He sez he doesn't believe New York NEEDS 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. BAsed on what? BASED ON HIS GUT.WHAT DOES YOUR GUT tell you? Does your gut believe the HOAX GUT too? Phony nu... moreHe sez he doesn't believe New York NEEDS 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. BAsed on what? BASED ON HIS GUT.WHAT DOES YOUR GUT tell you? Does your gut believe the HOAX GUT too? Phony numbers created just to make HOAX look bad?
He wants to relax distancing and open up the economy by easter and have churches PACKED.Well he** let's give the pig what he wants. By then US cases may be 200,000 or 500,000 thous... moreHe wants to relax distancing and open up the economy by easter and have churches PACKED.Well he** let's give the pig what he wants. By then US cases may be 200,000 or 500,000 thousand or 2 million with deaths galore. Who could ask for anything more? He is on a roll as his poll numbers keep going up! Amazing dazey daisy days!
Because he STARS in the ad and it is an ad featuring him saying things that he insists he never said. He says they are all doctored. He says stop OR ELSE.That's what happens when a... moreBecause he STARS in the ad and it is an ad featuring him saying things that he insists he never said. He says they are all doctored. He says stop OR ELSE.That's what happens when a pig regurgitates what it hears from a faux news TV show. The HOAX is all seriouslike when he says those immortal words. A perfect ad starring only him and his mouth. What could it hurt HOAXY baby? Why can't you stand the heat YOU create? Why are you such a cowardly "man" who can't stand up for anything for any reason at any time but has to grovel on his belly protesting fakenewsfakenewsfakenews and whinya** about his victimhood when we all know better? I dunno. HOAX is a weirdo. less
The Governors who ask beg Plead for help whom he despises and challenges. He doesn't believe they need what they say they need. What do they know? HE KNOWS BETTER.So currently in h... moreThe Governors who ask beg Plead for help whom he despises and challenges. He doesn't believe they need what they say they need. What do they know? HE KNOWS BETTER.So currently in his sights sites for attack? The Governors of New York (his own home state which he HATES HATES HATES), Michigan (which he said he loves and said he is bringing back tons of automaking companies too to two tutu) and Washington (The guv refuses to heel lie down beg roll over or whimper). Of course the more targets HOAX has the better he likes it. That's the way he likes it uh huh uh huh. His base likes it too so they know whom they can hate. Very helpful. The HOAX carries a weapon that holds a 1000-round magazine you see and so he is always on the ready to mow down upstarts. Rambo has nothing on the HOAX. Nothing. And mickeymousepounce trails after him dragging boxloads of 1000-round magazines lest HOAX ever run out. less
The Governors of Washington State, New York State and Michigan State. So far but more will be at the end of his "rifle". Just wait.Why you ask? Because those Governors refuse to ki... moreThe Governors of Washington State, New York State and Michigan State. So far but more will be at the end of his "rifle". Just wait.Why you ask? Because those Governors refuse to kiss his corpulent A** and even now during this health crisis which he exacerbated by his castrated eunuch inaction he finds time to strike at those who are hurting most. Good job pigface. Great job larda**. Keep it up and your numbers will skyrocket.
