Can he control the millions of weaponnized adoring worshippers ..the racists who are waiting for his whistle?How?We shall see how "peaceful" it is. Perhaps the powers that be can f... moreCan he control the millions of weaponnized adoring worshippers ..the racists who are waiting for his whistle?How?We shall see how "peaceful" it is. Perhaps the powers that be can finnaly have the 2020 prez election LOSER committed to a mental facility where he can be helped. Who knows? Anything is possible.
He allegated alleged said untruths and never provided evidence proof. NOT ONCE.He can't now since more lies and guess what? Even the Wall Street Journal is asking for PROOF EVIDENC... moreHe allegated alleged said untruths and never provided evidence proof. NOT ONCE.He can't now since more lies and guess what? Even the Wall Street Journal is asking for PROOF EVIDENCE.The 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE can't provide that which DOES NOT EXIST. He is now a squealing pig who is stuck in his own muck. Now what? More squealing more onks more allegating?
The 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE keeps repeating what he has said before repeatedly. Does that mean he has just run out of new and can't shut up so he keeps regurgitati... moreThe 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE keeps repeating what he has said before repeatedly. Does that mean he has just run out of new and can't shut up so he keeps regurgitating regurgitating regurgitating? I dunno. Do you? Nothing new. Sameoldsameoldsameold.
Remember way back when he said he would never tell "the enemy" what his plans were? That doing so would be very stupid dumb to telegraph in advance anything. He went on and on and ... moreRemember way back when he said he would never tell "the enemy" what his plans were? That doing so would be very stupid dumb to telegraph in advance anything. He went on and on and on with his normal level of VITRIOL and SARCASM about how very stupid dumb that was and he wasn't.GUESS WHAT FOLKS? The stupid dumb has done that very thing. TELEGRAPHED IN ADVANCE his plans of troop withdrawal in a coupla hot spots. LOUD AND CLEAR AND WITH ADAMANT PECULIARLY QUEER DEFIANCE.To give Vlad and Kim and Duterte and Erdogan a head's up. To sate his racist base of haters? I dunno. Makes no sense to me but then the 2020 prez election loser never did. Why should he now?Of course what he SAYS he will do and WHAT HE ACTUALLY DO DO is often untrue or hoodoo voodoo.Whatta prize. Booby. less
This time it will be the squealing stuck pig transfer. Loud and noisy and filled with oinks.Stuck pig transfer will go down in history as being the most absurd disgusting and embar... moreThis time it will be the squealing stuck pig transfer. Loud and noisy and filled with oinks.Stuck pig transfer will go down in history as being the most absurd disgusting and embarrassing. Well whatcha gonna do?
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French philosopher theologian mathematician and physicist who said humans bet their lives that GOD either exists or does not exist.His view was that... moreBlaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French philosopher theologian mathematician and physicist who said humans bet their lives that GOD either exists or does not exist.His view was that a rational person should live as if GOD exists and seek to believe in HIM.If GOD does not exist such person will have a finite loss(some pleasures or luxuries) whereas if GOD does exist the person stands to receive infinite gains (Heaven) and avoid infinite loss (eternity in HE**)."That wager broke ground for probability theory, decision theory, existentialism pragmatism and voluntarism" allegedly. So it's a gamble. Why not gamble on the side of what will benefit you most? WHAT COULD IT HURT? WHO WOULD BE HARMED".The result of that question caused so much aggravation to a lot of people. I didn't understand why it did so I thought I'd run it up the flagpole again and see what happens. less
Yep. The half-a**ed "president" demonized those who didn't. Lied about them and viciously attacked them 24/7 at all the ego hate rallies and in all the speeches he made. A laughing... moreYep. The half-a**ed "president" demonized those who didn't. Lied about them and viciously attacked them 24/7 at all the ego hate rallies and in all the speeches he made. A laughingstock that terrorized and terrified and powerized his way to extreme right wing racist promulgations propagations incantations.He brought out of the slime the very worst homo saps and publicized them sanctified them gave his two stubby fat thumbs up. Their hero. Their soulmate.The half-a**ed did a great job for the half he represented. They adore him. For the rest of us AND THE WORLD he sucked bigly.It is what it is. The past cannot be pretzelized or mitigated or realighed or smoothed out. It is set in stone. It can be lied about of course and will be and is. The hallmark of the half-a**ed president and his lemmings. LIES.I wonder what we did to have deserved him? Any clue? less
Would you finally regret what you had done/said?Would you finally regret all the people you were instructed to hate?Would you finally regret the person(s) you believed in who were ... moreWould you finally regret what you had done/said?Would you finally regret all the people you were instructed to hate?Would you finally regret the person(s) you believed in who were vile evil satanic?Or would you insist you were right and what you were told was just fake news? Just wondering how bullheaded and wrongheaded you are even at death's edge. Anything is possible.
