party to which they belonged? Caveat: this does not mean the broad, overall spectrum of their political beliefs, it merely focuses on you not wanting to be with someone based... moreparty to which they belonged? Caveat: this does not mean the broad, overall spectrum of their political beliefs, it merely focuses on you not wanting to be with someone based on membership or affiliation with a particular political party.
Knock it off, NFL -- We call The Grammys, The GrammysWe call The Oscars, The OscarsWe call The World Series, The World Seriesgeez
and I'm adding a totally unrelated song by Th... moreKnock it off, NFL -- We call The Grammys, The GrammysWe call The Oscars, The OscarsWe call The World Series, The World Seriesgeez
and I'm adding a totally unrelated song by The Cars simply because I adore the song and the music video, "Drive"oh, wait - - make that "a song by The Four-Wheeled Passenger Vehicles"
You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every politician is corrupt in some way. Life is too short to spend it worrying about things you can’t control. That... moreYou’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every politician is corrupt in some way. Life is too short to spend it worrying about things you can’t control. That’s my opinion, at least.
A) call up my ex who lives in Toronto and say “how you doin’?”B) sit next to some hot stranger at the hotel bar and say “how you doin’?”C) stay ... moreA) call up my ex who lives in Toronto and say “how you doin’?”B) sit next to some hot stranger at the hotel bar and say “how you doin’?”C) stay in my hotel room and watch re-runs of Friends HOW YOU DOIN’ ?
.If the FBI went on CNN to say "Watch out, evil rotten Bo Jiden and your criminal Narpas organization. We're about to do a deep investigation into you!", do you think that would pr... more.If the FBI went on CNN to say "Watch out, evil rotten Bo Jiden and your criminal Narpas organization. We're about to do a deep investigation into you!", do you think that would produce good results, or would Jiden and Narpas make massive efforts to hide any wrongdoing once they knew the FBI was after them?That's essentially the Trump defense in the impeachment trial, that having Ukraine President Zelensky announce the investigation into "corruption" in Parnas and surrounding Hunter Biden .on CNN was the best possible way to fight corruption in Ukraine.
I don't buy it, and I think anyone who does suffers from a severe case of motivated cognition. less