I want them all named.I want them all chargedI want them all convictedI want them all put in prison for life or death...whichever comes first.Do you too or do you just want those w... moreI want them all named.I want them all chargedI want them all convictedI want them all put in prison for life or death...whichever comes first.Do you too or do you just want those whose politics are different from yours to be punished?Everything is NOT POLITICALLY PARTISAN but some dunderhead saps make it seem to be that way.Climate change destruction is not partisanSexual depravity wreaked upon little girls is not partisanJustice for victims is not partisanTRUTH is not partisan...that is should not be but y'all make it so. Why? less
Well they have to find her first. Apparently she "disappeared". Imagine a woman securing little girls to be sexually abused by an old man? What kinda homo sap is that? What punishm... moreWell they have to find her first. Apparently she "disappeared". Imagine a woman securing little girls to be sexually abused by an old man? What kinda homo sap is that? What punishment does she deserve for having lived a life devoted to bagging ittle girls to be bedded abused raped by a very rich very depraved very demented old fool? Was she paid well for her bagging services?
What the he** was it that the Mick divulged?He said it was very hard to fire employees. He knows. He tried. So to get folks to leave they devised a perfect method.Relocate the job ... moreWhat the he** was it that the Mick divulged?He said it was very hard to fire employees. He knows. He tried. So to get folks to leave they devised a perfect method.Relocate the job thousands of miles away from home. To keep their jobs the folks will have to move their families. Isn't that a clever way to do it? Now if some dumba** autocrat moved your job thousands of miles away from you home would you tell him to shove it up his a** and quit or would you dociely move and uproot your family?Now maybe the dumba** autocrat will just keep relocating and relocating and relocating so no one is left at all at all at all. Even better. Slower but better.What the gubment won't due to silence people, stifle people, prevent/forbid them from speaking truths that the gubment demands you do not hear? Wily crafty sneaky scumbags do that. less
The only reason for the existence of Donald John Trump in your lives is to enrich wherever whenever however by whomever. If that stlps he is gonna be gone so fast it will curl your... moreThe only reason for the existence of Donald John Trump in your lives is to enrich wherever whenever however by whomever. If that stlps he is gonna be gone so fast it will curl your sox! So just pray that he just keeps richer and richer and richer everyday so he will stay and be here for you to service and worship. You don't begrudge that do ya? Why should ya? You haven't begrudged him anything at all so getting richer? Walk in the park. A piece of cake. A no-brainer.
Would a nuclear-powered missile be as deadly if it exploded as one carrying a nuclear warhead?7 dead in Russia from the explosion of which 5 were allegedly nuclear scientists.Is a ... moreWould a nuclear-powered missile be as deadly if it exploded as one carrying a nuclear warhead?7 dead in Russia from the explosion of which 5 were allegedly nuclear scientists.Is a 16-fold increase in radiation levels something to be concerned about?A mini-Chernobyl happened mebbe?Oh. Allegedly the US fooled around with nuclear powered missiles decades ago and stopped because they said it would be far too deadly to have in our arsenal.If what it appears to be is exactly that does that make Russia at least as deadly an ENEMY as North Korea?I dunno.What happens if the residue is nuclear waste?. Is Russia trying to make weaponized FLYING NUCLEAR REACTORS? If successful and they launched dozens hundreds thousands of them what would be the outcome?While Vlad engages in foreplay with a besotted Donald John Trump is he plotting our demise with nuclear weapons?Is the Donald John Trump so naive as to believe Vlad is a friend of the United States?Will the naivete of the Donald John Trump actually be the straw that murders ... less
There is absolutely nothing that Donald John Trump does or says for which he is ever held responsible or accountable by his adoring worshipping peeps. Teflon Don. We've had 'em bef... moreThere is absolutely nothing that Donald John Trump does or says for which he is ever held responsible or accountable by his adoring worshipping peeps. Teflon Don. We've had 'em before and we have 'em and we'll have 'em again.Who does the TEFLONIIZING? Who does the decided? Is the Teflonizing deciderTteflonized as well?
National Prayer Breakfast is their baby? Ever hear of Doug Coe(sp?) I dunno. Another secret GOD-based society that harms the poor to benefit the rich and they do it with GOD'S bles... moreNational Prayer Breakfast is their baby? Ever hear of Doug Coe(sp?) I dunno. Another secret GOD-based society that harms the poor to benefit the rich and they do it with GOD'S blessing, right? Just as they support Donald John Trump the spawn of the devil sent by GOD to them. Poor GOD. HE gets "credited" with a lot of crap like this. I wonder what his punishment will be for the liars defamers in HIS NAME? Very goodly GODLY I suspect.
