All the very worst people are disguised as infants and babies and toddlers and little children. Very clever disguise. That is what the terrorists and rapists and drug dealers and m... moreAll the very worst people are disguised as infants and babies and toddlers and little children. Very clever disguise. That is what the terrorists and rapists and drug dealers and murderers look like. But we have outwitted them and see right through the disguise. We are so g-d WISE for our size . Sighs?
By pretzelizing the straight and narrow. By crippling the basis of what used to be. By defaming the reputation of a once-good nation. It fits him perfectly and will stretch as he&n... moreBy pretzelizing the straight and narrow. By crippling the basis of what used to be. By defaming the reputation of a once-good nation. It fits him perfectly and will stretch as he grows ever larger and larger and larger.
Trying to come to America. Taking a dangerous journey. Being forced to wait so long they tried to cross via the Rio Grande River and drowned. Some take a desert route and die... moreTrying to come to America. Taking a dangerous journey. Being forced to wait so long they tried to cross via the Rio Grande River and drowned. Some take a desert route and die there from the extreme heat.People are dying to come to America. LITERALLY as well as figuratively. Sad that they risk lives for a country that is no longer safe for them...led by a despot dictator who despises them. A sad end. For what ?
My step mom was watching 16 And Pregnant I don't get why so many young girls like this show. She was also 16 when she got pregnant with her son she had him at 17. Her and my dad we... moreMy step mom was watching 16 And Pregnant I don't get why so many young girls like this show. She was also 16 when she got pregnant with her son she had him at 17. Her and my dad were already married she lived with her uncle he's dad's my best friend but he wasn't happy when she got pregnant he was kind of mad at him. I don't see what the point of this show is. I can see why lots of girls like this they think because they get pregnant they probably think they're gonna get on tv that's what I think. It's a waist of space on tv and a waist of time. Lots of my step mom's friends also had babies when they were in high school now 8 or 5 years later half these women aren't married or the kids don't see they're dad's anymore. I also think they have kids so they can stay with they're boyfriends sometimes it works some it doesn't. One girl at my step mom's school got pregnant at 13 had her daughter at 14. Now this year her daughter will be 10 the same age as my little brother. Also I'm friends with a lot of my mom's frien... less
He harassed folks years before he rode DOWN the escalator, an important portent of things to come. Down down down down down. He was a harasser BEFORE he ever ran for prez. He... moreHe harassed folks years before he rode DOWN the escalator, an important portent of things to come. Down down down down down. He was a harasser BEFORE he ever ran for prez. He's got it down pat. Now as President he admits it exists. PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! You betchure bippy baby! He harasses from morn till night by tweeting and speaking and growling and swearing and attacking and insulting and denying and lying. PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT began with the sb prez. Will that be his legacy that all future president's will wear in his honor? HARASSING EVERYONE ALL THE TIME? "Here lies the greatest PRESIDENTIAL HARASSER OF ALL TIME: His Harassment of many is LEGENDARY. An incomparable incompetent incoherent incomprehensible inchoate inarticulate inept infuriating insolent insular individual superduperpooperscooper harassment president!" less
the Starbucks guy asking me my name everyday when he obviously already knows it? the brinks guys that always asks me how my day is going? my coworker that sends me memes? all you g... morethe Starbucks guy asking me my name everyday when he obviously already knows it? the brinks guys that always asks me how my day is going? my coworker that sends me memes? all you guys? like im sorry im so easy to fall in love with???
I want to open up my other Facebook account but I can't remember what email I used for it. It's been about 5 years ago I don't remember. How can I recover it ?
You are required to get a driver's licenseYou are required to get a hunting licenseYou are required to get a fishing licenseYou are required to follow the posted speed limitsYou ar... moreYou are required to get a driver's licenseYou are required to get a hunting licenseYou are required to get a fishing licenseYou are required to follow the posted speed limitsYou are required to get a license to carry a concealed weapon (I don 't know you?)Restaurants/bars are required to get a liquor license if they want to serve boozeBusinesses are required to get a business license if they want to engage in businessTV and Video stations are required to get a license from the FCC Allowing use of the air wavesYou are required to pay property taxesYou don't get to choose which you'll do and which you won't. Not legally. Do folks cheat? Do chickens cackle? less
Work hard to do their jobs better. Get more education by going to night school or a trade school while they worked at a job to earn a living by day. I do not recall anyone whining ... moreWork hard to do their jobs better. Get more education by going to night school or a trade school while they worked at a job to earn a living by day. I do not recall anyone whining about it. When they were dissatisfied they DID something about it. Something is missing today. More corruption criminal behavior replacing the good old tried and true honesty and hard work. Short cuts. Take the easy way out. Lie. Blame others. Undermine them to make yourself look good. And on and on and on and on and on. Today's people are SOFT and LAZY. They want to start at the top and do as little work as necessary. Not all of them but enough of them to get sick and tired of hearing it. Sure the obscenely wealthy screw us all the time. When was that ever NOT THE CASE?Now I do recall being unhappy when a woman discovered she was being paid less for doing the same work as a guy. I complained to an owner once about that. I was well-compensated and got great bonuses and raises BUT there were a few slackers (male) who didn't and we... less
A lousy boss foments chaos and pits his employees against one another then sits back and watches the carnage. He wants them to FAIL so he will look good by comparison. That is what... moreA lousy boss foments chaos and pits his employees against one another then sits back and watches the carnage. He wants them to FAIL so he will look good by comparison. That is what CRAP does. Ever have a boss like that?
