His FAVORITE president is currently on it and so his favorite president will remain on it. So go pound dirt or suck an egg or go to he**!This was approved by the Obama admini... moreHis FAVORITE president is currently on it and so his favorite president will remain on it. So go pound dirt or suck an egg or go to he**!This was approved by the Obama administration. Of course we know the sb prez HATES all things Obama, all things female(especially the African American versions thereof) so he will get his way OR THERE WILL BE HE** TO PAY! Don'tchy'all just adore his obstinate obvious obdurate refusal to budge a smudge or smidge? Of course you do.
Get rid of all lawyers and judges and courts and rules and laws completely for everyone. Do whatever the he** you want because no one gives a dam*! No crimes no punishments. Free a... moreGet rid of all lawyers and judges and courts and rules and laws completely for everyone. Do whatever the he** you want because no one gives a dam*! No crimes no punishments. Free and easy does it every time. If the sb prez is above the law (which we have been told is true by his FAKE AG) and "no one is above the law" which we are also told is true then we clearly are talking IDIOTIC gibberish because they cancel each other out which means we don't know what the he** we're talking about. Empty words meaning nothing at all to anyone with half a brain let alone anyone who is actually coherent mentally stable and fair-minded.Okay. From this day forward no one is guilty of anything. Do what you want say what you want murder whom you want lie about whatever you wish and whomever you wish whenever however you wish. Go for it! How d'ya like it? Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh? less
How about character? Morality Integrity Honor. Truthful Fair Accepting.Do average ordinary typical everyday folks whose IQs are averge or possibly a tiny tad above find it much eas... moreHow about character? Morality Integrity Honor. Truthful Fair Accepting.Do average ordinary typical everyday folks whose IQs are averge or possibly a tiny tad above find it much easier to lie and cheat and steal and betray than their intellectual superiors?I don't know if there is any literature on the subject or whether any studies have been done to determine moral superiority (the real kind not the self-serving pompous bully braggart self-righteous blithering idiot kind)Maya Angelou said "when you know better you do better".Mebbe. Well the smarter you are the easier it SHOULD BE to know what "better" is and aspire to achieve it. I think the sb prez is a mediocre average typical ordinary standard-issue sleazy shyster con artist scammer and nothing special. How he conned so many folks astonishes me. How'd a con like that pull off such a big con as that? less
Or is she as smooth and oleaginous a LIAR in the same MOLD/MOULD as the sb prez she so religiously worships and toady sycophant shills for 24/7? She thinks she's one smart dame. Yo... moreOr is she as smooth and oleaginous a LIAR in the same MOLD/MOULD as the sb prez she so religiously worships and toady sycophant shills for 24/7? She thinks she's one smart dame. You can tell by her condescending patronizing supercilious dismissive and contemptuous putdowns. Betcha the sb prez LOVES THE HE** OUTTA HER VERY BIGLY. A female mini-him. Egotistical unfactual to the max with belligerent hostility tossed in just in case you don't get her message. Sourpuss. No sense of humor Never smiles. Always scowls. Once in awhile she SMIRKS after she lets loose with a particularly savage remark. She do love her words. She do do do do do. Do you? less
Not exactly verbatim so I'm not putting it in quotes. But close enough to be plagiarism if I don't give the attritubation to the source. I just don't know her name. This idea is no... moreNot exactly verbatim so I'm not putting it in quotes. But close enough to be plagiarism if I don't give the attritubation to the source. I just don't know her name. This idea is not mine. I'm just repeating it.The president is like a toddler in a high chair who keeps throwing Cheerios on the ground. We should ignore him but can't so we keep picking them up because those Cheerios are North Korea and Iran and......I think it's dam* near as perfect a description as I have seen. You?
1. Being late. Watching the clock advance and panicking because I cannot seem to leave the house!2. Being in a strange place among strangers and not being able to find my way home.... more1. Being late. Watching the clock advance and panicking because I cannot seem to leave the house!2. Being in a strange place among strangers and not being able to find my way home. I forget where I parked the car. I can't find my car keys. Since I don't know where I am even if I find my car I won't know in which direction to go. Also I seem to be invisible. I talk to people but they seem to neither hear nor see me. AARRGGHH. That is very scary to me. Though I haven't had either of them for quite awhile I wonder if even bringing it up will bring them back? less
Does the sb prez carry a loaded gun or he is much too afraid to do so? How many weaponized Secret Service folks protect his corpulent a** wherever he goes? Do they weigh the guy an... moreDoes the sb prez carry a loaded gun or he is much too afraid to do so? How many weaponized Secret Service folks protect his corpulent a** wherever he goes? Do they weigh the guy and then assign a protector for every 50 lbs? For the sb prez that would be at least six.
