ARTICLE III Section 3"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shal... moreARTICLE III Section 3"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.The Congress shall have the power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted."ATTAINT means to condemnATTAINDER means the legal consequences for treason or felony involving the loss of all civil rightsI have no idea what "corruption of blood" means. Do any of you? less
Y'all are pleased aren'tcha? Your mitch is doing the same great job he done done during the Obama years. NOTHING. Anything the sb prez wants he gets from mitch. What the coun... moreY'all are pleased aren'tcha? Your mitch is doing the same great job he done done during the Obama years. NOTHING. Anything the sb prez wants he gets from mitch. What the country NEEDS and the citizens (a majority of them) want is irrelevant to him. That toady sycophant has some connection to Russia which connects him to the Russia-loving sb prez. Investments perhaps? Financial ties are the ties that bind all greedy SOB's. The mitch may be one of 'em. It behooves him to make life easy for the sp prez since they are in league in some ways unknown to the "little people". What else is new? We know they love money more than country or its citizens or right or justice or truth or honor. They get off on it. SIGH. less
How many American citizens (preferably white prodons) have to die before anything gets done? We know people of color who didn't vote for him don't matter at all to him but I betcha... moreHow many American citizens (preferably white prodons) have to die before anything gets done? We know people of color who didn't vote for him don't matter at all to him but I betcha prodon whites use dangerous bridges all the time too and he can't afford to lose a single vote what with so many excellent competitors among the Dems who are all orders of magnitude superior to him by every measure. Anyone tell him that? Will it stop his hysterical drama queen ranty raving scenes? He does care about his prodon whites. He NEEDS every single one of them so it behooves him to keep them alive just so they can revote re-elect redo the first 4 years. less
Oh. Right.MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL.CHINA WILL PAY FOR THE FARMERS" Billions of "relief".Sure. Right. You betcha. SIGH. The lies keep rolling on and on and on and on and on. I g... moreOh. Right.MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL.CHINA WILL PAY FOR THE FARMERS" Billions of "relief".Sure. Right. You betcha. SIGH. The lies keep rolling on and on and on and on and on. I guess the farmers don't care where the money comes from as long as they get it. Right?Life goes on like a song in minor key. Discordant atonal but it's music to the ears of the sb prez fans. It's beautiful to them. Different ears hear differently.For how long? Monthly forever or as long as it takes? $15 billion here $15 billion there here a bill there a bill everywhere a bill bill bill. That could add up to serious money over time. Any of you concerned or do you trust in t as long as there be a t in whom you trust foreverly completely? less
I totally understand why all you Obama HATERS voted for donaldjohntrump. He appeared out of nowhere and told you he would be your SAVIOR so of course you believed him and voted for... moreI totally understand why all you Obama HATERS voted for donaldjohntrump. He appeared out of nowhere and told you he would be your SAVIOR so of course you believed him and voted for him. I get it.But you other folks out there? The Obama supporters? You voted for donaldjohntrump. You voted for donaldjohntrump. You voted for donaldjohntrump. No matter how often I think it or write it or say it the words are incomprehensible to me.
Or alternatively do you hold the sb prez up to your kids as a shining example of what they too can be if they do exactly as he does in the exact same way? "You too can be president... moreOr alternatively do you hold the sb prez up to your kids as a shining example of what they too can be if they do exactly as he does in the exact same way? "You too can be president" takes on a very different meaning than it used to in the olden when we cared about things like truth and honor and fair play. Those days are gone. Temporarily or for good? Who cares right? Who the he** cares?
Why not TELEVISE torturing "the enemy" so y'all can watch the anguish and pain as people die?Betcha you'd have loved watching the dismembment of Khashoggi at the hands or direction... moreWhy not TELEVISE torturing "the enemy" so y'all can watch the anguish and pain as people die?Betcha you'd have loved watching the dismembment of Khashoggi at the hands or direction of the Saudi Crown Prince with whom Jared is in bed and whose father the sb prez sucks up to bigly because he is so very wealthy.What could it hurt? It would be free of course. A benefit of having the sb president be the sb president. Free of charge to everyone who voted for him, agrees with him, supports him, adores him. thinks he is very swell. One of the perks of being loyal to him. How lucky can y'all be? less
:Pardoning criminals who committed atrocities will please whom besides the sb prez pardoner? Will it please YOU? Why exactly is that true? Anything he do pleases you? No matter wha... more:Pardoning criminals who committed atrocities will please whom besides the sb prez pardoner? Will it please YOU? Why exactly is that true? Anything he do pleases you? No matter what?When you ACCEPT a pardon it means YOU ADMIT WHAT YOU DID WAS WRONG. Do those monstrous atrocity committers admit what they did was a crime against humanity or do they think like the sb prez that whatever you do to the enemy is fine and dandy sugar and candy sweet as spice and always very nice? Seriously?
Do you TRUST your country's "powers that be" without caveat? If the "powers that be" tell you to walk into the ocean and you cannot swim would you do so because you believe that "t... moreDo you TRUST your country's "powers that be" without caveat? If the "powers that be" tell you to walk into the ocean and you cannot swim would you do so because you believe that "the powers that be" are smarter wiser and have your best interests at heart? Do you think you would not drown but float swim survive? Why ?
Which rights would you fight for and die for to preserve? None at all? You will adapt to whatever the powers that be tell you to and adopt them as if they were your very own. No ri... moreWhich rights would you fight for and die for to preserve? None at all? You will adapt to whatever the powers that be tell you to and adopt them as if they were your very own. No rights. No problem. Right?
As such you firmly believe you deserve more and better rights than those upon whom you look down?What is it about you that is so special superior elite? Lotsa money?
Do extend to yourself more or less leeway than you do to others? The wiggle room space for friends is much larger than it is for those whom you dislike right? Normal. Right?
The "Justice" Department charged Julian Assange with 17 additional charges, one of which is ESPIONAGE! So folks here's what that means,Remember the first amendment to the Constitut... moreThe "Justice" Department charged Julian Assange with 17 additional charges, one of which is ESPIONAGE! So folks here's what that means,Remember the first amendment to the Constitution? For those who have NEVER READ IT HERE IT IS"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."So now we have a conflict with THE CONSTITUTION. Assange is being charged with causing classified information to be printed in collaboration with Chelsea Manning.Whisteblowers blow the lid off corruption and deceit and there is a law that protects them. What is going on now will impact what has gone on before and change it forevermore if they pull it off.Your sb prez LOVED the he** outta Wikileks when it suited him but now well he wants SILENCE to be the law of land so he can get away with murder without being prev... less
The sb prez has done so often as well as other pols. You will hear them say with great authority and certainty "the American people" yada yada yada yada yada. My a**! They don't ha... moreThe sb prez has done so often as well as other pols. You will hear them say with great authority and certainty "the American people" yada yada yada yada yada. My a**! They don't have a clue what we think or feel or experience. But they say they do. The sb prez has said more than once "EVERYONE SAYS...". Does he know everyone?
I know. Congress legally is the body that formally declares war but the sb prez thumbs his nose (often using his middle finger) at convention and propriety and interntional or dome... moreI know. Congress legally is the body that formally declares war but the sb prez thumbs his nose (often using his middle finger) at convention and propriety and interntional or domestic laws so we needn't wait for Congress to act at all.
I only like the opening 45 instrumental seconds of this song - - once the singing starts, I can't stand the rest of the song.:)
"Livin' on a Prayer" Bon Jovi