It's not easy to deal with folks whose emotions take them updown updown updown updown updown updown. It is dizzying and exhausting for those who try to deal with it. I do not know ... moreIt's not easy to deal with folks whose emotions take them updown updown updown updown updown updown. It is dizzying and exhausting for those who try to deal with it. I do not know if it is energizing or enervaating for the updown updown updown person.
How would you do living a life of serene calm quiet solitude? Not hermit-like necessarily but lots of space to be alone? Would you love it or deplore it? Do you hate being alone or adore it?
Attention and glory and separation from the pack. Standing out and having proof in terms of trophies or statues or scrolls or medals. We are very needy for that distinction. Why is that?
In May of 2018 then AG Jeff Sessions stated that children could be separated from their parents as a DETERRENCE. He was proud to announce his ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. He smiled... moreIn May of 2018 then AG Jeff Sessions stated that children could be separated from their parents as a DETERRENCE. He was proud to announce his ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. He smiled a BIGLY smile when he said ZERO TOLERANCE and DETERRENCE. Further John Kelly also said separation would be used as a deterrence. I don't think John Kelly ever smiled though. Do you?Fast forward to now. Certainly if you are reasonably human you KNOW how that deterrence has been applied in Texas in the HE** HOLE where children were given no soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baths, clean clothes or common decency. Their food was KOOLAID and frozen burritos.Do you approve of CRUEL AND INHUMAN treatment of babies, infants, toddlers, little kids as a deterrent to other parents to stay the he** away from the cruel and inhuman USA? You do? Of course you do. All y'all who adore the sb prez adore his policies. His coughing and sneezing and wheezing and hiccupping too probably. Nothing from him offends you apparently. Congrats. less
Here's why I asked. I find it happened to me.Jim is going through physical therapy to improve his balance. It was somewhat affected after the stroke he had April 27.His physical th... moreHere's why I asked. I find it happened to me.Jim is going through physical therapy to improve his balance. It was somewhat affected after the stroke he had April 27.His physical therapist is a lovely young woman named Hillary. She was his physical therapist for another issue when he had plantar fasciitis. She was rather new at that time and didn't have a business card yet. Well yesterday we went in for his appointment and her cards had arrived and were on the desk so I took one.YIKES! She is a "DOCTOR of Physical Therapy" specializing in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Sports Medicine and Hand Rehabilitation. WHOA! Now I liked her a lot and respected her a lot before I knew that. But I'm even more impressed now.Are you like that too? I guess degrees impress me. They shouldn't maybe but they do. To find out that someone you like a lot is so much more than you thought is awesome. Is it being shallow though? I don't know. less
If your mommy and daddy reject you when you are young (sending you away to a military school does not show undying love) aren't you more compelled to get their attention and their ... moreIf your mommy and daddy reject you when you are young (sending you away to a military school does not show undying love) aren't you more compelled to get their attention and their approbation? Make them be PROUD of you? That need doesn't stop when they die. So all those adults who keep going through loops to please an audience are still those little kids who never outgrew the need for love they were denied. "Look at me mo mommy! Watch what I can do daddy!". Sad.
He has to go out and beg about for people to show up. He will go anywhere at any time and perform the same old schtick. Same act. Same words. Same sameold. Nothing new ever futurel... moreHe has to go out and beg about for people to show up. He will go anywhere at any time and perform the same old schtick. Same act. Same words. Same sameold. Nothing new ever futurely. Now ordinarily crowds would stop showing up for more of the same gibberish claptrap. But ordinarily no longer exists. The traveling comedian gets cheers galore as the crowds roar when they hear sameold sameold sameold sameold sameold. He lives for that so he will go anywhere at any hour with no notice to perform in front of a "live" audience.The top comedians don't have to do that. When you are not tops you have to work harder work longer. less
I suppose other presidents DYED their hair and had hair stylists style their hair. I wonder if he considered hair implants? Is that what he wears? Implants on his head? Anyth... moreI suppose other presidents DYED their hair and had hair stylists style their hair. I wonder if he considered hair implants? Is that what he wears? Implants on his head? Anything to keep him looking the way he does. Frozen in time he will remain while alive. No aging. He has stopped that. What you see is all you will ever see. However in a closet locked up somewhere is his portrait which is aging and showing all the evil within him. Ever hear of "The Picture of Dorian Gray"? Know how that ends? It isn't pretty. less
His arrogant putdowns are ridiculous. He was always a smirking skulking onerous braggart. Not anything a woman would want to go to bed with. A creepy goon. A snake. A double yuck. ... moreHis arrogant putdowns are ridiculous. He was always a smirking skulking onerous braggart. Not anything a woman would want to go to bed with. A creepy goon. A snake. A double yuck. I cannot believe any woman LOVED him. If so it is a different kind of love than I think of.On a scale of 1-10 at his best he was a 4. Now? Maybe 1 on his best days with his hair freshly dyed and arranged by his hairstylist and his jacket buttoned down to hide his voluminous stomach walking away so all you see is his back. His front? Not so hot. less
Well it is called something else today but the disease/condition is the same. Folks who are that can be splendidly coherent and charming one minute and viciously attack you at the ... moreWell it is called something else today but the disease/condition is the same. Folks who are that can be splendidly coherent and charming one minute and viciously attack you at the next moment! No rhyme nor reason for it. Clearly they are not in control. I guess if they take meds that is helpful. Ever meet one of them? Kinda hard to take when they are in the depressive zone. Delightful when they are manic if somewhat giddy and over the top. No cure. Just mitigation.Why do names of conditions get makeovers? What was wrong with MANIC DEPRESSIVE? Anyone know? less