The Dems wanna BUILD A CASE AGAINST HIM! What more do they need than what has ALREADY BEEN SWORN TO AND PROVEN a thousandfold? Are they chicken? What does this degenera... moreThe Dems wanna BUILD A CASE AGAINST HIM! What more do they need than what has ALREADY BEEN SWORN TO AND PROVEN a thousandfold? Are they chicken? What does this degenerate dodobird doofus have to do to get them to DO WHAT THEY SHOULD DO? Start the impeachment proceedings! Allegedly that will open the access door to getting more information. I do not know the mechanics of it but fer cryin' out loud DO IT! Sheesh. Oh. Wait a minit!I bet the DEMS are waiting for the doodobird degenerate to murder someone on the White House lawn in cold blood. Preferably a woman of color or a man,...unarmed of course. Those make the best kills. The defenseless. To PROVE that his faithful base will never abandon him. Now how would his multitudinous TOADY SYCOPHANTS justify that? Oh wait. He is a checkensh** coward. He would never do it himself. Does he even know how to "work" a gun? He can't even fire someone face to face how in the he** can he fire a gun and murder someone? He will direct someone else to do it... less
It may be my favorite of the genre because it centers upon war orphans. I think it is a very touching movie. Are we headed for more war? I remember years ago when I worked for an a... moreIt may be my favorite of the genre because it centers upon war orphans. I think it is a very touching movie. Are we headed for more war? I remember years ago when I worked for an architect and we had dry-mounted posters in our offices. My favorite one?WAR IS HARMFUL TO CHILDREN AND ALL LIVING THINGSIt was a very simple poster. Streaks of blue and gold positioned in a very artistic way No photos of victims of war. Yet it was very moving. Funny how simplicity can be so exceedingly complex.
What's the worst thing that can happen while he is away from his homeland? Do you like it better when he is here in the states so we can keep an eye on him or away..far away...in f... moreWhat's the worst thing that can happen while he is away from his homeland? Do you like it better when he is here in the states so we can keep an eye on him or away..far away...in foreign lands? Why?
1) There are numerous circumstances that take place during a presidential administration that have to do with the national debt, very few of which are personally or singlehan... more1) There are numerous circumstances that take place during a presidential administration that have to do with the national debt, very few of which are personally or singlehandedly engineered by the sitting president.2) The US national debt has never had any instances in which it did not increase. To say that one president is a hero or was a hero because of how the national debt performed (or was handled), and that another president is ow was a monster because of how the national debt performed (or was handled) seems shortsighted and an ill-educated perspective of national and world economics.~ less
consider it beneath you to bow to another person?When I served in the US Marine Corps, I had contact with people from all over the world, and I spent many years in various loc... moreconsider it beneath you to bow to another person?When I served in the US Marine Corps, I had contact with people from all over the world, and I spent many years in various locales all over the Pacific. In addition to my overseas time, I was stationed in Hawaii for over five years, and several different places throughout California. Whenever a military unit is about to enter a foreign country, there is a briefing given to explain the customs and cultures (don't give tips in country X, it's considered disrespectful, don't extend your left hand towards a person, never make direct eye contact because it makes them uncomfortable, when someone pours a drink for you using one hand on the glass and the other on the vessel, it's the highest form of respect, so accept the glass with both your hands, do not place a glass upside down to indicate that you don't want a refill, never place the butter knife on the plate after you have used it, place it on the table next to the plate, always ask how a person's p... less
Wasn't she OUTED by the cheesy Dickie CHEENEY?
Now we got the sb prez who gave his fake AG carte blanche to declassify EVERYTHING and share it with the world. That's what a king do... moreWasn't she OUTED by the cheesy Dickie CHEENEY?
Now we got the sb prez who gave his fake AG carte blanche to declassify EVERYTHING and share it with the world. That's what a king does. Also a traitor. Hard to tell king apart from traitor. God in three persons blessed trinity. King and SABOTEUR..blessed duo saboteurs.
