Of course we all need certain BASIC things to survive. But how much beyond NEED can WANT go?Is it a competition? He who has the most toys wins. Wins WHAT?Success means different th... moreOf course we all need certain BASIC things to survive. But how much beyond NEED can WANT go?Is it a competition? He who has the most toys wins. Wins WHAT?Success means different things to different people. There are those whose wants are insatiable. Is that a disease of the soul or something else?
Having a pet gives you something outside yourself that requires your attention and action.Some folks do not like pets. I suspect they also do not like people. They only like themse... moreHaving a pet gives you something outside yourself that requires your attention and action.Some folks do not like pets. I suspect they also do not like people. They only like themselves and do not want to be bothered attending to the needs of another or others. Selfish? You betcha..
election go all the way to the Supreme Court?He has been concerned about being pardoned because that would mean he had done something wrongful and illegal. "I have never done anyth... moreelection go all the way to the Supreme Court?He has been concerned about being pardoned because that would mean he had done something wrongful and illegal. "I have never done anything wrong" he has claimed."I have the absolute right to pardon myself" he has also claimed.
More lawyers bailed from the fake "election fraud" lawsuits. The last one is most fun. It seems RudyG held a press conference at the 4 seasons landscape company....nestled between ... moreMore lawyers bailed from the fake "election fraud" lawsuits. The last one is most fun. It seems RudyG held a press conference at the 4 seasons landscape company....nestled between an "adult" bookstore and a Crematorium. He went on and on about the "rigged" election and conspiracy theoried and election vote fraud bullpuckey yadayadayadayada.....So the lawyers bolted from this crackpot wackadoodlenenoodle wingnut. Amazing how thick and obtuse and blockheaded they all are. Isn't it?Of course all the bazillion election fraud lawsuits the loser and his ambulances chasers keep filing keep getting thrown back in their faces. NO PROOF. NO EVIDENCE. Judges just LOVE having their time wasted and the court being mockied and ridiculed.They keep doing what isn't working further cementing the proof of how stupid dumb they all are. How they cannot learn from what doesn't work shift gears. We all know this. They never will. Fun to watch keystone kops keystone kopping isn't it? Dumb & dumber. three stooges. less
Why is GOD only to be found in church? In a designated building? On a designated day at a designated hour?Why doesn't GOD exist within YOU? Exist at home? Seriously that is very la... moreWhy is GOD only to be found in church? In a designated building? On a designated day at a designated hour?Why doesn't GOD exist within YOU? Exist at home? Seriously that is very lame. If you only think of GOD on a day you are jammed together with others listening to someone tell you what GOD thinks I have a secret for you. YOU ARE A FAKE. YOU DO NOT BELIEVE. YOU JUST GO TO CHURCH FOR SHOW.So sue me.
If two men or two women get married what does that have to do with me, with my life, with my beliefs? NOTHING that's what.Also I assume he refers to not wanting sardines packed tog... moreIf two men or two women get married what does that have to do with me, with my life, with my beliefs? NOTHING that's what.Also I assume he refers to not wanting sardines packed together in the brine of church to further the speed of getting ill and or dying. Don't you think GOD wants people to STAY ALIVE?That guy is illogical. A supreme who doesn't use his brains in a logical manner? Isn't that wunnerful? Just what we need. Good golly. Good grief. My goodness. What else does this brilliant jurist think? Dare we ask? less
Here’s the photo and video of how I want to make the Spinning Toy Train Top to look exactly like this that made all out of just card stock, and can it really spin with card s... moreHere’s the photo and video of how I want to make the Spinning Toy Train Top to look exactly like this that made all out of just card stock, and can it really spin with card stock train going around just like that-can it really work like that even if I made it only with card stocks? :
Per the New York Times ALLEGEDLY the loser asked staff members about a plan to subvert the electoral college. In other words RIG it!Now we all know the loser never rigged a dam* th... morePer the New York Times ALLEGEDLY the loser asked staff members about a plan to subvert the electoral college. In other words RIG it!Now we all know the loser never rigged a dam* thing in his life! He is a truthteller straightshooter honest to goodness integritous guy through and through head to toe. Over his dead body would he ever connive and lie and manipulate and sabotage and change anything to gain anything for any reason ever.Of course we know he was joking. We know what a superb sense of humor he has always displaying it as often as he can since he is always so very happy and joyful and positive. We know. We know. We know. less
Wouldn't that organization be the best cover for them? Pretending to anti so they could roll about in it?While we are at it I wonder how many abortions so-called alleged pro-lifers... moreWouldn't that organization be the best cover for them? Pretending to anti so they could roll about in it?While we are at it I wonder how many abortions so-called alleged pro-lifers have had or supported?I wonder how many use birth control as the vilify its use?Do you wonder too?
