Today when I was splitting firewood I found some Geco eggs and I'm going to see if I can get them to hatch. I can already see a bit of movement inside a few of the eggs. If they ha... moreToday when I was splitting firewood I found some Geco eggs and I'm going to see if I can get them to hatch. I can already see a bit of movement inside a few of the eggs. If they hatch and get big enough I will put them in my gardens to help control insects. Cheers!
It’s not even believable, it’s just plain crazy talk. If you’ll admit that you made it all up, that you’re just joking around, and you won’t do... more It’s not even believable, it’s just plain crazy talk. If you’ll admit that you made it all up, that you’re just joking around, and you won’t do it again, they’ll let you go.~
Are you male or female? I am thinking about getting my sweetie a ring as a surprise but I'm not sure what he would like. I have always liked pinky rings and would ... moreAre you male or female? I am thinking about getting my sweetie a ring as a surprise but I'm not sure what he would like. I have always liked pinky rings and would like to get one that compliments the other turquoise ring that he wears. Do guys like pinky rings?
Curiously, although MAGA has been the catchphrase of Trump and his supporters for close to 4 years now, I have yet to hear a coherent explanation of what past American glory will b... moreCuriously, although MAGA has been the catchphrase of Trump and his supporters for close to 4 years now, I have yet to hear a coherent explanation of what past American glory will be restored and what actions will restore it.Has anyone else here heard anything?
Trump just realised the new Space Force logo and it looks a lot like the Star Trek logo. Included a link to a photo and more info. Cheers! moreTrump just realised the new Space Force logo and it looks a lot like the Star Trek logo. Included a link to a photo and more info. Cheers!
The only thing I remember is when entering first grade, I could read and none of the other students could. Who taught me is still a mystery. It could have been my oldest sister, bu... moreThe only thing I remember is when entering first grade, I could read and none of the other students could. Who taught me is still a mystery. It could have been my oldest sister, but I never asked her and she has been out of contact with the rest of us for decades.
“I categorically deny those allegations!”“These accusations are categorically false!”Fine, exactly how are they categorized? What is the category in which t... more“I categorically deny those allegations!”“These accusations are categorically false!”Fine, exactly how are they categorized? What is the category in which the denial falls? What’s the category that renders the sentence sensible? What in the heck is it actually supposed to mean?What are some other words, phrases, expressions or adages that are also just as empty or meaningless as those examples above?~
When it was over, and after a few different musical acts had performed at it, I asked, “Who won?”What were some words that you misunderstood as a child and later l... moreWhen it was over, and after a few different musical acts had performed at it, I asked, “Who won?”What were some words that you misunderstood as a child and later learned their correct meanings?~