He would have no competition among Republicans. They would always defer to him and support him.So imagine that if you can. Into his 90's should he live that long he will just run f... moreHe would have no competition among Republicans. They would always defer to him and support him.So imagine that if you can. Into his 90's should he live that long he will just run for prez. Along the way he will collect big bucks from his adoring worshippers possibly making him a TRILLIONAIRE before he passes on and tries to con GOD. Whatcha think?
In 2016 duck LOST THE POPULAR VOTE to Hillary by almost THREE MILLIONIn 2020 duck LOST THE POPULAR VOTE to Joe by SEVEN MILLIONLoss was more than DOUBLED!So extrapolating futurely ... moreIn 2016 duck LOST THE POPULAR VOTE to Hillary by almost THREE MILLIONIn 2020 duck LOST THE POPULAR VOTE to Joe by SEVEN MILLIONLoss was more than DOUBLED!So extrapolating futurely foreward in 2024 the duck loss would be anywhere from 14 to 15 MILLIONNow wouldn't it be worth it to watch him explode again? Rant again? Rage again? Rave again? He has already locked in over $207 MILLION after he lost from his adoring acolytes. A fund to help him fight the alleged "fraud" he insists occurred. A cash cow. He will milk that every day to squeeze every drop of money out of gullibles. Losing again in 2024 will surely maximize more adoring worshippers to give till it hurts! less
Have you ever once heard duck laugh at himself? Have you ever heard any of this adoring worshippers laugh at him or themselves? If so could you share that wondrous instant when suc... moreHave you ever once heard duck laugh at himself? Have you ever heard any of this adoring worshippers laugh at him or themselves? If so could you share that wondrous instant when such self-depracation manifested itself?Humorless grey automatons. Going through life with such narrow ambitions and zero vision. This what we herd herd mentality immunity. Not from a desease but from being coherent cogent thinking homo saps. They are insulated from that. How droll. How duck!
Frank Sinatra's "I Love Those Jingle Bells" - everything I like about the song has nothing to do with Sinatra, ha.
Those background singers rock!And the instrumental ba... moreFrank Sinatra's "I Love Those Jingle Bells" - everything I like about the song has nothing to do with Sinatra, ha.
Those background singers rock!And the instrumental background is great!Sinatra is just along for the ride, ha.
Remember the "water main break" in GA that delayed results? They used this as a excuse to sent all poll workers home. All poll observers. The video shows that after... moreRemember the "water main break" in GA that delayed results? They used this as a excuse to sent all poll workers home. All poll observers. The video shows that after everyone else left. 4 workers remained and begin pulling out boxes of ballots from under a table in the counting center. And counting them. This is no question of fraud. This is illegal. The video is from the security company for the building. The video was admitted in court evidence yesterday.Georgia Sec of State has admitted..."ballots were counted illegally and in secret." less
The fire danger in California is ever present. High winds fan the flames. Power companies get badly damaged. People get their power shut off...sometimes for days.Any other state ha... moreThe fire danger in California is ever present. High winds fan the flames. Power companies get badly damaged. People get their power shut off...sometimes for days.Any other state have that to contend with or do you have other things that make life difficult?
The HATE MACHINE consists of all Republicans in office AS WELL AS ALL SUPPORTERS OF THE LOSER.That numbers in the bazillions. FORMIDABLE!SIGH. Hard row to hoe.
Most especially they don't love their families..their kids..their parents..their siblings.Self centered selfish self involved. They are the center of their universe and feel no con... moreMost especially they don't love their families..their kids..their parents..their siblings.Self centered selfish self involved. They are the center of their universe and feel no connection or obligation or responsibility to anyone but themselves.Dying holding the hand of a stranger. That's what they want and that's what they will get. SIGH. Some homo saps are wired weird.
Yes. That is exactly true. You will not be allowed near your loved one. No one you love will allowed near you. You will be isolated and only that nurse will be there as you slip aw... moreYes. That is exactly true. You will not be allowed near your loved one. No one you love will allowed near you. You will be isolated and only that nurse will be there as you slip away.That is what you who are ignoring this and mocking it and ridiculing dooming yourselves and your loved ones tol.Aren't you proud of yourselves for hanging tough and mimicking the duck? On your deathbed you will never admit it was COVID that got you. Nor will you admit your loved who died of COVID died of COVID. You will erase that truth from you brain because it would cause you too much pain and so in death as in life you will go out delusional. So much for love. less
I didn't either because it didn't happen. Duck is too involved with his fake fraud fanaticism. Does he believe it or is it just another con scam?Who cares? He is yesterday's news. ... moreI didn't either because it didn't happen. Duck is too involved with his fake fraud fanaticism. Does he believe it or is it just another con scam?Who cares? He is yesterday's news. What do you use old newspapers for but to wrap up sh** and throw it in the trash can. Well?
He's certainly losing the election over and over again - recounts he has demanded have actually found him to be defeated even MORE bigly, and he's currently zero from umpteen on th... moreHe's certainly losing the election over and over again - recounts he has demanded have actually found him to be defeated even MORE bigly, and he's currently zero from umpteen on the lawsuits as well.
Brief is best!"I QUIT"That's it. What else need be said?I QUIT is the perfect protection against hearing "YOU'RE FIRED". Pre-emtive. Perfect.What would you say if you were bill?