FOR EXAMPLEDo those who PREFER to do their own cooking also PREFER to do their own thinking?Are fans of TAKEOUT also fans of accepting scripts written by others in the way of polit... moreFOR EXAMPLEDo those who PREFER to do their own cooking also PREFER to do their own thinking?Are fans of TAKEOUT also fans of accepting scripts written by others in the way of political thinking?Are the adoring worshiippers HOAX attracts folks who do mostly takeout?Any connection or none at all?Seems to me the folks who embrace dogma mantra developed by others are easy prey to being manipulated in any direction. Pretzelized easily they are the ideal or BASE groupies. Always accept whatever is given to them by THE SOURCE of whatever it is. A political chef or a religious chef it matters not. They welcome taking advantage of the efforts of others because THINKING IS HARD WORK and they are all very lazy. Don'tcha think? less
How do we tap into that portion of our minds that lie fallow? Like land that isn't plowed, nothing can grow there without watering and weeding and planting seeds an nurturing and p... moreHow do we tap into that portion of our minds that lie fallow? Like land that isn't plowed, nothing can grow there without watering and weeding and planting seeds an nurturing and providing NUTRIENTS. From nothing comes nothing. But from something can come come something with work and focus and belief and dedication and devotion. DO YOU BELIEVE? How do you KNOW unless you try? If you fail keep trying. What could it hurt to try to expand your mind? Stretch it just to see how far it will go. Don't just let it sit there unexercised taking in but never giving back. Lazy is easy. The lazybrains are the ones that allow others to do their thinking for them. Thus are despot dictators born. less
The DINGBATTYNESS of these wackadoodles is obvious to all. They adore him and he wants the economy up and running so they will go out and about and drop dead like flies to facilita... moreThe DINGBATTYNESS of these wackadoodles is obvious to all. They adore him and he wants the economy up and running so they will go out and about and drop dead like flies to facilitate that end.How many million dingbats like that are out there? Dingbats who adore the HOAX comes in all ages genders sizes color wits and dimwits alike. They are multitude and growing. A huge phalanx of them are out and about spreading the word. They have wild eyes and flailing arms and speak in gibberish. Can't miss 'em.
Is FAKE NEWS a polite classy upscale way of calling a pot a pot?Whatcha think? The KING OF FAKE NEWS REGURGITATION will always be THE HOAX. NO one will ever surpass his CHUTZPAH or... moreIs FAKE NEWS a polite classy upscale way of calling a pot a pot?Whatcha think? The KING OF FAKE NEWS REGURGITATION will always be THE HOAX. NO one will ever surpass his CHUTZPAH or alternate reality way of attacking anything. Pigman larda**. SIGH.
Alletgedly the APPROVAL RATING of HOAX vis a vis how he is handling the COVID 19 crisis grows HIGHER.What's so PECULIAR about that?The HOAX ridiculed COVID 19 for TWO MONTHS beore ... moreAlletgedly the APPROVAL RATING of HOAX vis a vis how he is handling the COVID 19 crisis grows HIGHER.What's so PECULIAR about that?The HOAX ridiculed COVID 19 for TWO MONTHS beore he did anything about it. Used it as a ram to slam Democrats and the press by saying it was a hoax designed specifically to harm him politically. He SHOULD have done something in early JANUARY when the intelligence agencies WARNED him of what was coming. WARNED HIM IN WRITING TWICE!He smirked and snarked and sarcasticked his way through every day.FINALLY about ten days ago or so give or take a New York minit (today is March 27) he FINALLY appeared to be taking it seriously if only short-term temporarily. He gets very bored very quickly having the attention span of a gnat.So the HOAX is the reason for our slow start. His obdurate defiance TODAY is the reason Governor Cuomo and New York is in such dire straits. His REFUSAL to ACTIVATE the Defense Production ACT even today is why the situation gets progressively grimmer. His REFUSAL to se... less
Will HOAX now have more to dislike Dr. Fauci for and ease him out because of that?What will the HOAX do to Governor Cuomo? Tune in today to see hear watch observe opine.
“we’re doing everything we can to ensure your safety”“we’re all this together”“we’re still going to be here for you when this is all... more“we’re doing everything we can to ensure your safety”“we’re all this together”“we’re still going to be here for you when this is all over”
“we’re still open”“we offer you something to do while you’re stuck at home”“we were there for you when __________ happened, we are here for you now”“we haven’t forgotten you”“we’ll take care of everything” Mind you, this is not a criticism of what they’re doing, it’s merely a question as to whether or not you have noticed them.~ less
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Rev 20:14Translations vary and some use "hades" instead of hell. So, are we to believe h... more"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Rev 20:14Translations vary and some use "hades" instead of hell. So, are we to believe hell is hades (the grave)?