Allegedly it began by 2017 posting by someone who called himseld Q because he said he had a Q clearance. One person started it and it has grown quite bigly everywherely.The gist of... moreAllegedly it began by 2017 posting by someone who called himseld Q because he said he had a Q clearance. One person started it and it has grown quite bigly everywherely.The gist of it.QANON is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of satan-worshipping pedophiles is running a global child sex trafficking ring and plotting against the loser who is fighting it. Allegedly the loser is planning a day of reckoning called THE STORM when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested.Now when did you ever hear the loser talk about QANON and his role in it? When did you ever hear him talking about a global cabal of pedophiles running a child sex trafficking ring? Why would he stay silent on such a big thing? He brags about all he will accomplish "in a certain period of time". He brags about the marvelous GOP health care plan that no one has seen since there is none. He always brags about what he is doing and planning and achieving. NOT ONE WORD about this heroic and very grave and brave task he has set ... less
He wants to see larger and bigger and meaner and angrier protest crowds every day. Armed weaponized to protect his honor which was badly damaged by his LOSS.If they know what's goo... moreHe wants to see larger and bigger and meaner and angrier protest crowds every day. Armed weaponized to protect his honor which was badly damaged by his LOSS.If they know what's good for them they'd better not disappoint. Bad things happen to those who do.The "million MAGA march"? How many showed up? 100,000? 20,000?They adore ganging together these birds of a feather. Were they all armed and ready to do battle? When does the real WAR begin against we the people who dared to vote our conscience and not for the loser?How many weaponized loser supporters will march together to annihilate us?I can hardly wait. Never been at the wrong end of a gun. Now I will be at the wrong end of a bazillion guns of the frenzied wackadoodlenoodle crackpots whose reality is in another dimension entirely. They feed off each other one another. The monster is stalking about everyone. When will the monster come to YOUR neighborhood?Only blues will be targeted. Reds will applaud cheer and be MAGA attired. Maybe providing more bullets whe... less
It was "rigged" to withstand tampering cheating sabotaging undermining.It was "rigged" by people who voted honestly.It was "rigged" by the election authorities who whatever their p... moreIt was "rigged" to withstand tampering cheating sabotaging undermining.It was "rigged" by people who voted honestly.It was "rigged" by the election authorities who whatever their partisan political views had nothing to do with their duty to make sure the election was fair and just and right.Such "rigging" the loser and his adoring worshippers cannot apparently tolerate.
The 5 million or so Americans who voted for Joe Biden thus not voting for the loser?It's a free country. We vote for the person we want. Isn't that the way the election SHOULD BE?B... moreThe 5 million or so Americans who voted for Joe Biden thus not voting for the loser?It's a free country. We vote for the person we want. Isn't that the way the election SHOULD BE?Bet all those pro-loser voters voted for him. No one is protesting them. Why are they protesting the not thems?Anyone?You can't force people to like the loser. We just don't. We don't trust him we don't believe him we have no use for him. So why should we have voted for him? That would have been ILLOGICAL.
