They don't give a rat's a** about Jews as people. They see then as a tool or vehicle for their own salvation. Selfish selfish selfish aren't they?If it were the PALESTINIANS who ha... moreThey don't give a rat's a** about Jews as people. They see then as a tool or vehicle for their own salvation. Selfish selfish selfish aren't they?If it were the PALESTINIANS who had to have a homeland so Jesus would return to earth and rapture folks guess what?Right you are! Israel would be the bad guy and Palestine would be the good. That's all it would take. A switch to have God say that the Palestine's are his chosen people and then you'd fuggeddaboutit Jews overnight and focus on the Palestinians getting their rights.Fickle people don't care about wrong or right. Just give them what they want for THEMSELVES and the rest of the world can go to he** and they won't lift a finger. We know what they are. Not impressed. less
Did all those WHITE RACISTS in Charlottesville who were chanting "The Jews will not replace us" antisemitic homo saps or were some of them so-called CHRISTIANS? How can that be whe... moreDid all those WHITE RACISTS in Charlottesville who were chanting "The Jews will not replace us" antisemitic homo saps or were some of them so-called CHRISTIANS? How can that be when JESUS IS A JEW? How can any "christian" be a racist or antisemitic homo sap? Aren't they mutually exclusive? So all those chanters saying "The Jews will not replace us" were either Atheists or Buddhists or wicky wacky warlocks? Or liars?
They go to church synagogue temple and talk the talk. Then they go back out into their secular lives and do the opposite of what they are instructed to do. They feel very self-righ... moreThey go to church synagogue temple and talk the talk. Then they go back out into their secular lives and do the opposite of what they are instructed to do. They feel very self-righteous and correct in so doing. Now how is that possible? Is there an underground religion under every sect that instructs the opposite that people live and follow and the above-ground is just a mask to wear to trick others? What is really going on here? Why the duplicity? Why not talk the talk that you REALLY walk 24/7? I wonder if slaughterers and massacrers and murderes and torturers (or those who know and look the other way) attend religious gatherings and read their holy books? Haters terrorists weaponized racists? How do they live on two levels? Is one unaware of the other? Are they all mentally defective and suffering from "split" personalities? They read piously and chant/speak in concert about loving thy neighbor and go out and blow the SOB up! Without even pausing to consider? Weird. Peculliar. Queer. less
Everyone everywhere gets to vote. Tabulating those votes could take awhile but we have brilliant computer programmers who could figger it out. The computer would automatically coun... moreEveryone everywhere gets to vote. Tabulating those votes could take awhile but we have brilliant computer programmers who could figger it out. The computer would automatically count and tabulate all votes from all who wanted to vote. Forget "eligible" voters. One size fits all. Teenagers, adolescents, kids, immigrants, felons. Every living thinking being gets to vote. Whomever wins rules.What could be simpler than that? EVERYONE gets a voice by choice in the results. No one is excluded based on any reason.Might it be a crazy enough idea to work? Uniting everyone everywhere under one roof one rule? What could it hurt? less
According to Maslow there are FIVE basic human needs. Starting with survival.1. Physiological- survival2. Safety3. Love and Belonging4. Esteem5. Self-ActualizatonInterestingly enou... moreAccording to Maslow there are FIVE basic human needs. Starting with survival.1. Physiological- survival2. Safety3. Love and Belonging4. Esteem5. Self-ActualizatonInterestingly enough that "ESTEEM" is on two levels. The lower version has to do with fame and glory. The higher version is focused on Strength, Self-Mastery and Self-Respect. It seems to be an EITHER/OR.The sb prez is the lower version of esteem seeking fame and glory 24/7. I guess he isn't alone in that.The self-actualization part has to do with wanting to become the best one can be.....whatever one is capable of being is the goal.So if you already think you ARE the best you can be you have achieved self-actualization! Congratulations! less
What part of his life is relatable to them? Worrying about paying his bills? Worrying about whether he can afford to send his kids to college? Worrying about being able to afford a... moreWhat part of his life is relatable to them? Worrying about paying his bills? Worrying about whether he can afford to send his kids to college? Worrying about being able to afford a home? Worrying about his job without which his family will starve to death? Worrying about losing his medical insurance? Worrying about being homeless?Where is the relatable part(s)?
