Does being obsessed in the first place connote a mental defect?Are the mentally obsessed fated to be mentally imprisoned and are never able to venture out and about?
A couple million will die give or take.What does it mean "do everything perfectly"?EVERY STATE MITIGATES RIGHT NOW. HOW?LOCKING DOWN. LOCKING DOWN. LOCKING DOWN. But we already kno... moreA couple million will die give or take.What does it mean "do everything perfectly"?EVERY STATE MITIGATES RIGHT NOW. HOW?LOCKING DOWN. LOCKING DOWN. LOCKING DOWN. But we already know several dozen state gubneers REFUSE to do that. No way no how no time no sir no m'am bug off butt out.So the daily dog and pony is for optics only. The blockhead rockhead gubners of many states will not do what is required.And so it goes.
Funny old world when 200,000,000 virus things can live on top of one single pin head....How strange to that one tiny virus is far more powerful than any man made weapon...
Dr. AI Fen claims she was reprimanded for spreading the word about Coronavirus. And gave an interview to 60 Minutes Australia.
Now, she is missing. https://w... moreDr. AI Fen claims she was reprimanded for spreading the word about Coronavirus. And gave an interview to 60 Minutes Australia.
Now, she is missing.
We went to grocery store today. There was 1 package of 6 pack of megaroll Quilted Northern tp. We had just 4 rolls left a home ao decided to get it. When we came back around .... moreWe went to grocery store today. There was 1 package of 6 pack of megaroll Quilted Northern tp. We had just 4 rolls left a home ao decided to get it. When we came back around ...there was 1 package back on the shelf. Exact same spot exact same product. I thought this was cleaver. :)
He wouldn't miss a meal or a round of golf for anything. He is very rich and that's how the rich roll.Beautiful chocolate cake with two scoops of icecream. Day and night interspers... moreHe wouldn't miss a meal or a round of golf for anything. He is very rich and that's how the rich roll.Beautiful chocolate cake with two scoops of icecream. Day and night interspersed with BIG MACS by the dozen. Gourmet fare.Now there is a proble with sailors trapped on a ship. Their commanding officer says we are not at war. They shouldn't to die. Does HOAX know?He said he hadn't heard of any lack of tests for weeks. The liar pants on fire whinya** crier hadn't heard about it. He knows nothing he does nothing but he keeps talking and says nothing. less
Considering all of the other "crap" we are already spreading around via paper money/credit cards/etc., could COVID19 make tangible monetary exchanges obsolete?
and debit cards when you have to type in your security details... Do you also wash your door bell or knockes ,keyboards and any remote controllers you might have too...Kettle handl... moreand debit cards when you have to type in your security details... Do you also wash your door bell or knockes ,keyboards and any remote controllers you might have too...Kettle handles and water taps should not be forgotten to...and don't forget to keep your tooth brush out if the bathroom and far away from any others .
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Donaldjohntrump DECENT?That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. There is NOTHING DECENT about him. Or his toady sycophants or those who lie and lie and... moreHahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Donaldjohntrump DECENT?That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. There is NOTHING DECENT about him. Or his toady sycophants or those who lie and lie and lie and lie for him and defend protect embrace adore worship him. Millions of them you say? So many INDECENT human beings? SIGH.
Then someone died so HOAX respoke. THAT's when he said he was referring to their treatment of the gubment response to it. ONLY THEN did he qualify.Geez. They can't even almost be h... moreThen someone died so HOAX respoke. THAT's when he said he was referring to their treatment of the gubment response to it. ONLY THEN did he qualify.Geez. They can't even almost be honest about things. They can't even almost try to admit when they're wrong about anything involving the HOAX.The Mueller report was a Hoax. The coronavirus is their new hoax.The Mueller report was a Hoax. The coronavirus is their new hoaxThe Mueller report was a Hoax. The coronavirus is their new hoax.
The COVID 19 rise in the open counties will spike and rise and rise and rise and rise.Much to his surprise because he is yet another one of the STUPID DUMBS. Why are there any stup... moreThe COVID 19 rise in the open counties will spike and rise and rise and rise and rise.Much to his surprise because he is yet another one of the STUPID DUMBS. Why are there any stupid dumbs in public office? Is that the best Florida could do...elect the very dumbest stupid dumb? Condolences to you.
HOAX is way way way way way way way as stupid dumb as they come...way stupid dumb. But repubaccans adoringly worship him and every word he says is like the WORD OF GOD and everythi... moreHOAX is way way way way way way way as stupid dumb as they come...way stupid dumb. But repubaccans adoringly worship him and every word he says is like the WORD OF GOD and everything he do is perfect because he can be no less than that 24/7.The WHO not the What mattereth bigly to repubaccans. Whatever the HOOHOO say/do be okay hey hey hey hey hey.Anything the HOO doth do doth say is A OKAY A OKAY A OKAY A OKAY.No matter how ugly or ignorant or stupid or cruel or hateful or false or how many lives lost. NO MATTER. less
The Economy is number two on my list. First I WANT TO SAVE LIVES!Do you believe this bullsh** crap? He pi**ed away THREE MONTHS while people died. NOW he wants to save lives? Once ... moreThe Economy is number two on my list. First I WANT TO SAVE LIVES!Do you believe this bullsh** crap? He pi**ed away THREE MONTHS while people died. NOW he wants to save lives? Once again too little too late. The stupid dumbs never grasp or comprehend anything quickly. It takes them forever and ever to understand what's at hand what's at stake while people DIE. My oh my they are a dumb bunch aren't they? Dumb that kills. Nothing worse than that.
Whatta buncha bullsh** crap these adoring worshippers peddle. Bullsh** crap because COVID 19 IS MUCH WORSE than we thought it would be so why exactly did HOAX call it a hoax for ex... moreWhatta buncha bullsh** crap these adoring worshippers peddle. Bullsh** crap because COVID 19 IS MUCH WORSE than we thought it would be so why exactly did HOAX call it a hoax for exactly what precisely? What part of it was a hoax? That it is/was deadly and heading straight for us? Criminetly.He doesn't know his a** from a hole in the ground OBVIOUSLY.He backtracks and then lied and said he knew all along it would be pandemic. Bullsh** crap.His a**kissing apologists insisted it was all a hoax to take down the HOAX and none of it was real. REALLY? What part exactly wasn't real? What part exactly was a hoax? Exactly what part wasn't true? Exactly precisely do you know why the jacka** folks kept braying hoax hoax hoax?Where are the LIARS now? Many are confined to home and self isolating. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT FOR A HOAX?Dumba** jacka**es are cowards aren't they? They should be out and about mingling with lotsa folks to prove how right they were that it was all a hoax instead of cowering down under the bed afra... less
Public health officials in China and Japan have reported cases in which discharged patiests test ositive for the virus again.A man in Wuhan China with COVID 19 after being readmitt... morePublic health officials in China and Japan have reported cases in which discharged patiests test ositive for the virus again.A man in Wuhan China with COVID 19 after being readmitted to the hospital again 2 days after he was discharged died.L.A. Times headline. "They recovered from the coronavirus then tested positive again."All lies?While rare it is possible to be reinfected according to some reports. LIARS all of them? What is the point of lying about it? Anyone?