Allegedly some GOP members tested positive for COVID and only the GOP caucus was notified to work from home and why. Not any Dems. Not one.All is fair in love and war and politics ... moreAllegedly some GOP members tested positive for COVID and only the GOP caucus was notified to work from home and why. Not any Dems. Not one.All is fair in love and war and politics I guess right? Even including something that could cause illness and death. It figgers.GOP is nothing if not excellent promulgaters of partisan political hate. Wherever you look you will find the same level of HATE for any not their own ilk.They despise their non-ilk. All of them. Every one of them. Admirable.Congrats to them for showing us what they are. Proud they are. Of what they are. You too right?Do unto others. Turn the other cheek.What should be the appropriate response of the Dems when they found out? They were ENRAGED OUTRAGED.What cheek should have turned? How many times? Do unto others. No matter what they do unto you. i see. less
The masked and social distanced are ACTIVELY FIGHTING a pandemic. The whinya** complainers just sit there and let the virus do whatever it wants with them. Amazing how cowardly the... moreThe masked and social distanced are ACTIVELY FIGHTING a pandemic. The whinya** complainers just sit there and let the virus do whatever it wants with them. Amazing how cowardly they all are. TO NOT FIGHT AT ALL?There you have it.A coward dies a thousand deaths..The brave dies but one.
Do haters pray? To whom for what? Do their hates have to be identical or just "in the ballpark"? Hating is the big thing these days. Very stylish. Very au courant. Very "with it".T... moreDo haters pray? To whom for what? Do their hates have to be identical or just "in the ballpark"? Hating is the big thing these days. Very stylish. Very au courant. Very "with it".Think it will go the way of the doodoo bird, snipe, beanie baby, hula hoop and dinosaur and poodle skirt and crinolins and penny loafers and square dances and barn building and potluck dinners in a neighborhood and neighbor helping neighbor JUST BECAUSE and Tiny Tim? Or is it so swell it's here to stay? What "it"? HATE of course. What else is there that is so popular and admired? 72 million people can't be wrong can they? Of course not. less
Eat or be eaten...the way wild things live. Not because they Hate "the other" but because the law of the jungle is survival of the fittest.Not for power or glory or self-serving ag... moreEat or be eaten...the way wild things live. Not because they Hate "the other" but because the law of the jungle is survival of the fittest.Not for power or glory or self-serving aggradisement. Not take victory laps because they outdid "the enemy" by all kinds of ruses and lies and fake and treason and traitoring without limit.Is there any other species that is so low and evil as the homo sap?Ego. Pride. Control. Big man on a totem pole.Not just to survive but to demolish decimate desecrate destroy all else all other so that bragging and victory lapping to cheers of throngs of admirers. Only in homo sapland or other animal lands too?I dunno. Mebbe so. Mebbe not. I think homo saps are the lowest end on the totem pole. Cruel for its own sake. Murder for the thrill of it. Could I be wrong? Of course. Can anyone prove it? My wrongness? My wrongheadedness?Any other species have millions who follow a madman and accept whatever he does/says without question?Think lions and tigers and leopards and snakes and elephants an... less
The America to which I refer was the UNITED America especially obvious during World War 2. We who stayed at home did our part to support those who went to war. We did without thing... moreThe America to which I refer was the UNITED America especially obvious during World War 2. We who stayed at home did our part to support those who went to war. We did without things like butter and sugar and experienced rationing. We used to say "butter for guns" meaning that whatever we did without could be utilized for the war effort.Men went to war. Women went to factories to do those jobs. Celebrities got together and created "canteens" where soldiers could go for a little relaxation. There were WAR BOND drives and many celebrities used that fame to help in the war effrot. Celebrities like Bob Hope spent years entertaining the troops. There were no pockets of anti-American hate or sabotage or traitoring or treasoning which we have experienced of late via the 2020 election loser. HATE RALLIES is what we have today. HATE rallies that millions of so-called "amurricans" attend and cheer and stomp and shout out about their HATE. There were not 72 million haters of America as there are now. We have the fancy dancy... less
Another humiliating embarrassment. One million? NAW. A coupla thousand? YAW. So the loser decided those who showed up weren't worth his time so he moved on to do what he always doe... moreAnother humiliating embarrassment. One million? NAW. A coupla thousand? YAW. So the loser decided those who showed up weren't worth his time so he moved on to do what he always does. PLAY GOLF as he services himself always.!