What we need to do is laugh more. How do we effect that? By electing pols with a jolly good sense of humor?Pols who can laugh at themselves?Mostly they are all humorless boring dou... moreWhat we need to do is laugh more. How do we effect that? By electing pols with a jolly good sense of humor?Pols who can laugh at themselves?Mostly they are all humorless boring dour sourpusses. No personality. No charm. No je ne sais quoi. Just stolid serious devious deceitful lying SOB's. How's that workin' for us?
*Or the automobile you’re driving right now.
1. Why are you talking like Yoda?2. Very close to E (Empty), and is today Talk Like Yoda Day?3. Between E and one quarter fu... more*Or the automobile you’re driving right now.
1. Why are you talking like Yoda?2. Very close to E (Empty), and is today Talk Like Yoda Day?3. Between E and one quarter full, but that’s not important right now: am I supposed to give my answer talking like Yoda?4. Between one quarter and half full, am I the only one who noticed that you’re talking like Yoda?5. Between half and three quarters full. I bet you want me to make reference to you talking like Yoda, don’t you?6. Between three quarters and completely full, I thought only nerds talk like Yoda, right am I?7. I didn’t notice, I was too busy trying to get away from weirdos who talk like Yoda, didn’t you see me pealing away from you?8. I haven’t driven an automobile, who do you think you are, Yoda or someone?9. Two or more of the above answers, but may I please exclude you talking like Yoda?10. None of the above, or a completely different answer altogether, and by the way, aren’t you just a fake Yoda wann... less
Randy D is thinking: (((Gee, not only does she laugh at my jokes, she also has perfect sandwich-making hands! Getting her down into my basement will be a cinch!)))&n... more
Randy D is thinking: (((Gee, not only does she laugh at my jokes, she also has perfect sandwich-making hands! Getting her down into my basement will be a cinch!))) She is thinking: (((His jokes aren’t funny at all, but I’ll humor him at least until lunch is over. I’m glad I received that alert about him and the sandwich factory he keeps in his basement dungeon. I’ll give him the slip at dessert by using poor grammar. Grrrrrrrr.)))~
I love crafts and am very creative. Unfortunately, I have almost zero talent at any crafts. But I love them nonetheless. I made a spider web Christmas ornament today. It didn't tur... moreI love crafts and am very creative. Unfortunately, I have almost zero talent at any crafts. But I love them nonetheless. I made a spider web Christmas ornament today. It didn't turn out too badly so I am quite pleased. Perhaps I could aim for the other meaning of the word crafty?
He expected billy to imprison Hillary and Joe. He did. That's what all that caterwauling hysteria was about. LOCK HER UP! That was about Hillary. Could billy have faked "evidence" ... moreHe expected billy to imprison Hillary and Joe. He did. That's what all that caterwauling hysteria was about. LOCK HER UP! That was about Hillary. Could billy have faked "evidence" and tossed her a** in jail along with the rest of her? Could billy have faked "evidence" on Joe and tossed his a** in jail? Apparently the dumb duck thinks so and that is what rankles him. He thinks roy cohn couldda done it for him.So he is giving barr a chance for redemption. IMPRISON SOMEONE FOR GAWD'S sake on any fake "evidence" you can create! DO IT NOW.Barr does that and he keeps his job. Otherwise? less
The LOSER must be perceived by his base as a WINNER. The LOSER will die on the spot if any of his base ever once considers the possibility that when you LOSE you are a LOSER.The du... moreThe LOSER must be perceived by his base as a WINNER. The LOSER will die on the spot if any of his base ever once considers the possibility that when you LOSE you are a LOSER.The duck never loses at anything at any time in any way. Bet the farm on it.So everyday the duck is forced to say MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE FRAUDHe will. He must. He shall.
Every day duck keeps reprogramming the base lest they get otherwise involved.MASSIVE FRAUDMASSIVE FRAUDMASSIVE FRAUDThey will go to the their final destination believing that PROVI... moreEvery day duck keeps reprogramming the base lest they get otherwise involved.MASSIVE FRAUDMASSIVE FRAUDMASSIVE FRAUDThey will go to the their final destination believing that PROVIDING THAT THE DUCK KEEP REPROGRAMMING THE SPACE IN THEIR HEADS WHERE OTHERS HAVE MINDS OF THEIR OWN.MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE FRAUD MASSIVE MASSIVE FRAUD FRAUDWho needs truth when you have a duck?
The ducj DEMANDS PERFECTION. There is no room for imperfection. None. There is he** to pay when anyone dares to disobey.Bill Barr KNEW that but he did it anyway. To obliterate all ... moreThe ducj DEMANDS PERFECTION. There is no room for imperfection. None. There is he** to pay when anyone dares to disobey.Bill Barr KNEW that but he did it anyway. To obliterate all the wrong he has done for the duck? Did it?
Why can't the whinya** CATERWAULERS be shut up silenced? Polluting the air with their whinya** wailing. Sound pollution is unhealthy and we have to listen to it nonstop from dozens... moreWhy can't the whinya** CATERWAULERS be shut up silenced? Polluting the air with their whinya** wailing. Sound pollution is unhealthy and we have to listen to it nonstop from dozens of places day and night..night and day.WHY?
Truth facts evidence reality?What kind of strainer is made that can do that? The only things that will flow through them are fairy tales meant to influence people adversely.Do you ... moreTruth facts evidence reality?What kind of strainer is made that can do that? The only things that will flow through them are fairy tales meant to influence people adversely.Do you use strainers/filters in your life? To strain/filter out what? Why?