What was the world like before the infamous descent on a mall escalator? More importantly what was the United of America like before that day that will live in infamy?Is there any ... moreWhat was the world like before the infamous descent on a mall escalator? More importantly what was the United of America like before that day that will live in infamy?Is there any way to calculate the harm damage evil that the 2020 pres election loser hath wrought since he came into "power"? A best guess? A ballpark number?
I don't know how others perceive them but to me they are an evil laughingstock. Not remotely "religious". 100% political and support a vile cruel spawn of Satan. .Any "religious" g... moreI don't know how others perceive them but to me they are an evil laughingstock. Not remotely "religious". 100% political and support a vile cruel spawn of Satan. .Any "religious" group that supports hate and racism and destructoin is not of GOD. It is a blasphemy that cannot be forgiven.Perhaps once upon a time long ago they were true believers. Something corrupted them and changed them. y. The devil works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Allegedly evangelicals are the largest single block of supporters for the 2020 prez election loser. It is not a distinction of which to be most proud. It is shameful.. less
I just talked to my daughter and they are in her city. I will likely go to the store after work and try to get pack. So we do not run out.WHY???? Are they hoarding it again????
Employee cannot collect unemployment if job is openIf employee goes back to work and gets the virus the employer is PROTECTED from any lawsuits.What brilliant mind supports that ab... moreEmployee cannot collect unemployment if job is openIf employee goes back to work and gets the virus the employer is PROTECTED from any lawsuits.What brilliant mind supports that abomination? The majority senator in the usa. AT all costs he wants employers protected from the negative results of their demands. Held harmless in all cases.The employee is choiceless. It is hopeless. You refuse to go back to a he**hole environment because you don't want to get ill, spread the diseases and maybe die. Geez why?You get no unemployment money for that since a job was available and you did not go back to it.Good job protecting the culprits the perps the evildoers. They protect each other and one another 24/7. It is a given.That's the way it is in the amurrica of today.Is it that way in your country too or are there actually politicians who care about the people and act on their behalf and don't always roll over for the rich and powerful? Anyone? Anywhere? less
"The Moving Fingers writes, and, having writ,Moves on: nor all your Piety nor WitShall lure it back to cancel half a Line,Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."
He got through it and survived it. now he is in an 14-day quarantine because he was exposed to someone who had it.So this immunity claim is bullsh** then? If you get it and survive... moreHe got through it and survived it. now he is in an 14-day quarantine because he was exposed to someone who had it.So this immunity claim is bullsh** then? If you get it and survive you will get it again at some point?Really? Isn't that swell?