Seeing him going down that escalator was the beginning of crazy. Having him "win" by getting fewer votes by almost 3 million pushed us further. Having him sworn in as prez January ... moreSeeing him going down that escalator was the beginning of crazy. Having him "win" by getting fewer votes by almost 3 million pushed us further. Having him sworn in as prez January 2017 got us further still. Watching him spew his hateful filthy racism AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT pushed us over the edge.So y'all be my guest. Hash tag 3 4 5 6 7 8 lifetime. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. That horse already left the barn. That train already left the station. That ship already sailed. I guess y'all weren't paying any attention. less
After him his prodon peeps will be very glum. Hum de bum dumb. Hum de bum dumb. The light will have gone out of their lives forever and they will live in the dark thereafter recall... moreAfter him his prodon peeps will be very glum. Hum de bum dumb. Hum de bum dumb. The light will have gone out of their lives forever and they will live in the dark thereafter recalling better days when the Donald John Trump gave them a purpose for being. How long will they last without him? I do not know and cannot guess. He is the dirty polluted air they breathe the food grown in the polluted ground they eat the used-to-be-clean-now polluted dirty water they drink. He is their everything. We'll see what happens. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. less
Yep! Mitch McConnell is the most powerful person in Washington D.C. More powerful than Donald John Trump. Per Clare McCaskill.I don't know how true or faux that is but Republ... moreYep! Mitch McConnell is the most powerful person in Washington D.C. More powerful than Donald John Trump. Per Clare McCaskill.I don't know how true or faux that is but Republicans have never answered WHY no wall when they held ALL THE CARDS? Can you answer why no wall at all during their 100% chokehold on gubment? From January 2017 through November 2018 they had the enire field open. Nothing happened. Does Donald John Trump know he is prez in name only...A PINO...and the real power is the Majority Head in the Senate? less
THE DEATH WHETHER BY SUICIDE OR MURDER OF PEDOPHILE SEX TRAFFICKER JEFF THE EPSTEIN DEVIANT EVIL PERVERT.A PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED TO THE BEST OF THE BEST. BOTH PRODONS AND CONDONS A... moreTHE DEATH WHETHER BY SUICIDE OR MURDER OF PEDOPHILE SEX TRAFFICKER JEFF THE EPSTEIN DEVIANT EVIL PERVERT.A PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED TO THE BEST OF THE BEST. BOTH PRODONS AND CONDONS ARE INVITED. WHAT IS THE PRIZE?WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS. THAT I CAN TELL YOU. EVERYONE SAYS SO. WHEN I KNOW YOU'LL KNOW. SO?GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT! WHATCHA GOT TA LOSE? Here's an example of the nature genus species of which I speak.Hillary Clinton/Melania Trump dressed as ninja warriors snuck in to the prison had sex with all the guards then got access to Jeff and hanged him hung him and snuck out. He was too heavy for just one hotsy totsy dame to lift so they did it together to protect their husbands. STAND BY YOUR MAN. They both stuck with guys who cheated on them and humiliated them repeatedly. No shame. No pride. So why not murder for their dear hubbies too? Wouldn't you?Can you top that? TRY. What could it hurt by and by?. less
What the he** is wrong with the antidons? The prodons are running circles around them conspiracy floating gloating emoting 24/7. What conspiracy theory bullsh** crap have the Dems ... moreWhat the he** is wrong with the antidons? The prodons are running circles around them conspiracy floating gloating emoting 24/7. What conspiracy theory bullsh** crap have the Dems come up with to match the astonishing output of the prodons? It's embarrassing and shameful that's what it is. Sheesh.A challenge to all Dems out there with a brain. Start conspiracy theorizing NOW. Let's see what YOU can come up with STAT! You will never catch up to the prodons but at least GET IN RACE fer cryin' out loud! TRY! PLEASE? less
"They" say that all Donald John Trump supporters are not racists but all racists are supporters of Donald John Trump. That sounds like more gibberish to me. How can you NOT B... more"They" say that all Donald John Trump supporters are not racists but all racists are supporters of Donald John Trump. That sounds like more gibberish to me. How can you NOT BE what you love dearly and support in others? How is that remotely possible or logical?
Seems to me the racists just went underground and propagated and grew into horrendously horrifically gigantically enormous numbers. They waited and waited and waited for a savior t... moreSeems to me the racists just went underground and propagated and grew into horrendously horrifically gigantically enormous numbers. They waited and waited and waited for a savior to bring them up and out of the underground mud and slime of their existence. We did not overcome. That too did not pass. There was no end to hate or racism or bigotry. It's out in the open now and being celebrated worshipped promulgated worldwideWhat we are seeing and living today is the DEMISE of Democracy and decency and RISE of all that is evil in the world. A fitting end to a once noble experiment or only the beginning of what's to come?How many of you are HAPPY with the moral decay in the world today? Your cuppa tea?. less
An Answermug friend in response to a question about the nature of truth and its replacement. I don't think it could have been said any better than that. Do you?
Trump wants to sign an executive order telling social media what it can and cannot post. How's that grab you?
Trump's repeated complaints about social media companies allegedly ho... moreTrump wants to sign an executive order telling social media what it can and cannot post. How's that grab you?