In case you've forgotten what that is allow me to REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!Three branches, co-equalEXECUTIVEJUDICIALLEGISLATIVEThe Legislative branch is charged with oversight of the Ex... moreIn case you've forgotten what that is allow me to REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!Three branches, co-equalEXECUTIVEJUDICIALLEGISLATIVEThe Legislative branch is charged with oversight of the Executive Branch so the "executive" doesn't get away with murder as has been the case since January 2017!So d'ya like the takeover of the king? Is that what YOU voted to bring to your country? Really?
At the White House meeting Thursday, he said he doesn’t like the current design for the wall’s gates, suggesting that instead of the hydraulic sliding gate design, the ... moreAt the White House meeting Thursday, he said he doesn’t like the current design for the wall’s gates, suggesting that instead of the hydraulic sliding gate design, the Army Corps should consider an alternative, according to an administration official: “Why not French doors?” the president asked.
Or do you think they will change.. maybe you made a mistake and they aren't really that way.. maybe it's your fault? Or do you cut and run when they do that?
The chickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrROYCOHN FAKE AG is the puppetmaster of the entire JUSTICE department except under him it is INJUSTICE. He serves his master well .,How often do... moreThe chickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrROYCOHN FAKE AG is the puppetmaster of the entire JUSTICE department except under him it is INJUSTICE. He serves his master well .,How often do you see the puppetmaster of the puppetmaster pulling all the strings?
Ever hear of it? I hadn't but I GOOGLED it.Uses ARBITRARY and UNACCOUNTABLE POWER as well as UNFAIR/ILLEGAL tacticsControlled by the MONARCH (surprised right?)Dispensed with "due p... moreEver hear of it? I hadn't but I GOOGLED it.Uses ARBITRARY and UNACCOUNTABLE POWER as well as UNFAIR/ILLEGAL tacticsControlled by the MONARCH (surprised right?)Dispensed with "due process" much of the timeSupplemental to regular justice of common law courts Served SWIFT justice but subject to ABUSESBegan in England. A court without a jury noted for its ARBITRARY methods and SEVERE PUNISHMENTSIT WAS ABOLISHED IN 1641!Who resuscitated it? The sb prez( no..he doesn't read..he is too ignorant and incurious)Stephen Miller ( mebbe)ChickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrRoyCohn fake AG? Probably!So how d'ya like them apples? Two "justice" systems in the US of A. The Kangaroo Court version promulgated inititated perpetrated by the chickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrROYCOHN for his puppetmaster.andWhat usta be that is now deader n' a doornail. Alas poor Yorick we knew ye well. May He Rest in Peace. less
Naming names of our intelligence agents? Naming their sources who heretofore were PROMISED anonymity but know they will never again have that safety security? Naming our proc... moreNaming names of our intelligence agents? Naming their sources who heretofore were PROMISED anonymity but know they will never again have that safety security? Naming our procedures/mthods of intelligence-gathering? Naming our allies and outing their intelligence sources methods agents?So would YOU as an ally ever trust us with anything again KNOWING that the fake sb prez and his fakier AG will out all of it? Are you stupid?What better way to destroy our country's ability to defend itself from evildoers intent on harming us than from within at the top full stop 24/7? less
The sb prez will direct the chickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrROYCOHN fake AG to investigate everyone anywhere everywhere immediately who thwarts him in any way. Soon it will be an ... moreThe sb prez will direct the chickenmantoadysycophantbillybarrROYCOHN fake AG to investigate everyone anywhere everywhere immediately who thwarts him in any way. Soon it will be an investigation of anyone who disagrees with him about anything at any time for any reason or no reason wherever about whatever whenever. So how fun is this gonna be? Lotsa loads.
What will the sb prez do to this US district judge? Let a contract on him so one of his thugs "rubs him out"?The money was to be diverted from military funds which this judge BLOCK... moreWhat will the sb prez do to this US district judge? Let a contract on him so one of his thugs "rubs him out"?The money was to be diverted from military funds which this judge BLOCKED.Now we are in for another hysterical histrionic girlyman explosion directed at the judge whom he will say is a democrat who is a person of color who hates him. Wanna bet he won't?Stay tuned. He is losing more court battles every day. His fury and rage will be vented at someone or something very soon. He can't take being told "no you can't have what you want little man". Tweets will be forthcoming and they won't be sweet tweets. less