If you trust me and listen to this, it is very good. You want to move. It is clever and catchy with cool words like rake it up. No one knows what that means but e... moreIf you trust me and listen to this, it is very good. You want to move. It is clever and catchy with cool words like rake it up. No one knows what that means but everyone really does.So, listen to the point where the song is announced RAKE IT UP and watch for a few minutes. It is very fun. And they are amazing. And the music sticks in your head in a good way.Sharon the 70 year old selling hip hop to the bored. Why do I exist?
Hip Hop is DANCE music. What took me sooooooo long????? I haven't danced in a LONG ass time. I used to dance every day of my life. I love to dance.
I'm baaaack from the dead. Anyone who does not sing and dance all the time is half dead. less
I have met a relative of Chong from Cheech and Chong. I met him at a garage sale - he was selling a box full of vinyl records all of then were Cheech and Chong's wedding album... moreI have met a relative of Chong from Cheech and Chong. I met him at a garage sale - he was selling a box full of vinyl records all of then were Cheech and Chong's wedding album. I asked him why he had so many of the same album and why would he sell such treasures and he told me he was related to Chong and they no longer got along which kind of blew my mind because I couldn't imagine anyone not getting along with Chong. Anyway I bought one of the records and made a clock out of it - their wedding album had a photo of Cheech and Chong sitting in a restaurant dressed as their characters (Those 2 Guys) - I installed the works of a battery powered clock on the back of the record and for the clock hands I made a couple of prop doobies. Cheers! less
1. Assassination of JFK.2. Assassination of Abe Lincoln.3. The combined assassinations of RFK and MLK.4. Destruction of the Twin Towers.5. Oklahoma Ci... more1. Assassination of JFK.2. Assassination of Abe Lincoln.3. The combined assassinations of RFK and MLK.4. Destruction of the Twin Towers.5. Oklahoma City bombing.6. Explosions of Challenger space shuttle.7. Election of Donald Trump.8. Other__________________
A. The blue ones
B. The green onesC. The brown onesD. The hazel onesE. There's a rare color in there so I'll just wrap it up in a napkin and put it in my purse.
Relatively recently I discovered that lead singer of The Animals, Eric Burdon, also sang the lead vocalist part in War's "Spill the Wine."Both songs are great to me! I've always li... moreRelatively recently I discovered that lead singer of The Animals, Eric Burdon, also sang the lead vocalist part in War's "Spill the Wine."Both songs are great to me! I've always liked both songs but never knew he sang both of them. :)
A compound uncovered by the FBI in Macon County, Alabama. Designed to arm and train young recruits to become terrorists, the training ground was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who had been a... moreA compound uncovered by the FBI in Macon County, Alabama. Designed to arm and train young recruits to become terrorists, the training ground was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who had been arrested previously in New Mexico for spearheading a similar compound found there in March 2019.
*If you google it, nothing comes up, so as everyone knows, if it doesn’t exist online, it doesn’t exist at all.****Yet another fake entity dreamed up by the same mental patient?
feasible. Q: Do you hold presidents responsible for what happens with the national debt?*Mind you, I don’t believe the dollar figure of the national debt is directly tied to ... morefeasible. Q: Do you hold presidents responsible for what happens with the national debt?*Mind you, I don’t believe the dollar figure of the national debt is directly tied to nor directly attributed to the person sitting behind the big desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Both proponents and opponents of sitting presidents use the national debt as just another finger-pointing event to respectively lionize or demonize as they see fit. Realistically, have you ever heard of a president being patted on the back because great strides have been taken to effectively manage the national debt during his administration? In my opinion, no president can truly stop or even slow down the national debt from rising, because the costs of running a country as large and as advanced and as affluent as the US are too vast for any type of hold-back-the-tide actions by a single entity.~ less
AND a definition for the new word you’ve invented. Your new word need not make sense; it can be completely silly if you like. restroomblastoffinheritedparcelsnominalExam... moreAND a definition for the new word you’ve invented. Your new word need not make sense; it can be completely silly if you like. restroomblastoffinheritedparcelsnominalExample: chestroom (noun) the storage facility in a cosmetic surgeon’s office where the implants are kept. ~