If an unattractive couple have plastic surgery they can change their appearance drastically. But they will have children whose DNA reflects their and thus produce unattractive chil... moreIf an unattractive couple have plastic surgery they can change their appearance drastically. But they will have children whose DNA reflects their and thus produce unattractive children perhaps. When they do don't they doom those children to having plastic surgery too? Is it a kindness or does it put too much emphasis on the value of appearance?You can plastic surgery away the surface but you cannot operate on character morals or integrity. Would you like to be able to do so? Go under the knife as an SOB and become the person you'd like to be? Not an SOB but everyone's cuppa tea?Surgery or pills. We rely on them to make us whole. To help us get through life. Crutches? Booz sex religion. Crutches too? less
WHAT IFAll homo saps were honorable honest decent truthful? What if all political campaigns were based solely on HONEST differences of opinion rather than the hocus pocus lies and ... moreWHAT IFAll homo saps were honorable honest decent truthful? What if all political campaigns were based solely on HONEST differences of opinion rather than the hocus pocus lies and dirty tricks and political crap they are?WHAT IF there were NO insults or disparaging attacks or fake phony anything at any time for any reason?WHAT IF the debates were held with respectful and polite participants who would advance their positions absent attacks on their opponents?WHAT IF honor decency truth were admired and used as examples of what we strive to be? WHAT IF?Would society be stronger or weaker? Would the use of power be mitigated by common sense fair play and the rule of law respected by all?I dunno. Hard to imagine that based on what we have known in the past and what exists in the NOW. If you have a good imagination I bet you can do it. If not you'll stay with what you know and fight anyone or anything that would dare to try to change it. less
Here's what the brazen brayer is so very proud of.During President Obama's last year as president when Antonin Scalia died there was a SCOTUS seat to be filled. The son of a ... moreHere's what the brazen brayer is so very proud of.During President Obama's last year as president when Antonin Scalia died there was a SCOTUS seat to be filled. The son of a mitch jacka** said he would not allow that seat to be filled because THE NEXT PRESIDENT should have that choice. And so he REFUSED to advise and consent any choice of President Obama for a justice to replace Scalia and effectively CHEATED HIM out of a SCOTUS replacement.A coupla days ago the son of a mitch jack a** was asked if a SCOTUS seat needed to be filled during the last year of the sb president chokehold "reign" what would he do? "FILL IT" smirkingly sez the son of a mitch braying brazen jacka**!Now I KNOW y'all support that hypocrisy. It seems very right to you doesn't it? He is the worst "leader" in the Senate there ever was and his smirking stopping a president from appointing another justice to SCOTJUS will go down in history. His epitaph will read"Here lies the son of a mitch who REFUSED a president a Constitutional R... less
Why was there no problem impeaching Bill Clinton or being ready to impeach Tricky Dicky Nixon but now with the scumbag prez on the hot seat it cannot be done? What kinda cockamamie... moreWhy was there no problem impeaching Bill Clinton or being ready to impeach Tricky Dicky Nixon but now with the scumbag prez on the hot seat it cannot be done? What kinda cockamamie bullsh** is that?"You cannot indict/charge a sitting president"! What kinda crap is that! Republican trumpican idiocy at work.
"SIEGE: Trump Under Fire", a book written by Michael Wolff will be released June 4. In it Steve Bannon isquoted as saying"Trump will lose supporters when they discover he's j... more"SIEGE: Trump Under Fire", a book written by Michael Wolff will be released June 4. In it Steve Bannon isquoted as saying"Trump will lose supporters when they discover he's just another non-billionaire scumbag".So what happened to this "friendship"? Do the sb prez fans really like the sb prez because they think he is a non-scumbag billionaire? I dunno. Puzzlling.
There's an amusement park near our city , and its big and theres lot of fun rides, but i dont have much friends anymore and i was wondering if that would still be nice to go t... moreThere's an amusement park near our city , and its big and theres lot of fun rides, but i dont have much friends anymore and i was wondering if that would still be nice to go there alone.
Me , my next step would be to succeed the driving exam, and get my driving license... That would be something big. Being able to buy a car and drive and all that. That would b... moreMe , my next step would be to succeed the driving exam, and get my driving license... That would be something big. Being able to buy a car and drive and all that. That would be a big improvment from my current situation.
(Some of which might be dual duties or multiple duties performed by one person.)AdministratorCashierCookCounselorCustodian/JanitorFood ServiceLifeguardNurseSecurity
Which others, please?~
Men Going Their Own Way
M.G.T.O.W - Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. I... moreMen Going Their Own Way
M.G.T.O.W - Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a "man" is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.
In Lindesnes Norway. That's where. The only under-ocean restaurant in Europe. Is there another one anywhere else? I'd get claustrophobic so I don't care how great the food or view ... moreIn Lindesnes Norway. That's where. The only under-ocean restaurant in Europe. Is there another one anywhere else? I'd get claustrophobic so I don't care how great the food or view not my cuppa tea. Yours?