Betadine is a iodine based product that is used for treating cuts and as a vaginal douche to control itching. Anti-vaxxers have started gargling with it figuring it will... moreBetadine is a iodine based product that is used for treating cuts and as a vaginal douche to control itching. Anti-vaxxers have started gargling with it figuring it will protect them from covid-19. There is no proof that it works and doctors have been warning them that it is not safe. Cheers and happy week end!
I spent $60 for a membership to Costco and after browsing through their acres of merchandise on display I bought nothing and got my membership fee refunded because I found out wher... moreI spent $60 for a membership to Costco and after browsing through their acres of merchandise on display I bought nothing and got my membership fee refunded because I found out where I usually shop their no-name brand prices are cheaper than Costco 'wholesale'.
I always make a list before I go grocery-shopping. My grocery-shopping list is very low tech: I write on a piece of paper the groceries that I need to buy.
Examples: embezzlement, alcoholism, tax cheat, criminal past, was involved in corporate espionage against rival businesses, dumping of hazardous materials, had refused to pr... more
Examples: embezzlement, alcoholism, tax cheat, criminal past, was involved in corporate espionage against rival businesses, dumping of hazardous materials, had refused to promote you yet blamed it on someone else, was a vampire, was a cyborg, was a minor, was in the Witness Protection Program, recorded every word you and others said in every meeting and was writing a book about all of you without permission, claimed someone else was at fault, scamming customers, the stock options were a front for money-laundering, fake credentials or faked diplomas, secret family, was being investigated by authorities, hid illiteracy for years, had a crush on you for months on end, knowingly bought substandard materials to cut costs and cut corners, was all mobbed up, was a member of AnswerBag and then AnswerMug and had stalked you on both of them using various sockpuppets, the mystery meat in the cafeteria was Solent Green, had talked about you behind your back, never really sent out the reference letters to your new emp... less
It’s been decided that the English language has to streamlined symmetrically by going to only 25 letters. Imagine that you’re in charge of deciding which le... more
It’s been decided that the English language has to streamlined symmetrically by going to only 25 letters. Imagine that you’re in charge of deciding which letter it should be. Keep in mind that all words containing that letter will have to be changed, and in some cases, that might even mean multiple instances the letter shows in a word. Your finished product will most likely carry the same pronunciation as before, and the new spellings might require other letters in some words to be moved around a bit, some other letters might have to be dropped from certain words, and some words may need letters added to them to make up for the newly omitted letter(s).
How do you go about making your selection? Which letter would you choose? Why that letter? Hints: don’t attempt to use logic to come up with an answer, and this is neither a serious question nor a big deal. Examples of words written differently yet maintaining their pronunciation: night/nite, cool/kool, blew/bloo, heckle/hekall, ... less
But adding to the material cost is cost of research, trials and testing plus advertising to sell the product and expenses for scientists' and other employee wages plus benefits, et... moreBut adding to the material cost is cost of research, trials and testing plus advertising to sell the product and expenses for scientists' and other employee wages plus benefits, etc and last but not least is CEO and senior management pay, perks and benefits and annual multi million dollar bonuses.Final calculation including retailer's mark-up.. how much would you guess to be cost to consumer for bottle of 20 pills?
I don't think they are doing their job very well if a spelling or punctaution error is not spotted and a correction order issued within 30 minutes of the posting.
I first bonded with the dog I have now about 5 minuets after I stole him from a party house. Once I got far enough away I held him to my chest and said - dar dar dar the scary... moreI first bonded with the dog I have now about 5 minuets after I stole him from a party house. Once I got far enough away I held him to my chest and said - dar dar dar the scary lady can't hurt you anymore and it was probably the first calm and reassuring words he had heard in his 8 weeks of life (which is 54 weeks in puppy weeks). The next day I let the scary lady know I had her dog and I wasn't going to give it back and she eventually agreed that the dog was better off with me. The scary lady isn't a scary lady anymore she is 4 years alcohol and drug free and she has a new dog but I let her know that if she mentally hurts that dog I will steal it (then we laugh and laugh). Cheers! less
IVERMECTIN: solid evidence still lacking as demand surges.-Pharmaceutical Technology.comIvermectin treatment may be effective as a placebo but hardly much else.
It takes a minute or two for my computer to even arrive at the site, then another minute or two for almost every step once I get here.That little circle spins away, signifying it's... moreIt takes a minute or two for my computer to even arrive at the site, then another minute or two for almost every step once I get here.That little circle spins away, signifying it's trying to do something
We cut the cable at about 10:30 this morning (it’s just after 10 pm now), in addition to television service, our cable provider company also handled our landlin... more
We cut the cable at about 10:30 this morning (it’s just after 10 pm now), in addition to television service, our cable provider company also handled our landline telephone service and our internet connection. We had the television and telephone disconnected and stayed with the internet connection. It took them about 60 seconds to make the television and telephone go away.
What’s a story about procrastination and/or overcoming it that has occurred recently with you?~
I grew up during the 1950's. Bacon fat was the fat of choice in the household of my childhood. As an adult, I've used bacon fat to add rich flavor to eggs, vegetables, etc. It was ... moreI grew up during the 1950's. Bacon fat was the fat of choice in the household of my childhood. As an adult, I've used bacon fat to add rich flavor to eggs, vegetables, etc. It was due to heightened health concerns that I curtailed my usage of bacon fat during the 1990's.
Trump has been saying that he would like to have a boxing match with Biden and he would win the fight in 2 seconds. I think Biden would clean Trump's clock but Trump wo... moreTrump has been saying that he would like to have a boxing match with Biden and he would win the fight in 2 seconds. I think Biden would clean Trump's clock but Trump would claim he won and the fight was rigged and Biden was on steroids. Cheers and happy weekend!