of them HUMILIATED themselves grievously by doing that.So as I said he does have quite a knack for picking the "best" people when it comes to their willingness and abil... less
Some folks care deeply about truth. Some cannot tolerate it because it inconveniences them by underming/sabotages their beliefs. Believing something that is UNTRUE is far more impo... moreSome folks care deeply about truth. Some cannot tolerate it because it inconveniences them by underming/sabotages their beliefs. Believing something that is UNTRUE is far more important to them than accept truth. Cockmamie homo saps! Wackadoodles? What would YOU call someone who is so enamored of lies and dependent upon them that he/she would rather die than admit they are fake phony false?
Or do they quietly silently ask God to forgive them and then try to justify to GOD why they lie to support defend embrace the corrupt criminal sb prez? Can you lie to God and get a... moreOr do they quietly silently ask God to forgive them and then try to justify to GOD why they lie to support defend embrace the corrupt criminal sb prez? Can you lie to God and get away with it? Does a conscience ever interfere with that or have all sb prez toady sycophants abandoned conscience in order to service him(the sb prez) rather than serving HIM(GOD)? Do you wonder too or are you one of the servicers who fit that description?
Do you agree with him or with Republican senator Joni Ernst, who said that she "wouldn't trust Kim Jong Un" and "I think Japan does have reason to be concerned, and I am concerned ... moreDo you agree with him or with Republican senator Joni Ernst, who said that she "wouldn't trust Kim Jong Un" and "I think Japan does have reason to be concerned, and I am concerned as well. We need to see North Korea back off of those activities, and we need to take a very strong stance on that."And while we're on the subject of Trump, here's a chance for us to discuss a real, substantive issue instead of the usual tired, inane hyperbole about what a deranged, dictatorial, about-to-be-impeached, Hitler-Mussolini-Stalin-rolled-into-one monster the guy is (I trust that I covered the most hackneyed and popular adjectives). less
He's have done well on the RED PLANET as a warrior in battle. He'd have been brave and patriotic and honorable and kind. Everything he isn't on earth. Bad luck fr us.
It's been happening for the past hour almost every time I reply to a comment. Sometimes the comment actually goes through and sometimes not. I've tried to send a screen... moreIt's been happening for the past hour almost every time I reply to a comment. Sometimes the comment actually goes through and sometimes not. I've tried to send a screen shot through feedback, but it comes back with an error, too.
What kind of trade-off is that exactly? What kind of ROI (return on investment) do we the people get for supporting his putting the lives of our children/grandchildren on the... moreWhat kind of trade-off is that exactly? What kind of ROI (return on investment) do we the people get for supporting his putting the lives of our children/grandchildren on the line to divert distract so he can golf and eat beautiful chocolate cake and travel?An old man who fake bonespurred his way out of the military FIVE TIMES when there was a draft and it was his duty/obligation to serve in return for those brave PATRIOTIC troops who volunteer of their own accord to serve their country?You really think he is worth that? You'd sacrifice the lives of YOUR CHILDREN to save his a**? Whoa. less
He sez sez he that y'all will be so FURIOUS at the nerve of punishing a criminal y'all will make sure the sb prez wins re-election BY ANY MEAN POSSIBLE. The words in all caps are m... moreHe sez sez he that y'all will be so FURIOUS at the nerve of punishing a criminal y'all will make sure the sb prez wins re-election BY ANY MEAN POSSIBLE. The words in all caps are my words not his but you know dam* well he means it.My my my my How dat worm did turn. He was among the most dam*ing critics of the sb prez early on! He switched. The scairdy cat wimp became just another intimidated toady sycophant like all the others. What cowards those pols are. No courage of their convictions. Early on they stood up for right and then they caved and shrunk and went along to get along and go along. I wonder if there is a separate section in heaven for yellow-bellied cowards? Or even if they will have a place there? Do you wonder too? less
The first national celebration was May 30, 1868 at Arlington National CemetaryIt was originally called Decoration Day and celebration began sometime after the Civil WarIn 1971 it o... moreThe first national celebration was May 30, 1868 at Arlington National CemetaryIt was originally called Decoration Day and celebration began sometime after the Civil WarIn 1971 it officially became a FEDERAL HOLIDAY.Now we also have Veteran's Day which honors those who served in our military. Memorial Day remembers all who died in or out of wars. However its genesis began after a war so the irony of the sb prez sowing seeds of more war more war more war cannot go unnoted. Does he even realize how perfect his timing would be? Does the stable genius have enough brain in head to have PLANNED all of this as a prerequisite to announcing WE ARE AT WAR WITH (FITB)? I dunno. How intelligent are self-proclaimed stable genies genieiis geniuses? less
Incarcerate anyone who publishes anything without prior gubment sb prez approval. OR ELSE. Who needs the truth? It just gets in the way of believing whatever you are told to believ... moreIncarcerate anyone who publishes anything without prior gubment sb prez approval. OR ELSE. Who needs the truth? It just gets in the way of believing whatever you are told to believe. Get rid of it. It just confuses the "little" people with little minds terrified of expanding them or learning anything whatsoever. Don't trouble their pretty little heads. Protect them. What they don't can't hurt you. They are irrelevant unimportant gnats. Smash 'em. Who cares? The great stable genius is all that matters. Of course. less
... moreTasmanian devil - Wikipedia
The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae. It was once native to mainland Australia and is now found in the wild only on the island state of Tasmania, including tiny east-coast Maria Island where there is a conservation project with disease-free animals. The size of a small dog, the Tasmanian devil became the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world following the extinction of the thylacine in 1936. It is related to quolls and distantly related to the thylacine. It is characterised by its stocky and muscular build, black fur, pungent odour, extremely loud and disturbing screech, keen sense of smell, and ferocity when feeding. The Tasmanian devil's large head and neck allow it to generate among the strongest bites per unit body mass of any extant mammal land predator, and it hunts prey and scavenges carrion as well as eating household products if humans are liv... less