The election was two weeks ago, and the key state projections that made it clear that Joe Biden is our president-elect are 10 days old. But Donald Trump is still coursing through o... moreThe election was two weeks ago, and the key state projections that made it clear that Joe Biden is our president-elect are 10 days old. But Donald Trump is still coursing through our veins, isn't he?All the signatures of Trump intoxication - the rush of indignation, the paranoid agitation, the hallucinatory blur of endless news cycles - are still powerfully in effect in American public life.It is one last surprise that he is managing to tighten his grip on the consciousnesses of those who loathe him, no less than his supporters, even as he is about to become just another former president. less
That is to say when an innocent unarmed young black man is knee-necked to death the knee necker murderer dies the exact same way right on the spot.Or a pedophile torturer rapist mu... moreThat is to say when an innocent unarmed young black man is knee-necked to death the knee necker murderer dies the exact same way right on the spot.Or a pedophile torturer rapist murderer gets all of that done to him before his demise?No need for lawyers or courts or judges. The UNIVERSE would take care of it. A JUST UNIVERSE. DETACHED AUTOMATIC NON-PARTISANThe law abiders and doers of good what have nothing to fear.Their opposites would either change their ways or die out or live out their lives locked up away from everyone.Could you handle such a world?Liars would not prosper. Neither would betrayers or cheaters or saboteurs or traitors. Denying would not work. Coverups would not work. And if many corroborated the lies told they would suffer the exact same consequences as if they were the doers. Supporting evil would have its immediate consequences. There would be no cozying up and a*kissing to get ahead.I know it would be a great adjustment for those who never do an honorable things in their lives. I wonder if... less
You cannot believeth in both. They are mutually exclusive.The 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE said "I am the chosen one". His supporters believe GOD sent him to them to sa... moreYou cannot believeth in both. They are mutually exclusive.The 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE said "I am the chosen one". His supporters believe GOD sent him to them to salvate them.I think those who think that need to have their thinkers calibrated cleaned and maintenanced.Believe in GOD or believe in the 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE. Which izzit?
Since the advent of the coming of the abomination we have had only BADNESS and MERCILESS as our daily companions. His reign of terror is almost over. Will we ever be able to go bac... moreSince the advent of the coming of the abomination we have had only BADNESS and MERCILESS as our daily companions. His reign of terror is almost over. Will we ever be able to go back or has he destroyed all bridges to that?Do you miss what used to be? When the abomination wasn't in control in charge?Some so much prefer the abomination. Different strokes and all that.
Are you familiar with MATTHEW 6:13?"....lead us not into temptation but deliver us FROM evil..."It changed a few years ago when the 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE Ultimat... moreAre you familiar with MATTHEW 6:13?"....lead us not into temptation but deliver us FROM evil..."It changed a few years ago when the 2020 prez election LOSER FAIR AND SQUARE Ultimatummed AmericaLead us into temptation and deliver us TO evilDidja notice?
CATASTROPHIC OUTCOMES.All thanks due the 2020 prez election LOSER and his delays and indifference and mocking and ridiculing and doing nothing but ignore it for the last five month... moreCATASTROPHIC OUTCOMES.All thanks due the 2020 prez election LOSER and his delays and indifference and mocking and ridiculing and doing nothing but ignore it for the last five months.What are your headlines today? Whom do you thank for them?
HATE for "the other" and perdition annihilation division abomination incantation devastation politicalization.What happened?When did GOD become a political tool pulled out and used... moreHATE for "the other" and perdition annihilation division abomination incantation devastation politicalization.What happened?When did GOD become a political tool pulled out and used when convenient? A photo op holding a bible upside down in front of a church symbolizing what? Clearing of a square filled with peace demonstrators using teargas so that the photo op king could have his fling to impress the so-called alleged religious believers" who supported him.They fell for it hook line and sinker and pointed to it as proof that the photo op lusterer was sent to them BY GOD to insure their salvation. An abomination that anyone anywhere could think that GOD had sunk so low as that!Whatever happened to seeking our "higher angels"? Anyone? less
The monster defiled it perhaps forever and is trying to blow it up as a present to the country for rejecting him making him a LOSER.Poor anyone who follows the ABOMINATION spawn of... moreThe monster defiled it perhaps forever and is trying to blow it up as a present to the country for rejecting him making him a LOSER.Poor anyone who follows the ABOMINATION spawn of the devil. T'is a pity that the abomination doesn't self-destruct now. Too much to hope for. He will take his last breathe as bogus fake president as he destroys everything he can. I wish him a permanent he** forever after through eternity. He deserves nothing less than the perfection of evil. Breathe it eat it live it embrace it. SATAN is waiting for him. Whenever.. less
She has already said F Christmas but she might still decorate the WH. This year she might add a new Manger and the 3 wise men will look like the Proud Boys and ba... moreShe has already said F Christmas but she might still decorate the WH. This year she might add a new Manger and the 3 wise men will look like the Proud Boys and baby Jesus will look like Donald Trump. Cheers!