Struggling with a dilemma, it's not real important but I can't seem to take action on it...So, just a day or two ago I learned I passed my qualification, the culmination of 4 years... moreStruggling with a dilemma, it's not real important but I can't seem to take action on it...So, just a day or two ago I learned I passed my qualification, the culmination of 4 years work. The final element of the qualification was a final externally assessed assignment - marked by an examiner. I had my last assignment referred, (i.e. failed!) 2x and only passed on the 3rd attempt. Herein lies my dilemma - I KNOW that my first submission should have passed, I met the criteria! And the reasons they claimed it didn't meet the criteria were spurious and unsupportable and I also have evidence of inconsistent/unfair marking, e.g. a friend showed me her submission where she passed a question I didn't pass even though she had less explanation and 'concepts' and I passed one she didn't even though both our logs were identical in format.. I tackled this at the time by literally giving them what they wanted.. regardless of whether I thought they were wrong, 2nd submission failed on again a very debatable point, a matte... less
I learned this one when I was a respite carer. The old man of the house had learned to fend for himself brilliantly, but he needed a day each week to escape the harrowing experienc... moreI learned this one when I was a respite carer. The old man of the house had learned to fend for himself brilliantly, but he needed a day each week to escape the harrowing experience of his demented wife. Lamb Shank HotpotBefore 10 am,in an electric slow cooker,place three lamb shanks,all vegies cut into equal bite sized chunks,three carrots cut in bite sized pieces (do not peel),three large sticks of celery cut into bite sized pieces,three large Red Pontiac potatoes (or a variety with solid waxy-yellow flesh) unpeeled,three peeled onions,one large clove of globe garlic, crushed,one bunch fresh parsley finely chopped,one small bunch of thyme, tied with cotton or hemp string or rubber band,five large bay leaves,two teaspoons ground black pepper,2 litres or 4 pints of Massel Vegetable StockSet to slow cook for 8 hours.Dinner will be ready by 6 pm.Serve with green salad or fresh streamed green veg, with a vinaigrette sauce.After dinner, freeze the leftovers in dinner sized portions, add a label with the date.Di... less