“Because it goes to a very fundamental principle of all nations, which is that our borders should be inviolate, that our sovereignty should be respected..."Too bad, he was ta... more“Because it goes to a very fundamental principle of all nations, which is that our borders should be inviolate, that our sovereignty should be respected..."Too bad, he was talking about Ukraine's border. Think they will apply this line of thought to the American border?
I sometimes watch Fox & Friends so I will be prepared to get the lead role in a Bobblehead's VS Legos movie or TV series. I get a lot of pointers by watching th... moreI sometimes watch Fox & Friends so I will be prepared to get the lead role in a Bobblehead's VS Legos movie or TV series. I get a lot of pointers by watching the 3 hosts do their Bobblehead thing when they are talking with Trump or his supporters. I also watch Fox & Friends to see if Bobbleheads have any secret weapons that would help them win a fight against the Legos and from what I can tell their secrete weapon is diversion. The other day the big news across the Nation was the Jan. 6th committee closing the net on Trump and the news that Trump likely cheated on his tax's. But on Fox & Friends the big news was that M&M's were changing the look of 2 of their characters and they some how blamed it on Biden and the Demarcates. They did the same thing during Trump's 2nd impeachment but back then it was MR. Potato head. Cheers! less
advantage of the offer and move in?My friend from China says it is quite common for corporations to do that practice and I think sometimes the corporations even make it obligatory ... moreadvantage of the offer and move in?My friend from China says it is quite common for corporations to do that practice and I think sometimes the corporations even make it obligatory for employees to move in and occupy the rental property they provide.
You ask someone what they are and they say beer-battered raccoon balls. What do you do?1. Say "Oh", and grab another skewer.2. Head for the toilet and throw up.3. ... moreYou ask someone what they are and they say beer-battered raccoon balls. What do you do?1. Say "Oh", and grab another skewer.2. Head for the toilet and throw up.3. Punch the host.4. Chug a cup of the spiked punch.5. Other________________.
Once a gal who was a member of a Jamaican forum I was on made a post about how happy she was. She was happy because she had met a nice guy. A couple of weeks later she made a post ... moreOnce a gal who was a member of a Jamaican forum I was on made a post about how happy she was. She was happy because she had met a nice guy. A couple of weeks later she made a post about how frustrated she was. She was frustrated because the guy had suddenly ghosted her and he wasn't answering her phone calls or texts. So I suggested that she tie a note to a brick that said - IGNORE THIS and then throw it through his window. After I posted it I thought it could be bad advice so I let her know that she should bring her 24 year old son just in case. Cheers! less
23 years ago, I was struck by a car and taken to the hospital. When released, I had nobody to call to get a ride home, so I had the desk call a cab for me. I had no money, so I gav... more23 years ago, I was struck by a car and taken to the hospital. When released, I had nobody to call to get a ride home, so I had the desk call a cab for me. I had no money, so I gave the driver my wallet and went to my apartment and got some. A really bad night.
A. Uber, Lyft etc.B. Food delivery.C. Boxed food services.D. Amazon or other online shopping.E. Social media. (Other than answerMug.)F. other___... moreA. Uber, Lyft etc.B. Food delivery.C. Boxed food services.D. Amazon or other online shopping.E. Social media. (Other than answerMug.)F. other__________________.
I heard they hired a completely different set of referees and submitted fake paperwork to the NFL with a score saying the Packers won. Don't know if they had a plan t... moreHello:
I heard they hired a completely different set of referees and submitted fake paperwork to the NFL with a score saying the Packers won. Don't know if they had a plan to storm the league office, though.. They'll fix it by passing a new law that gives the Packers a 10 point lead at the start of all home games.
If you happen to be an old sea dog and know how to listen carefully, you can hear the ocean spin her yarns of great sea ventures of ye great glorious olden days of wooden ships and sail.
Here where I live the breezes are almost always from the northeast which is ideal because that is the good clean fresh air coming from the mountain ranges.
I think the My Pillow Guy did because he knows it now means Dominion Voting Systems will win the billion and a half dollar law suit they have filled against him. Cheers!