Trump's repeated complaints about social media companies allegedly holding a bias against conservatives will result in some regulatory action.The White House has been circulating a draft executive order called "Protecting Americans from Online Censorship" that'll attempt to force social media companies to act neutrally when curating user-generated content.The current draft proposes opening the door for social media companies to face lawsuits if they delete or suppress content without notifying the user, or if it was done in an anti-competitive or deceptive way. The executive order proposes doing this by narrowing the legal protections internet companies receive under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which can shield them from liability concerning any objectionable content they host.The executive orders would task the FCC with developing the regulations on how social media companies should ... less
Allegedly Donald John Trump is connected to the American mafia having done business with pieces and parts of "made" men over the years. But he probably wanted to hit up Vlad ... moreAllegedly Donald John Trump is connected to the American mafia having done business with pieces and parts of "made" men over the years. But he probably wanted to hit up Vlad for help because he adores Vlad and knows Vlad wants nothing more than to protect the golden shower boy from harm. What are friends for?The fake AG liddle billybarr is boss of those correction locations isn't he? If not who is?He could arrange to get anyone in for whatever reason. Of course he is playing dumb and saying we will get to the bottom of it. Not if he is at the bottom we won't. Maybe he will blow up the locations where evidence is being collected. He has no bounds when it comes to protecting Donald John Trump. less
Instead of stopping the cause of the bleeding he is bandaiding the bleeding with bajillions of socialist welfare dollars handouts to stop the immediate deathsI dunno how you ... moreInstead of stopping the cause of the bleeding he is bandaiding the bleeding with bajillions of socialist welfare dollars handouts to stop the immediate deathsI dunno how you guys do it? Buy the ridiculous ludicrous lies he tells and also support the things he does that when others do it are DEPLORABLE but when he do it? Hey hey hey it's A-OK.Have you had your thinking checked out lately? How much crap are you buying because your brain hasn't been calibrated since January 2017?
It used to be the party of FAMILY VALUES. Today that's a joke with a randy prez who goddam*s at rallies and lies 24/7.Oh. Right. It is rigging/larding/greasing the judicial system ... moreIt used to be the party of FAMILY VALUES. Today that's a joke with a randy prez who goddam*s at rallies and lies 24/7.Oh. Right. It is rigging/larding/greasing the judicial system with extreme right-wing super conservative nationalist populist white inferiorists. Are all the judges they picked WHITE? Any of 'em got a little color? It did give the Obscenely Wealthy a $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut we were told would pay for itself and it's benefits would trickle down to the rest of our society. BOTH LIES.As far I can tell what's left is not worth much on the open market. Alas poor GOP we knew ye well. What the he** happened to you? Why did you roll over so easily and give up all you used to stand for without a fight? Cowards all of you? Like the fake bonspur draft dodger prez? Too bad. How sad. That I can tell you. Everyone says so. less
This changes the rules for LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Rich folks...Y"ALL COME ON DOWN YA HEAR? The poor?Whassamatta you? Are you not paying attention? STAY AWAY.
To find and DESTROY anything related to DONALD JOHN TRUMP. Doesn't the FBI answer to the fake AG liddle billybarr? You really think anything they find attached to Donald John Trump... moreTo find and DESTROY anything related to DONALD JOHN TRUMP. Doesn't the FBI answer to the fake AG liddle billybarr? You really think anything they find attached to Donald John Trump will ever see the light of day? If you do I have a bridge in New York I wanna sell ya! Sheesh.
Here and there and every other where Authoritarian Nationalist Populist Fascism Racism is replacing human rights and Democracy. In America millions and millions of the people don't... moreHere and there and every other where Authoritarian Nationalist Populist Fascism Racism is replacing human rights and Democracy. In America millions and millions of the people don't care. Millions and millions of them support the despot dictator. Is that true of your where as well? DO YOU CARE?
Of course he is the king and he now knows that he can get away with everything anything anytime anywhere and y'all will still adore him...Evangelicals especially since you think GO... moreOf course he is the king and he now knows that he can get away with everything anything anytime anywhere and y'all will still adore him...Evangelicals especially since you think GOD sent him to you.Enjoy your King. Watch his dust. You've given him free range on speech and actions and he has only just begun.Don't worry your pretty little heads about what GOD thinks. HE understand y'all perfectly. HE knows precisely what you are whom you are why you are and what will be come of you. You do know that don't you? less
Donald John Trump also gets a pass on his sexual depravity deviancy cruelty compulsive lying racism and treason. He gets a pass on being totally devoid of morality empathy propriet... moreDonald John Trump also gets a pass on his sexual depravity deviancy cruelty compulsive lying racism and treason. He gets a pass on being totally devoid of morality empathy propriety dignity. He gets a pass on putting a hostile foreign nation first to whom he has sold out the country.So what do the religious cherrypickers like about him even though he is an abomination to God and all mankind except them?I don't know. Beats the he** outta me. Do YOU know?